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Crystallized Fading Shine (Sign ups!)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Crystallized Fading Shine (Sign ups!)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 21/06/2024 21:38 (3 Months ago)
Another little idea that popped in my head so we'll see how this one goes.

let us venture into an unknown land that hasn't been told ever before...!

in an unknown but mystical and sacred land known as Zarian that has been yet to be recorded or discovered by anyone, as in this land lived a society of humans that learn to coincide and live alongside all kinds of animals and even mystical one that rome the lands, fly high into the sky, all the way to the ones that swam in the water, working alongside them and helping to build there own society to survive with one another. These humans helping them by always providing freshly grown grass and plants, as well vegetables and fruit for the herbivore. then for the carnivores they would skin the prey they would catch depending if they could or not when it comes to the animal itself, cutting up the prey into pieces of meat that they would cook and give back to the carnivorous animal. With the third being the birds that they would provide fresh seeds for, as well berries that were left over by the herbivore if they didn't eat all they were given, as for last and not least was the marine life, as they would provide them fresh bait they would make for them and throw it into the water.

Carnivores and herbivore even allowing themselves to be hunted, with the binding rule to make sure they had a stable population still, if you did overhunt then consequences for sure to follow you and hunt you down themselves. With every animal that did die from a hunt becoming a spirit that walked among the mortal lands, as humans were even able to summon these spirits to there aid and even be able to talk to their respective animal. these humans unable to do so, before being granted something very special by these animals.

we must repay them, let us give them the ability to be part of us, even the ability to become one of us!

after living with each other for so long as the animals soon took these humans to an a hidden but undiscovered cave, being filled with a uncountable number of dazzling crystals as at first the humans were memorized, but they were still confused why was the real reason they brought them over here. These questions soon being answered as an animal brought over one of these gems to a human, this human picking up the crystal as in the blink of an eye they were developed in a bright light, fusing to become one as once the light fade and they had to lower half of an animal that the crystal felt fit them best, having other futures too depending on the animal with some crystallized element body part of the animal to represent the crystal itself. But more was to come as the animal soon spoke to them, telling them to close their eyes and envision themselves as the following animal, following these instructions as a bright light soon cover them again with them reopening their eyes to see that they have taken an animal form now, shortly turning back as the animal told them to close there eyes and wish back to a humanoid form.

but not everyone plays by the rules...yet you must live alongside them just like you live with us!

Even when granted this new found ability, as that didn't stop some people from over poaching or simply hurting and killing an animal for no reason. When this would happen these individuals wouldn't lose their power but the shining crystal parts would become a souless pitch black and void of any color, suddenly having a dark light consume them as they were sent to a land where the animals no longer reside, as the spirit animals they would summon would be black shadowy corrupted forms was glowing eyes of them as well as the animal they can turn into. Being able to leave this land to go to the nearby land where the animals resided, but unable to hurt or kill any of the animals as if they did so try, then they would feel the antagonizing pain that the animal felt when they were killed and hunted down, causing them to revert back or the corrupted animals to disappear before they could even land the attack. But the same wasn't said for the normal Crystal folks as these corrupted animals were able to attack spirit animals that may be summoned by them, even be able to hit each other's animals forms but as soon as one is about to reach near death. The corrupted individual is develop again by black light to be sent back to their lands so neither could ever fully kill each other, even if they were about to get stabbed by a sword by a normal Crystal folk that would guaranteeally kill them, then they would simply disappear and go back to their land before it could even land the hit, as just like how the animals lived alongside the half animal humans, then they had to live with their own kind also even if they lost their color and the crystal becoming corrupted as a result.

but oh that's the least of your worries..very much the least of your worries, but can the two of you work together when disaster strikes, just like how you do with us?

A few years would go by with peace but that all change one day, oh how it change...as one day the strange and unnatural creatures begin to show up, no one knowing why, where, or what these things were as they took shape of animals, but yet there body was cased in a gooey like slime that would simply regenerate any sort of limb if you cut one off, but yet still had to outline of the body of the animal inside them with animals that were originally small becoming a lot bigger but also deadlier. With these monstrous creatures having a large blade tail that was covered and outlined in slime, as these creatures with go around slicing the head off the living animals, falling to the ground as the blood is now turn into goo as they gain a new floating levitating head made by it, their tail transforming into the same blade as part of the body has been turned into slime compared to it fully covering there body. But they only ones in danger as they began doing the same to the half animal crystal folks, with them getting their own levitating head and body parts outline underneath the goo, with the once spirit animals that they would summon becomeing to monstrous creatures themselves or turn into them, as the only way to kill the was to chop off their heads themselves as this goo was pretty easy to break through. Discovering that the way to turn the affected ones back normal was cutting off the heads also by their floating neck, but this was still no easy task as one to two sides that were at odds with each other and broke the binding rule that isn't meant to be broken, now have to come together to figure out what is exactly here and how to stop it, for the sake of their own survivability and not to be wiped out by these destructive creatures.

A general summary of the Crystal folks.

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•Lower animal half•
Now by lower half I don't mean "centaurs" here, these guys still walk on two legs but the lower half of their body is that of their corresponding animal, and the other corresponding parts is if that animal has a tail, ears, wings, scales, so forth.
•Crystallized part•
As by their namesake, they have some aspect of the animal that has been turned into a crystallized skin of crystal, for example, if your character is half raccoon then the rings on your tail can be the crystal part to show that their body combined with the crystal. If your characters a goat then the horns are crystal as well as the hoofs...I think you get the picture and it can be simple as they have Crystal patches on their body.
•Spirit animals•
These Crystal folks have the ability to summon spirits from fallen animals veterans that walk around the land, if you happen to be combined with a smaller animal then it would become medium-sized when you summoned the spirit, about the size of a bear to give a visual reference. And if your animal doesn't really have any dangerous qualities to it, then you can add something like sharp claws, pointed teeth, something sharp at the end of their tail like how a spear or dagger would.
•animal transformers and communication•
You can choose to transform into the proper size of an animal or human size version, with the human size version being automatic for insanely large animals like rhino, elephant, hippos, as if they were their normal size they would be able to take anyone out in a matter of seconds. You are also able to understand animals as they're able to understand what you're saying back, but this is only for the part of animal you are as if you did it to any other animal, then you would simply get growls and such then speech.
•Marine half folks•
You would still retain the legs but your lower half would be covered in scales or anything along those lines, as well as having fins in between their feet and a tail of that fish which would be longer than a normal one as this is meant to be a proper tail. You can add little add-ons like the back fin of a shark or the fin your corresponding fish on your arms, as you would have gills by default but thanks to them being half human they're still able to breath oxygen so they can be on land, and of course having that extra benefit of being able to properly swim and properly breathe in water.

First password letter: S

what does it take for one to lose their color and become a corrupted one?

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•harming or killing an animal in a excessive amount, or continuing to hunt the same animal over and over again without changing to different ones for a long period of time•
If an animal is able to tell you harm them on accident, then you shall not be stripped of your color, but if you kill an animal that's at low numbers and you're aware it's a low numbers, catching on rather quickly that you would put their species at the break of extinction, stripping you of your color and sending you to the uninhabited land and no longer be able to hunt any animals. But if it's in a case that you weren't aware they're at low numbers, then the spirit they would turn into would give you the warning before leaving, as if you disobeyed this thing and kill another one then you would be stripped without hesitation. Another reason is if you repeatedly kill the same animal for a significant long time, without changing to any other animals in between, then they would be able to tell that you are starting to become a danger for their species, stripping away your color so you no longer can't.
•vandalizing and destroying their homes, and taking too much of their natural food resources that aren't supplied by the half animal humans•
Understandably not going to be able to get food from the half animal folks so they equally depend on mother nature resources, so if you went out to pick berries or take eggs that are clearly fertilized and unfertilized, then you would be stripped in an instant due do you have in capabilities to perfectly grow that yourself, minus the eggs of course but they certainly wouldn't be okay with you taking fertilized ones. And if you destroy a animal's home in any way that they chose to make their home at, then you will be stripped due to you vandalizing and destroying their home they have made themselves.
•ripping off horns and such with the intent to sell them to make money, or skinning an animals fur to make yourself some cash also•
You may be able to take their fur but if you don't have the intent to use it on yourself, then you shall be stripped due to you taking there just that's for it to be given to someone else. If you do strip an animal of their horn with the intent to use it to make some form of weapon, then you wouldn't be stripped but if you plan to sell that horn to others for the simple fact of money, then you will be stripped without a second chance, besides in this world money doesn't exist due to them having access to everything they would need to survive.
•over cutting trees or cutting one with a bird's nest•
They do allow you to take there trees but if you cut too many to the point of unnecessary, then you will be stripped do to you not considering they need the trees also as much as your own kind. And if that tree has a nest even if you're aware or not or clear hole that is currently being inhabited, then you will be stripped for taking down their home and breaking the eggs when they fall out of the tree.
•taking the life of a young one or taking a life of a animal that's currently parenting•
If you kill a young one without giving them a chance to grow their own life, then you would be understandably stripped for taking a life that has only begun. You would also be strip if you killed a parenting animal at the current time even accidental or not, as the way for them to tell is that both parents would take turns to go to an animal folk, with one staying behind to raise and protect the baby as the animal folk would clip a small bracelet around their ankles. This bracelet only being taken off when the baby has grown old enough that it doesn't need the parents anymore, with the parent animals coming back to the half folks to have the bracelets taken off.

Second password letter: H

the rarity of a potential chosen species that they have become combined with.

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These ones are fairly easy seen and have a overbunding number, as you encounter quite a few if you walk down any steet of the town.
Two horned animals like deers, water buffalo, bisons and such, felines, canines
Common enough where they're seen but you wouldn't encounter as nearly as much, as you might find one here and there amongst commen.
Rodents and marsupials, as well as one horn creatures like rhinos, or creatures that have no horns but have hoof like giraffes, (yes they have horns but I'm talking about pointy ones.) horses, or camels.
You would have to go through a good search to find these ones, going for a couple days and weeks before even the slight possibility seeing one.
Reptiles, avians, and marine life ones.
At first these were believed to be simply a rumor as these happen by incredibly rare and very little occasions, but that's before someone was able to snap a real life photo of one, confirming that they do indeed exist. The half folks would serve these mystifying animals that's as much as normal one, but they never thought they would have the chance to have such power themselves, with the animals they would summon being once dying for natural cause as they wouldn't even dare try to hunt these ones.
Unicorns, dragons, sea serpent, any mythical fantasy or mythology creature you can think of.

Third password letter: I

A summary on the infected folks and the creature themselves.

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•the terrorizing and monstrous unknown creatures•
No one is sure how they came or where they came but they sure know they are not friendly, as these creatures would take a form of an animal but have a clear goo casing over them, with the body of the animal clearly being outlined inside the goo. These creatures are fast and nimble as well stealthy, as each one would have a notably large blade at the end of their tails, slicing all of other animals heads with ease as the corpse of this animal would become one of them. Being able to regenerate body parts that may have been cut off in an instant, as the only way kill them was to cut off their heads which doesn't sound that hard seeing how easy it is to cut through the goo, but thanks to this it's incredibly hard to hit or hear them in the first place due to how easy it is. Soon hunting down the half folks to make them one of them also, as the only things on these creatures mine was to kill until none were left that weren't like them.
•The infected ones•
It wasn't that hard to tell when a folk was infected due to them having a floating head made of goo just like how the animals that got their heads cut off were, as the animals they would summon would become infected versions and being able to turn into one themselves, with the only way to turn them back was the cut off their head in any way, causing the goo to make a properly attached head that they once had before dripping off onto the ground.

Fourth password letter: N

The following rules if you join.

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•No god modding being insanely overpowered and cheap•
This is pretty self-explanatory as no "I dodge every creature attack and I instantly cut off it head because I'm just that good!" kind of thing, you had the chance to become infected like everyone else, as your three ways to encounter them, you can have yourself encounter one or I set up you to encounter one or come at you to attack, this will be pretty common seeing how I'll be controlling a lot of them.
•we are here to role-play, not to start issues•
I can't really stop people from having issues with each other, but if you do take it to them personally, or both of you come to me so I can try to sort it out, don't make it public and make it a big show while dragging others down into it.
•hate the character but not the person•
Again, I can't really stop you from disliking other people more than others, but please try your best to hate the character and not the actual person, we are here to have fun and I want to make sure everyone feels comfortable then uncomfortable.
You can be about any age but nothing like a newborn baby and try your best to not make them insanely old, we all become old eventually but I don't want a large amount of characters being around their 70s, 80s, or 90s. If you want to do something like husband or wife, husband and husband, wife to wife as well as the same being said for girlfriends and boyfriends or boyfriend and boyfriend or girlfriend and girlfriend then that's perfectly fine, you can even make the two have their own child if you really wanted to...but don't you dare think you're going to be describing the birds and the bees and they would have it by default at the beginning. they would at least have to be a full half of whatever animal the parents happen to be, or you can mix the two and have them be half and half to be a hybrid, same goes for brothers and sisters as I have no issues with those also.
•will there be insects?•
No sadly not, I don't have anything against them but I realistically can't figure out how a human was a lower half of a bug would work. This goes for snails and slugs also, we sadly can't have any of those guys because they don't even have legs in the first place...oh yeah and worms. The only exception of an animal that has no legs but can be is snakes, as you can realistically still have them have their legs but have your lover half be covered in scales a snake tail also.
•how many animal spirits can I summon to aid me in battle?•
You can have 10 at max out at once but you have to summon them individually and not in one post, this is so you can't easily take out the other side by you having five and they haveing three for example to keep it fair for both sides. When it comes to your animal transformers then you're able to transform as much as you like, but the same applies here that you have to initiate first so the other person can have the chance to transform also.
•can I kill another character?•
No you may absolutely not, there is a lore reason why as just like how they live alongside animals, then they have to live along beside each other as a binding rule even if they broke the first binding rule themselves. You can hurt and injure then but if either one of you are at the point of death, then if you're corrupted you return back to your land being fully healed when you do, if you're not a corrupted then you have the same bright light develop you and be teleported right next to a treatment center to treat your wounds and injuries.
•can I play as an infected one by default?•
Yes you can, but you have to give a detailed reason of how they became infected in the first place, as well as their normal appearance compared to their infected appearance.
•what about dating and shipping?•
Dating is allowed but not the main focus point, and when it comes to shipping please ask the other person if they're okay so you doing so, don't make others feel uncomfortable here because you ship two characters when they didn't want them to be shipped.
•how many characters can I have and what of each rarity?•
You can have up to seven characters seeing how that's how many I can control with my abilities right now, with commons and uncommons you can have as much as you want, with rare you can have up to three seeing how that's how many possibilities are for rares, and for mysticals you can have two seeing how it's one less than rares.
•no homo or freaking out over a accidental misuse of pronoun•
I mean this is pretty self-explanatory but no being homophobic or transphobic as there's no call or need for that and is just unnecessary, and if someone accidentally misuse your characters pronouns compared to being intentional, then please don't freak out because there's no need for that also, there's many times I'll do this by accident myself while not meaning to.

To make sure you have read everything then there is going to be a password, with me putting the starter letter on the very top before going down as the letter here is going to be: E

The forms!

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the normal Crystal folks.

Character name:
Gender identity:
Prefer pronouns:
Animal there combined with:
Crystal color: (these can be single, multiple, or gradiated colors.)
Appearance: (detailed description or your own artwork.)

the corrupted Crystal folks.

Character name:
Gender identity:
Prefer ponouns:
Animal they're combined with:
Original crystal color: (these can be single, multiple, or gradiated colors.)
Appearance: (detailed description or your own artwork.)
What they have done to become colorless:

the infected folks.

Characters name:
Gender identity:
Prefer pronouns:
Animal there combined with:
Crystal color: (these can be single, multiple, or gradiated colors. For infected, this also becomes the color of there goo.)
Original appearance:
Infected appearance: (they all have floating heads and goo limb patch parts and that cannot be changed.)
Personalites before infection:
How they got infected: (always has to have the head cut off in some way by a unknown creature, this is how they turn into one of them after all.)

My form!

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My normal guys

Character name:
•Lyra - Faye - Harmony•
Gender identity:
Prefer pronouns:
Age: 25
Animal there combined with:
Corn snake/Red rat snake
Crystal color:
Royal gold and Peach Pink
Rarity: Rare
A slender and charmful but flat chested girl that was slightly taller than most females, with Lyra height being 5’6 then your average 5'4 for other females, their eyes being a chestnut brown color that completely filled their eye, as pupils being pierced like a snake as they had neat darker brown hair that would sit on their shoulders. Lyra lower half was completely covered in scales of that of a corn snake with a long skinnier tail that stopped around where their ankles would be, as well having the front of her hands up to her shoulders being covered in scales, looping around the back of her neck as well as the side portion and stopping where to hair would be, following up with four-toed reptile feet with claws for nails, with her own nails naturally growing to be on the sharper and pointier end. They're Crystal part being the stripy and diamond patterns that were a mix of peach pink for the stripes and Royal gold for the diamonds, as Lyra would wear a custom golden flower shape hair pen, with it having a small deep pink gem in the middle. Lyra herself very much enjoyed lighter and more easier clothing, minus when it's cold outside and having to keep themselves warm, with her wearing a white polka dotted tank top that was a light natural green, wearing a light pastel pink skirt for the bottom as she would wear custom-made open sandals that was made for her kind of species feet.
A chipper and kind soul that tried the best to be the nicest they could be...well that change when there parents went missing, as she still may as be just as gentle and sociable to all but now she is stern and incredibly serious also. Lyra doesn't have much trouble to make friends due to her outgoing and spunky attitude and taking charge when need to be, very much being loyal to all even if they weren't loyal to her back, unheasonly running and charging into danger when others are endangered of being attacked. Being a very clever and smart individual due to her being built into crafting at a young age, causing her to be very creative and find solutions on maybe how to fix things, just like how her parents will find solutions to come back to her...they will come back, I'll make sure they'll come back, I WILL bring them back!
Lyra comes from a single family of a mother and a father that were the first few individuals that were chosen to be half snake, with there father being a coral snake and there mom a milk snake as they had Lyra much before they were granted their corresponding animal part. Lyra being a normal human as there parents would enjoy making necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and jewelry of all kind to give away, with them simply taking gem, gold, silver as payment so they could have materials to make more, crafting a special hair pin for her when she reached the age to walk. Lyra being granted their abilities when their parents took her to the cave to pick out their Crystal, becoming a snake also and she was chosen to be a corn snake as she take upon herself to run the business with her parents. But that soon became quite literal when her parents left her in charge to go find some new gems to use, never came back as was told her parents would never abandon them, they couldn't have, no, they didn't and something must be terribly...wrong.

Character name:
Zora • Xandra • Yara
Gender identity:
Transmasculine Female
Prefer pronouns:
Animal there combined with:
Bearded Vulture/Lammergeier/Odsifrage
Crystal color:
Sandy Orange and Chocolate Brown
Having the lower half of an Bearded Vulture as their bird feather tail each had a set of normal feathers, with each other following underneath the normal feathers being a crystallize chocolate brown followed up with a sandy orange following after the next set of crystallized feathers. Zora has a well fit and built shape due to him always keeping himself always active, with large wings of a Bearded Vulture with the second set of feathers being the crystallized chocolate brown, with the last following set of feathers being the sandy orange. They're hair being a messy reddish color as Zora whore a pure white shirt with a black sleeveless jacket like there that had front pockets that could be button close with a few noticeable tears in it, having shorts that were also torn up in style as Zora refuses to wear shoes that were made for her species, simply liking the natural feeling of her talon feet.
Zora is a feisty but equally as hellbent individual in his ways and it takes a lot of convincing for them to change her mind on something, always making sure her voice is heard and will not take it any other way and she has a natural drive instinct to be loyal as well protective. Zora is very headstrong and rushes into battle like Lyra who was a nearly as willing to before, but that's before she had to take a aggressive stance when disaster strucks, very easy on getting attached to other individuals and is surprisingly affectionate and make sure to put an effort to show that they're important to them. Zora is someone who knows how to fight thanks to him, going into training to do so, recently running into Lyra when the grave danger had struck as she made a promise that they would find their parents together, as a lot of the art to do battle was from Zora training her how to defend herself. Besides I'll help you find your parents, I'll find all the missing parents...these kids can't take care and defend for themselves!
In the land of Zarian, the rare ones that were granted the ability of flight were the ones that would often go out to hunt, but also the ones that were tasked to defend themselves from corrupted souls that may try to step into there town. Zaron was always fascinated by the thought of flying high into the sky, but more importantly having that drive to protect and help others, but sadly at the end of the day if you didn't come from a family line where pick to be birds, then you had very little hope even with a strong sense to protect to be picked as one. So Zaron when he was still a young human demanded that his half animal parents enrolled him for training for young bird folks, understandably failing every challenge when it came to flight but when it came to the battle training, then Zaron went to the top of the group with him putting all the effort into defeating the half bird folks was something as simple as a weapon, granted they weren't allowed to actually hurt each other so these weapon were fake but thanks to his effort he excels at using them. So when it was time for Zaron to be given his Crystal as he looked back at his parents with uncertainty, praying with all of his might he would be granted with the ability of fight which was soon answered, not only because of his drive to protect others that was more intent and genuine compared to most, but more importantly all the effort he put in as a way to reward him for all that he worked for. When disaster struck Zaron parents were taken into shelter but him himself would refuse no matter how much his parents would beg...Besides there was one that still needed his help out there, and I must help them, it's the code of our people that shall never be broken!

Character name:
Keisha • Darwin • Bradley
Gender identity:
Prefer pronouns:
Age: 35
Animal there combined with: Chinese dragon/Asian dragon
Crystal color: Emerald and Sapphire
Rarity: Mystical
Tall as well bulky and having the lower half of a Asian Dragon with golden scales covering up to the back of the neck and the side of the stomach, then ending off with their shoulder and their entire arms being covered in golden scales, with the bottom scaling for they're long tail being a crystallized emerald and then followed up with a crystallized blue for each consecutive stripe, as well as having sharp claws that were crystallized for both their hands and feet that were a sapphire base color and a emerald fade covering the front part of the claws. Keisha spiky long flowing mane was a nice silvery color with medium long antler coming out the front of their head that was similar to the cause then coloration, as well as having noticeable ears with golden skills on the back and silver color for the inside of the ears, with two silver loop earrings being seen on his ears. Keisha having a special made a long sleeve shirt with a split in the middle for his back flow to freely flow out, their shirt was a nice saturated blue with dark blue spiral patterns on it as jean pants was a dark purple with a dark blue button to keep it together, as they were another one that didn't wear shoes do to them not liking the feeling of them.
A calm and collective soul that was incredibly dedicated to the task as Keisha could easily become equally as terrifying when need be, never seeming to loosen up when it comes to their sternness and demands for others and really not caring what other people thought about them in the first place. But at the same time they were a team player at heart and would always volunteer to do the most dangerous task and no one wanted, to them someone had to do it and they didn't mind throwing themself out there if need be, weirdly seeming to enjoy the task that one wanted in the first place. Keisha doesn't stay in the shelter much as there focus was to find survivors and two even find infected to turn them back to normal, then running back to the shelter with them before going back out until they was physically incapable of doing anymore, or if they wasn't doing that then Keisha was out gathering what did shelter needed that they were running low of, being the headmaster of the shelter you could say even if they weren't made the headmaster yet but was going to soon..but that wasn't that main goal...their goal was to find a certain infected...that one infected.
Keisha incredible love for water was hard to find compared to most as they would swim hours on end in it, being called the "weird" one by everyone else when they would sit out in the rain peacefully closing their eyes as they let it dripped on them, not liking sunshine that much as they didn't hate it but liked it a lot more when it was raining. So when Keisha had gotten their Crystal they simply thought he would be one of those rare marine life individuals and didn't think they would be granted anything more special, but yet thanks to their intense love for being in the water compared to most as they were blessed with the lower half of an Asian Dragon. Being able to fly without wings as Keisha would usually guide around the woods to find new water they could try out to swim in, though one day when they was simply gliding around as Keisha heard gasping breaths behind them, looking over to see another mythical half folk just like them which was only the first other one they have meant. Floating upside down in front of the individual face as they shuffled back into a tree, not hesitating to politely fly over to offer their hand back up as soon they felt their hand being touched by this individual, they felt this guiding urge to know this individual before they ran off not able to say wait, but thankfully this individual would visit them as the two click with each other rather fast and agreed to be significant others, but that would change when disaster struck and they lost the one they hold dear to them. Keisha running to the shelter like everyone else with their significant other next them, not hesitating to open the door for a second before suddenly feeling they were pushed and hearing a fateful lock, looking at the door with terror as the heard them scream that they could recognize in a heartbeat...that scream...the last time I ever heard their voice again.

The corrupted guys.

Character name:
Taylor • Kyle • Sarin
Gender identity:
Prefer ponouns:
Animal they're combined with: Fennec Fox
Original crystal color: Aquamarine and White
Rarity: Common
On the taller and lengthier end compared to being small and short as a normal Fennec Fox would, their legs are on the slimmer and skinny end thanks to having a lower half of a Fennec Fox, with a medium-sized bushy tail with a pointed tip as the lower bottom of their tail of what it's meant to be the brownish part of the tail being crystallized, but now having no color at all and only being souless back. Tyler had large ears of a Fennec Fox coming out of his neatly straight brown hair with all of the inside portion being blacked out due to that it being crystallized also but now with no colored, the side of his ears having little pieces torn here and there on the outer borders. He wore a lighter orange short sleeve shirt with brown stripes and having small circles within the orange part with the stripes, as Tyler wore a sweatshirt over this that was a lighter green color with a blue diamond that had a yellow star in it in the middle, also wearing solid blue sweatpants of the same color as Tyler didn't wear shoes that was made for his species, as he simply didn't like the feeling of them compared to feeling his paw pad.
Tyler is a crafty and mischievous one by nature and always was one before he became a Fennec Fox, playing games and having his pranking fun even when it was the most horrible time to do so, as Tyler couldn't help to be a troublemaker type as it was simply so fun to do, always joking around and being as less serious anyone could be for the worst times there is. Tyler is very energetic an overly eager to to do every little task he is given, as he simply had natural energy that causes him to be able to run in circles hours on end and not ever be tired enough to stop, simply being one to be horribly incapable staying still which he is almost physically incapable of doing as even when he tries he usually moves in some way. But at the same time Tyler is highly paranoid and an anxious one and can easily begin to think the worst outcomes, usually having to be reassured when he does begin to grow paranoid about something, which was a lot of things in reality that can cause him to get all frantic and panicky, as well thanks to this being someone who can be easily startled and will not hesitate to run away and scream on the top of his lungs. Ever since disaster struck as now Tyler's only worried about hiding for his life... If they can't see me, if they can't hear me, then I'm safe..r-right?
What they have done to become colorless:
taking a unicorn horn with the intent the give it away.
Coming from a line of foxes as his mom was a red fox and his dad was a bat ear fox, as Tyler has been told time and time again by his parents the rules and consequences they followed by, never actually believing these consequences until he experiences them for himself, he simply couldn't take everyone's word for it and has to experience something himself before believing in such a thing. Tyler when school was the type of kid that was excellent with his grades but yet always the troublemaker in the classroom by his own doing, as one day during lunch he saw a gorgeous looking red fox female and instantly had a crush on them, only problem is the way that he would normally get people's attention wouldn't work here if he really wanted the special kind of attention. Coming up with a thought of giving her a fabulous gift as Tyler has been told every day to not kill an animal so you could give its part to someone else, but yet he never believed he would actually lose his color as Tyler soon came up with the best gift you could give, that being a gorgeous natural unicorn horn that would make sure that he would get noticed for bringing such a valuable gift, besides unicorns were one of the only few mystical creatures that have folks have been able to take down and hunt. So the next day as he went off to school to make his parents think he really was going to school, but in reality this was a way to skip class as Tyler had stole a deadly spear kept away in his dad room, searching for hours and hours until it was almost dusk before he found what he was looking for of one of the mythical unicorns with its sacred horn, hiding away as he sneak attacked it to kill it in one hit by impalient on the side of its neck while jumping on it back while it had its head down. Frying off the unicorns horn as at first he hold it with such glee, but that's before being developed in darkness to be sent away to the unhabited lands, looking over to see that the tip of his tail head lost color as he only looked over at the unicorn horn with fear now...I guess consequences are real after all, oh well, at least I can still have my fun and games with everyone else here!

Character name:
Elora • Lori • Anderson
Gender identity:
Prefer ponouns:
Bisexual Demiromantic
Age: 21
Animal they're combined with: Tasmanian devil
Original crystal color:
maroon red and a deep purple
Having the lower half of a Tasmanian Devil was much shorter and bit on a heavier end then Tyler, their tail that was crystallized now had became black as there fur as well as their feet and little claws at the end. Having Tasmanian Devil ears with their black side swept hair that had white highlights in them, with her having small red round earrings on both sides of her ear, as Elora weird a black choker with a red rose hanging down from it due to roses secretly being her favorite flower. Her long sleeve shirt being a deep red with a white rose on the front of it, having a white slim long sleeve jacket with more brighter red stripes going up it over this shirt making the rose parsley visible, she also wore jeans that were on the darker blue end and had tears in the knee, not wearing shoes just like Tyler as she simply just didn't see the appeal in them.
Cold and rough around it the edges, Elora is only worried about herself and her own want and needs compared to other people also, as she is someone that's a challenge to get along with and will do everything in our power to deny other people's help, even if she doesn't know how to do something or what she's doing herself. Elora is terribly demanding and incredibly bossy towards others, easily being annoyed by everything and being one quick to anger if you're not careful, not ever backing down when she faces the issue with someone, being able to hold a grudge against that person for a few hours and unwilling to talk to them at that time. Elora is only able to tolerate Tyler when it comes to their antics and jokes on them, as Tyler was the first one they met and showed them around their new home, usually being the target for her annoyance not that Tyler never mind because it wasn't going to ever stop him from continuing to do it...besides he was naturally immature and will always be immature, I haven't seen him around lately though, I should go out and look for him, I hope he's okay, at least.
What they have done to become colorless: intently killing a low population animal
Elora used to be the most kind and innocent yet most easy to manipulate soul, having a good friend who used to be good friend ever since kindergarten that the both of them could rely on, as their friend desperately wanted a peacock feather to wear but the only thing they were at a low population at the time. Knowing that if she did kill it they would have their color stripped away but not if they had someone else do it for them, as they would be able to take the feathers from the already dead corpse and not be stripped due to her intending to use it on herself. Thankfully it was there birthday in a couple weeks as Elora ask what she wanted for her birthday, responding with a peacock feather but intentionally leaving out there at low population and are not allowed to be hunted at this time, so with the intent to kill and find a peacock as Elora spent a good week of searching before finding one, unhesively killing it with a long story that her friend had gave her, as soon as she began to walk away as she suddenly had the darkness envelope her and sent her to the land where no life reside. Confuse at first before realizing what has happened and being betrayed by them, as it's definitely not right I should be suffering for them, I didn't do anything wrong...i didn't, why did I even let myself trust anyone?

Character name:
Petunia • Velvet • Blossom
Gender identity:
Prefer ponouns:
Animal they're combined with:
Original crystal color:
red, purple, and green
Petunia is short and stubby but lean and thin like their brother and having the lower half of a Pangolin as their lower half was covered in a plated scale hide with parts of skin underneath not having these scales and instead being normal leather skin of the Pangolin that wasn't scaled, having a long but thick tail that would drag on the ground below as she walk with her having the three-toed sharp claws feet of a Pangolin compared to there brother's anteater feet that was much more smaller in clothes and had more numbers of toes, as their scale that were Crystal used to be a scattered amount of green, red, and purple has became a pitch black, as well as their similarly long and curved nails like their brothers and their bottom nails had became crystals but now are the darkest of black they could be. Petunia wore a gray shirt with pink stripes as well wearing a light long sleeve jacket that was a light green plaited pattern with them wearing sweatpants of the same pink color to match along, with her having much longer hair than her brother but neatly presented that was a light brown color and having three loop gold earrings on the side of her ears that were completely human compared to her brother, as Petunla whore open-toed sandals made for her species as unlike most she enjoyed the feeling of shoes more than the natural.
Petunia used to be your average happy girl until they lost with certain someone...now Petunia is incredibly close off and highly reserve to herself and doesn't let herself get close to anyone and especially trust anyone else then herself because she didn't know who was going to hurt her here or not, Petunia doesn't play with the other kids or interact with them and only content having herself and only herself now, only taking the offerings of food and water as well entertainment to keep her occupied and helps with anything that she was asked to help with and then shooing them off when she felt that she didn't want to talk to them anymore or wanted their present around anymore. Much isn't known about Petunia true personality due to them closing off everyone and making sure to only speak so much, as long as you weren't her brother, she wanted nothing to do with you, besides she just desperately wanted her brother comfort...his comfort...I miss his comfort so much.
What they have done to become colorless:
Accidentally cutting down a tree that squirrels made their home in without noticing before hand.
Petunia being granted to there bigger brother in custody upon their mother and father dying a unexpected death, as Petunia would eagerly help their big brother out on their library duties and would greet customers as they came in, running around to find Harold when a customer would ask them the question to find a book they were looking for, shortly returning back after telling them to wait a moment and walk them over to where the requested book was. One day Harold gave her the task to cut some nearby trees into logs due to them unable to leave the library unattended, Petunia grabbing the axe with hast while beginning to cut the trees nearby, but thanks to the eagerness they didn't notice the third tree that they cut down was already occupied by a squirrel family, suddenly dropping the axe as a black light developed them to send them to the uninhabited lands, with Petunia being scared and confused at first before realizing what exactly happened, feeling a strong sense of guilt for destroying their home as thankfully they did know their way back to the library. Hiding in a bush so they couldn't be seen as they waited during nightfall as they watch Harold close the library for today, rushing to frantically knock the door as soon as she saw it close with Harold reopening it to see who it is, taking them back inside without a second thought as Petunia would stay in a room during day hours I would come out during night hours, always looking forward to what the book was going to be for tonight that was going to be read by her big brother. But when disaster struck all day could remember was being pulled tightly and protectively in their brothers arms, with them unmistakable pounding footsteps that were one that became three with snarls and growls that didn't sound too friendly, as they were put in a crate and we're told to be quiet before having the lid close on them, doing what their brother told and staying quiet inside to create all throughout the night until the morning of dawn. Keisha slowly and carefully opening the door to do their morning patrol with weapon in hand, only to hear soft crying coming from a crate close by the door as Keisha immediately investigated the crate by opening it. Letting out a gasp upon seeing a young girl and took her inside to shelter, with her being one of the first corrupteds inside the shelter, as crystal folks put their differences to side and let corrupted into the shelter to be safe also, this leading to petunia to be incredibly attached and always seen falling behind them in some way or beside them, as they were the person they would run to whenever they were in distress or they simply wanted cuddles...you know...like how my brother used to, I miss them so much.

The infected guys

Characters name:
Quinlan • Catherine • Kiana
Gender identity:
Prefer pronouns:
Pansexual Demiromantic
Age: 40
Animal there combined with: Kirin/Qilin
Crystal color: Red, Gold and Blue
Rarity: Mystical
Original appearance:
Having the lower half of a Kirin as Quinlan had a set of crystallized scales running up through and bottom of their entire back, having the blue up on top gradiated into the red for the middle part and then into gold for the bottom part of the scales, as Quinlan fur was a nice creamy lighter gold with clear white hooves and white tufts of fur at the back of her ankles, while also having a long skinniest tail with a large tuff of white fur at the end of it in a curliest style. Quinlan hair was also a short curly style as well as the same white color as everything else, with them having a medium longest crystalline thin but sharp bladed horned coming out the front of your forehead, this horn having a blue top that radiates into the red and then the red gradiated into the yellow, while also having smallish horse ears coming out from the top of their head that was the same color as her fur. Quinlan wore rather simple clothes of a short sleeve shirt that was white in color well having light blue striped and a thin lighter yellow stripe and the middle of these blue stripes, with Quinlan having light sweatpants of the same color in the same yellow stripe running up and down them on the side, as Quinlan didn't wear shoes as they didn't simply like the feeling of their hoofs being covered up.
Infected appearance:
A good portion of Quinlan body down to the tail and the upper half portion of their arm is now the gold, blue, and red colors with the only two being obvious being the blue and the gold, having the red being covered up by their shirt compared to the blue that can be tell them by the arms and the gold that can be tell by the tail. Quinlan entire floating head was a gooey gold color as their horn that became much more noticeably longer and sharper than before, as this horn was evenly split in color with the red being the bottom portion and the blue being the upper portion.
Personalites before infection:
Quinlan is a shy and quiet soul but a incredibly helpful one as she would always be told how much people appreciate having them around and how good it is, as Quinlan didn't see or find herself to be as special as other people did as she simply took one day at a time and make sure to take it slow to appreciate all the time that she had around her. So when Quinlan went to go get her special gem as she simply thought she would be a common or uncommon as most of everyone was, yet much to her surprise she was granted the lower half of a mystical creature that only others could dream of having, question to herself what she even did to be granted such a special animal as she was always the one to ask questions and being smart and intelligent of how she would do things... Besides she didn't see herself that important...So I will sacrifice my life...for you my only one that I love.
How they got infected:
Intentional Sacrifice
When Quinlan was walking her way to school as she saw something fly past through the trees in the woods nearby, as Quinlan didn't hesitate to drop all she had to run in and investigate as she followed this figure before running out of breath, stopping to take a break before having a special dragon individual float upside down in front of her, intentionally letting out a startle gasp before falling and shuffling back until she bumped into a tree. Only to have this dragon individual walk up to her and offered her hand to help her back up as Quinlan took this hand and stared at them for a moment, finding herself being guided to know this strange individual more but at first initially panicking as she ran away out from the woods. But ever since that encounter as Quinlan would visit them every day after school as it didn't take long for the two to fall in love, caring for each other's company as much as they possibly could but they weren't prepared for when disaster struck, the two of them managing to run to a shelter as soon as there significant other was about the open the door, a creature jet out rushing out straight towards them from behind as Quinlan spotted this creature just in this, pushing their significant other inside as soon as they open the door before shutting it and locking it again, with the only thing being hurt after was a frightened scream before everything went quiet...but at least I saved you...that's all that matters to me.

Characters name:
Charmin • Sebastia • Bernice
Gender identity:
Transfeminate Male
Prefer pronouns:
Animal there combined with:
Crystal color:
White, Grey, and Light Blue
Original appearance:
Having the lower half of a Gazelle as she had a incredibly slim and thin build by nature with skinny legs but also lean and slender at the same time, as one of Charmin split hooves and horns was a crystallized light blue with the other ones being a crystallized white, with semi-medium ears of a gazelle on the side of their head. they're gray crystallized showing by the Black stripe from original gazelle instead of being crystallized and gray. Charmin hair was incredibly long and a natural blonde as he whore a medium sleeve dark brown turtleneck shirt, having a black suit that was kept together by a single golden button, what's them also having black stylish pants that was kept by a gold button also, rather simple in appearance but was always told being the most simple was the most attractable appearance you can, with the only other thing she would wear is black rounded shoes that were made for their species as she liked the feeling of having shoes and found them comfortable.
Infected appearance:
Having the same clotheing as one of Charmin horn was a gooey white with the other one being a gooey light blue, as their entire upper body is covered in a gooey gray but cannot be seen because of the clothing covering it, they're floating head of being slit colored with one side being the light blue and one side being the white.
Personalites before infection:
Being all bark and no bite as Charmin would act big and strong but only to flee as fast as she could the moment they sense danger or hostility, easily being paranoid by the most simplest and smallest of things and constantly asking if she may be upsetting someone when doing something, always thinking they were mad at them thanks to their past home life and would do way too much to try and be a people pleaser. Charmin is very sensitive as empathetic and caring as she would rather stay out of spotlight and be ignored then being in the light, making sure to listen to any problems that they come up for them for and try to offer solutions for their very problem, as Charmin emotions usually follow what others around the room may be feeling and how they would react, treating everyone who treated them with respect the best they can back, unlike how she would experience back at home...back at home...were my own parents and siblings...left me behind to die.
How they got infected:
Left behind to die
Charmin comes from a intense family of being the same species with her five siblings with three being brothers and two being sisters, as they used to be just like Charmin where they were scared of everything but their parents would intensely push them to be confident and to show no fear, with all of her other siblings becoming the the bite then bark but in turn becoming incredibly mean and harsh just like their mother and father. Charmin being the only one that didn't change from their torment to do so as when house was invaded by the monstrous creatures, every one of their siblings and their parents fleeing for their life as Charmin when running happening get her foot caught in a small but hard and spiky vine. Shortly screaming out for her parents and siblings to come and help them before It was too late, only to have them look at him for a brief second before running away again as he heard feet stopped behind her, shakely lifting up his body to terrifyingly look behind her, before coming directly face to face with her, the last thing she ever saw being the face of that creature before everything went black...black with no shining light..just how there black heart left me.

Characters name:
Harold • Winnie • Garrett
Gender identity:
Genderfluid Male
Prefer pronouns:
Animal there combined with:
Giant Anteater
Crystal color:
Light purple, light orange, and light brown.
Original appearance:
Having the lower half of an Giant Anteater as Harold had a massive but flowing long tail of countless numbers of fur drooping down, with this tail having a starting point of light purple, a middle portion of orange, and the ending part being the light brown, with this for being crystallized and being hard as a crystal but having the property of fur that still moves around like normal fur should. Hoald is well fit and lean surprisingly counter to his animal name, yet he's rather quite tall compared to average then being short that you would expect, they're upper abdomen is covered in a white fur that ends around where the arms would begin to start, having a middle stripe that cannot be seen with a light purple inside and a orange border around it, also having a distinct ring pattern slightly above where his wrist would be that is a crystallized brown, as well as having human hands but instead of humanoid nails, as they had notably long nails that have a slight hook shape when the nail ends off to the tip, as each one was an individual color for both hands as the thumb was the crystallized brown, the second and fourth finger being the crystallize purple, the first and third finger being the crystallize orange, sometimes his Crystal claws not being seen by having a slip-on casing over them to make them dull then sharp due to where he worked at. Harold wear reading glasses with his shoulder length grayish blackish hair with the smallest ears that couldn't be seen being covered by it on the side of his head, wearing very formal attire as they wore a suit with a white color and light sleeves and having a dark purple plaited shirt with orange buttons keeping it together, as their pants were pure white jeans with a orange button to follow suit, though he didn't wear shoes for his species as like most they didn't like the feeling compared to the natural feet.
Infected appearance:
Harold's arms are much more longer than before and are solely made out of goo with their hands becoming proper large dangerous claw, with the purple, orange, and brown color freely moving around inside the goo and are constantly shifting about. Harold floating head of being the same way as instead of one blade tail, harold actually has three to represent the three segments of color with these being solid and colored and not multiple colors freely moving around.
Personalites before infection:
Harold was a reserve soul that didn't say much unless someone has came up to them or they wanted to give their input on something, simply always being calm and incredibly composed and not going to get themselves involved with other people's antics or issues unless they really had to, making sure to mind your own business as it took a lot to get them annoying and to be on their bad side. Harold was equally was a kind and caring soul that would help others without a second thought of not doing someing to help others in need, happily taking donated items in their library as they would have stuff on display only in their reach on a high shelf, followed up with a sign that you may only take one of your choosing as they would happily give away with a smile of genuine happiness. Harold is very much smart and on the intelligent end as well incredibly informative about a lot of things, not hesitating to correct someone if the information they were giving was false but in a polite way if they didn't know, as he was a very polite and respectable person after all, but one of his biggest weakness was young ones and they're innocent and having a special area in your library that was filled with children's books, but also loads of toys to play with and bean bags to sit on as he would even run story time by sitting on a rug and reading a book that a child may have chosen to be read, making sure as he read it that it was as interesting as they make it could and would even act out some parts for immersion of the story. Harold also had a special room that was locked in the upper quarters where he actually lived as he loved the library they ran so much, that they decided to live in it as they also had a younger sister that would live with them, meaning nothing more than the entire world for him and was incredibly precious to Harold...as long as she was saved and happy...then he was happy and content also.
How they got infected:
Intentional Sacrifice
Building a large library from scratch and is the owner of the most famous library in town and was constantly receiving praise and gifts for their hard work, Harold was granted custody after younger sister upon their parents dying a unexpected death as Harold built her her own room next to their in the library, as if not in the room they were often in the child's area and always came for story time without missing one. One day though they noticed one of the piece of wood was becoming worn and could percent a safety hazard, asking their younger sister Petunia to drop down some wood right next to the library due to them having to leave intended during work hours, with Petunia eagerly accepting and going to grab the axe that they worked with before.
Harold patiently waiting before turning into fear and anxiety when they didn't return for the rest of the day before it came the dark of night time as they close up shop, shortly walking away from the door feeling restless as they attend to go out and look for them tomorrow before hearing a frantic knock, cautiously opening the door as we look down to see Petunia only to let out a heartbroken gasp upon seeing that they lost their color, but to him that didn't matter as they were still the reason to live and strive as they hastily took Petunia in and brought her to a room. Petunia being forced to stay up there during day hours but would come out during night time, Harold always making sure to read her a night time story before bed to make up that they couldn't intend the daytime stories anymore, making sure that it was the same book that was picked out for that session. But when disaster struck as Harold took a hold of their sister and ran for their life towards the shelter was the only thing in mind to make sure Petunia was safe and sound, having three of the monstrous creatures shortly chasing them down as they ran past, knowing at that moment one wasn't going to make it out alive as Harold knew which one was going to have to die so one could be safe. So when Harold soon saw the door close in the distance quickly coming up as they spotted a nearby crate as they put Petunia in it, telling them to stay quiet until only come out if they can tell it's a shelter member before closing the lid, In this moment screaming out and jumping up and down to catch the creature's attention that we're still already chasing them down, taking them away far enough from the shelter and more importantly the crate that hold their sister, as the last thing they felt was a undescribable pain slicing through their entire neck...but at least she's safe..that's all that matters in the end.




behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 21/06/2024 22:46 (3 Months ago)
also just because the two role plays I made so far have to involve some kind of murderous creature, doesn't mean every roleplay I make has them, they just make interesting and good threats when it comes to roleplays and be a sense of danger and have story centering around them in some way.


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sat, 22/06/2024 12:19 (3 Months ago)

Title: Update on completion.

Got the rules out as well as the forms, I'll have to do my characters later today or tomorrow, is it still working progress so prior information has a chance of changing also.

hopefully this one won't die as fast.


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Sun, 23/06/2024 18:42 (3 Months ago)
Res plz
The Sign Ups for the Primal Legends League are OPEN. Battle for the chance to win legendary summon items here!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sun, 23/06/2024 18:48 (3 Months ago)
Accepted reserve! Glad to have you on board!


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Mon, 24/06/2024 16:40 (3 Months ago)

this is finally out of work and progress state and now in a sign up state!



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Mon, 24/06/2024 17:10 (3 Months ago)
Character name:
Leo Baskerville

Gender identity:

Prefer pronouns:
It/Its, He/Him



Animal they're combined with:

Crystal color:
Dark royal purple with a Indigo gradient intermixed evenly with a light almost periwinkle blue. Golden flecks dot the crystal every so often, making the crystal appear as if it's a night sky. They are the same colour as his eyes coincidentally


Original Appearance:
Leo's eyes held the stars, dead and lifeless as they are, specks of gold glimmering amongst the purple nebulae. It keept such a mysterious gaze hidden behind a pair of thick rimmed glasses, a gift from someone close to his heart, and carefully cut hair that fell over its eyes in tasteful waves, pulled back into a low ponytail whenever needed. Even its thick hair seem otherworldly, soft and shifting purple under the sunlight but its pale skin was in stark contrast to its dark attire from spending much of its time tending to the Jabberwocks in their darkened cave systems, alabaster against ebony. It enjoyed clothes that it could move comfortably in, often finding suits or anything formal to be much to stiff for its liking

Combined with a Jabberwock, something thought to only exist in imaginative fictional nonsense, Leo's combined form was equally nonsensical. The most distinct part of it was it's height, limbs elongated to almost disproportionate limits with large black feathery wings bracketing these oddities away. The wings glittered like its crystal, each feather glimmering under any light. With a long whip like tail with crystalline scales, clawed nails that never seemed to dull, and each teeth sharpened to a vicious point, Leo's form was enough for most people to run just by looking at its uncovered face.

Infected appearance:
After infection, the nonsense that had permitted its combined form takes that up a few more notches. Its neck, though decapitated, is long and scaled yet segmented, only held together by the goo dripping lazily out of the open wounds. Its eyes, once filled with the stars have become bug eyed and blank though no less smouldering, tears of goo steadily dripping down its cheeks as long whisker like tendrils stick to its face, and two almost feathery antena have integrated themselves into its hair. Its mouth hags open in an almost Glasgow smile, displaying the dripping rows of pointed teeth and a empty cavernous mouth that seems to never end. Around the main head float other ones, thinly attached to the neck by goo, most of the heads being of forest creatures though a lion head always stays close to the main head. It lacks any proper limbs, all of them having turned into goo that Leo controls under its whims, only the faintest suggestion of numerous hands, legs, wings or even bladed tails remains.

Personalites before infection:
Despite its meek appearance, Leo had an incredible temper, thunderous and tempestuous. It despised higher authority and and did its best to not bother itself with things that actively ignited it's anger. Because of its upbringing, it was very self sufficient and prefered to do things on its own, often refusing help and stubborn to a fault. Outwardly, it stayed polite and level headed but was often times seething on the inside and ready to wring someone's neck. While friendly and generally a good person, it stuck close to those who proved themselves to be trustworthy and placed all his trust into them. Leo's fear of being alone despite liking the quiet was always a struggle but it made do by keeping his family as close as it could by his side. It was self aware and deeply introspective, acknowledging that it probably had anger issues and was a little too codependent, especially towards a certain someone, but he was content with living as he was.

How they got infected:
Midnight walks weren't anything new, walking hand in hand with its husband as they traverse the woods that surrounded the Jabberwock nests that the Baskerville family has tended to for generations. But what was new was the strewn corpses of familiar animals that the two of them called friends, all of them missing their heads. As the pair ventured further into the forest, they came across one of the mysterious creatures they were warned about, dripping goo over the carcass of one of his husband's beloved lions. These lands were the ancestral nesting grounds of the creatures Leo had sworn his life to caretaking, but seeing young Statice who just minuites prior was frolicking with his siblings under his aging mother's ever watchful gaze, who had connected him and his husband together, headless as goo replaced his blood only hardened it's desire to crush the intruder under its heel. It was only when he noticed a bladed tail snapping towards his husband that Leo wondered if they should have fled instead, such a thought small and festering as he stepped infront of his husband.

Not much is actually known about it and the only other person who knows anything keeps his lips tightly shut

Characters name:
Elliot Baskerville

Gender identity:
Trans Male

Prefer pronouns:



Animal they're combined with:
European Lion

Crystal color:
Light periwinkle blue with swirls of sunflower yellow and streaks of dark royal purple though it's fading


Elliot has a youthful face with pale skin from despite being in the sun for long periods of time, blending with his pale blond hair and light eyes. He burns really easily and so wears long layers, coats making up a large portion of his wardrobe. He isn't very tall, his face quite boyish for his age despite having strong bone structure and it is a source of his explosive temper. His attire is formal and stiff, especially when attending social events. When he's alone though, he loves to wear warm and comfortable clothing. Something thats perfect for curling up by the fire and reading a good book or a day spent inside with the people he wants

Lacking any human ears, Elliot instead has rounded lion ears blending among his sandy hair which glimmers a pale blue under the sun with a long thin tail to match. His legs have been modified to walk digitigrade, resembling more a lion's than any humans, his hands following suit with retractable nails and paw pads on his palms which sparkle his crystal colour.

Elliot is proud, hot-headed, outspoken but compassionate and has a gentle nature even if he hides it under hundreds of layers of formality. He presents himself as prim and proper, the proper gentleman that is ready to act at a moments notice, all in an facade to keep his face as someone who once belonged to a house of high standing. His knowledge of fighting is extensive and exhaustive but he doesn't like to battle, instead content with just living out a simple life. He is dedicated to his values but when confronted with an experience that challenges his prior knowledge, he is open-minded enough to reassess what he has learnt. Those who earn his companionship are his friends for life, loyal to the end. He is selfless and understands the sacrifices that he needs to make to ensure the safety of others, but he will always hold one person above anyone else.

Son of a long family of wolf caretakers, all who took on wolven forms through their crystals, Elliot took great pride in the family linage until the crystal resonated with a lion. A cat. A cat instead of a dog. Like his older siblings, like his parents. Like everyone else. While his family wasn't the type to disown him over something so small, he always felt the need to prove himself, sharp teeth still bared at everyone and anything that moved, so desperate to feel a part of the pack that he had once fit in like another puzzle piece. It was only when he stumbled across a den on his family's lands, occupied by three Jabberwocks and a snarling crystal folk . That was the day he meet Leo, his greatest enemy, and the only person who could match him. Leo repeatedly challenged everything he had assumed as normal, flipping his worldview on its head and forcing Elliot to, for once, think for himself and not in terms of how his family wanted him to act. He learned how to take care of lions and let his affection for them show, let himself wear something other than work clothes and approach the Jabberwocks with open hands. Together with Leo, they helped a older mother lion who had a history with complicated births bring to the world a happy healthy litter of cubs and that was when he asked Leo to stay by his side forever. Of course Leo returned the proposal with barbed words and a scathing scolding but in the Autumn of that same year, they signed the papers to become husbands.

Character name:
Hinata Van Laar

Gender identity:

Prefer pronouns:
He/Him, She/Hers



Animal they're combined with:
Bluefin Tuna

Original crystal color:
Pale lime green


Small and wiry, Hinata doesn't look any older than 10 with a baby face and short stature. Bright silver eyes twinkle with a sort of childish innocence only dulled by the realization that there's only one eye, the other a mess of scar tissue and empty. Its difficult to notice, however, when soft brown curls hide the missing left eye from sight, dirty and matted but no less fastidiously styled. Spending much of his time in the fields has tanned Hinata's skin quite a bit and the clothes she wears reflect that, being practical and means to give as much movement to freakishly strong legs.

His legs have scales glittering the same pale lime green as his gem, thin transparent webbing barely noticeable between her fingers and toes. She sports a heavy thick tuna tail that seems almost too big for his body, often times found just holding the tail in pudgy hands rather than letting it trail behind. Running across her neck and ribs are gills that do work in pulling oxygen into his body, a barely noticeable thin film across her eyes keeping most derbies out of them.

Eager and attentive, Hinata is as the name suggests, a ray of sunshine. She looks at the world with innocence and whimsy, always finding new things to admire and fawn over. The purity in which she holds the world is almost refreshing in a way, his heart on his sleeve and without a means to ever hide her true intentions. It is quite obvious that he has a fear of large cats, always hiding behind one of the older colourless whenever another colourless combined with a jaguar or any other similar animal arrives, her small frame shaking so hard even the ground would move if it could. Despite that, even in the uninhabited lands, he is still cheerful and upbeat, a reprieve from the bitter resentment that claws the place apart, though it seems almost intentional. As if the moment that Hinata doesn't smile, reality will come crashing down on the small colourless and crush her under the weight of it all

What they have done to become colorless:
Poached a fertilized Jabberwock egg and when about to be caught, smashed it

Background: Warning: Childhood Near Death Experience
Born to a large family with 12 siblings in total, Hinata was always working to look after the younger ones while simultaneously foraging for enough resources to keep them all healthy and fed. He was always praised as a good kid, warm hands ruffling her hair as she worked, but she wasn't given much attention outside of that. Just another member of the school of fishes, indistinguishable from the rest of his siblings. I want to be noticed, I want to be different, I want to be loved, I want I want I want I want so so so bad. These thoughts were the only thoughts she could muster as he crept into one of the cave systems that everyone was warned against entering. At first it was just a small act of rebellion, for his family to panic for a moment before she inevitably showed his face and was showered with relief and enough attention to last a week at most, but when she stumbled across a nest with a lone egg resting against it, his plans changed. A mysterious egg left alone? If she brought it back then it would be a great discovery and surely everyone's eyes would be on the person who maybe found a whole new species of animal! The parents weren't around anyways so Hinata was just following the rules and taking care of the wildlife, protecting and raising this little one with all the care it deserved. But when he began making her way back to the surface, egg safely tucked under his arms, Hinata heard a growl from behind, multiple lions demanding for the return of the egg. Terrified out of her mind, he ran, faster and faster as the snarls and pounding paws followed, keeping up with her heightened speed that threatened to heat his small body until the muscles broke down and tear at the seams. It was this fear that drove Hinata to look back, only to be meet with the rake of claws down the side of her face, knocking him back and landing with a sickening crack. Before she could even scream, black smoke enveloped him as she felt teeth close around his neck, the uninhabited lands staring back as blood dripped sluggishly down a shellshocked face

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Mon, 24/06/2024 17:27 (3 Months ago)
@Comfygazing definitely accepted! You can remove the password now~! Thanks for joining!


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Mon, 24/06/2024 19:26 (3 Months ago)
Name: Sarcina Consutus
Gender: Straight Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 39
Animal they are combined with: Manticore
Original Crystal Color: Gold
Rarity: Mystical
Appearance: Extremely tall at 6’ 5” and has long, faded red hair. She has retractable claws that resemble a lion’s. She has tattered draconic wings and a scorpion’s tail. Her skin looks almost like a patchwork quilt and bears many scars and is riddled with horns and what appear to be stumps of limbs. She mostly covers this by wearing a faded cloth robe.
Personality: She is extremely envious of others, especially those who still have color. She has a strong hatred for most animals aside from vermin due to what they did to her.
Background/Why she lost her color: WARNING: MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME
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Sarcina was once a kind person who served the people of her lands well. However she was attacked by many rabid animals when going out one day. She survived the encounter only to be left permanently disfigured, with scars on her body and small tears in her wings. Envious of what she once was and enraged at what the animals did to her, she began using her tremendous power to dismember most animals she came across and stitched their limbs and skin to herself in an attempt to heal her wounds. She did not care when she lost her color as she believes that her profane act of transplanting limbs is better than anything the crystal ever provided for her. Now she is left as a pathetic husk of what she once was, left grasping for power. She can no longer kill animals though that doesn't stop her from dropping by to "borrow" a few limbs from animals who now have to live with grievous injuries

The Sign Ups for the Primal Legends League are OPEN. Battle for the chance to win legendary summon items here!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Mon, 24/06/2024 19:47 (3 Months ago)
Accepted, but if you can make at least one more character that is not a mystical to balance it out that would be super nice, either way accepted and is not required!
also thank you for putting the trigger warning, dear god lol
I feel like three people is enough to at least get a role play off the ground and be able to do one so I'll start the play the next monday in my time zone, this is so to at least give people some time before starting it as I'll bump this on Monday while making the play also.

Ah yes, very sorry but I just remembered and realized that corrupted cannot kill animals anymore, as a consequence for whatever reason they did that broke the rule when they killed them, so you're going to have to do a little bit of changes here but you can still keep the species and such, just that she isn't still able to kill animals when corrupted can't kill animals

ignore this because I can't read right apparently and I misunderstood stuff.


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Mon, 24/06/2024 23:39 (3 Months ago)
Name: Malacia Consutus
Gender: Ace Female
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 39
Animal they are combined with: moose
Crystal Color: Dark green
Rarity: Common
Appearance: Rather short, thin woman with dark green hair and crystal encrusted antlers. She wears a dark green dress and has golden eyes. She has a small tail and crystal encrusted hooves
Personality: Malacia is an extremely calm, reserved individual. She exudes a comforting presence around her. She is extremely intelligent and wise though she does not do much herself, preferring to offer help to others rather than doing anything herself.
Backstory: Malacia is the twin sister to Sarcina. She loved her sister dearly and often clung to her as a child. When Sarcina grew depraved and corrupted, Malacia attempted to comfort her but she was unsuccessful. Once Sarcina was banished, Malacia was heartbroken and became more reserved and emotionally detached.
Name: Prodor Colbex
Gender: Straight Male
Animal they are combined with: Black Mamba
Pronouns: He/Him
Rarity: Rare
Crystal Color: Crimson
Age: 27
Appearance before infection: A man of average stature, Prodor had wild curly blonde hair and flashing blue eyes. He often wore a small leather cap and a suit of chain mail. He carried a shining greatsword with a customized hilt. He had rather sharp canine teeth and a long winding tail trailing behind him.
Appearance After Infection: Prodor now is almost entirely a snake. His body is simply that of a snake, his head is floating above the snake’s neck stump. He is now almost double the height of an average person. His mouth now can open to freakish proportions, revealing many snake-like fangs. His legs are gone but his arms tear their way out of his serpentine body. He still has his sword but it is now crusted in the entrails of those he kills.
Personality before Infection: Prodor was a hot-headed individual. He loved cracking jokes and he fought to protect his friends and the animals. He wasn’t the brightest but he made up for it with his loyalty.
Background/How they became infected: Prodor often went into the forests by himself or with a few friends to battle the corrupted Crystal people. Due to this, he was hailed as a hero and great warrior. However, one day he went out to fight an unknown threat that began infecting people when he was blindsided by the threat and got his head sliced off before he could react.
The Sign Ups for the Primal Legends League are OPEN. Battle for the chance to win legendary summon items here!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Mon, 24/06/2024 23:55 (3 Months ago)
Both accepted!


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Wed, 26/06/2024 18:03 (3 Months ago)
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[Character name]
Phoebes de Cecil

[Gender identity]

[Prefer ponouns]
She/Her | Madam/Miss

Bi Curious

Unknown (says shes 27)

[Animal they're combined with]

[Original crystal color]
A gradient of pastel tinkerbell green (#b1e59f) and strawberry pastel pink (#ffcccc)



*the art is credited towards me :3 (pls praise me I spent a ton of time on it TT)

Phoebes is a delicately looking lady with pure white hair with black roots showing the signs of corruption within her. Her hair flowed alongside the wind like a wave, almost reaching her tail. Fluttering her long white eyelashes hides the pitch black eyes that shone creepily with flower shaped pupils. There seems to be no life in her eyes, despite how much it glows within the dark. With extremely pale skin that rivals a ghost, the rough scales scattered on her cheek bone is pitch black resembling the deep ends of the marine.

On her torso, she wears flowy white plain dress with no patterns that seems to be ragged towards the end and dusted with dirt and seaweed. On her hands, she wore pearly white gloves that barely hides her tremendously long nails. On her hips are slits that resembled gills.

However unlike her humane upper body, her lower body carries a huge whale tail. The tail is pitch black with a crystal covering over it with crystal spikes barbing the fins.

oh and shes also shoeless.

But despite that, she also carries the traits of a unknown creature that is rarely ever heard of, the Aspidochelone. The island carrying disaster. Due to her small stature resembling a young girl, it is unknown where the island part of the monster is.

| Cute | Naive In the Strangest ways | Merciless | Childish | Impatient | Eager | Dainty |
| Knows so Much Yet so little all at once | Sleepy | NOT chill | Boomer | Curious | A little Dull Headed |

Phoebes is a curious wondering soul. She may appear harmless and fragile at first impression, but if you do know her then its clear that she is the type of girl that is both ridiculous and someone who can't be measured by human standards. Human logic doesn't apply to a monster in the first place.

She is merciless, impatient and spoiled despite looking like a homeless girl. She is often very sleepy and craves the ocean or cool shade. But when she is wide awake (though not rare), she is curious about everything and if you do manage to keep her attention, it can be your biggest weapon as well as your biggest ticking bomb.

However she does have some genuinely cute side, which she is a big behind the times as well as dull headed. If she is not fully awake, you may need to repeat certain details through her dull head before she fully understands.

[What they have done to become colorless]
Casually drowns a few civilizations worth of species accidently :D ("It was a little accident! It's not my fault that I was hot and sweating and I felt something itch my back!")

Although she doesn't bare any regrets towards her actions, she does lament that the body of water that she had to leave behind wasn't as good as the one she has now.

There isn't much that is known about the mythical marine creature Aspidochelone, as none survived to tell the tale. It is unknown how Phoebes even bared this trait in the first place and how long she has bared it. However it isn't hard to assume that Phoebes is well beyond her years in appearance and may be one of the oldest creatures if not one of the first to gain the powers from the animal civilization.

It is unknown what she has done in her early days, or if she even remembers that far back or not. However the traces she has left behind within the world is huge, and she doesn't know that she has become a legend amongst the common folks. (Not that she cares). She is perhaps also the oldest living corrupted crystal being.

[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Wed, 26/06/2024 18:50 (3 Months ago)
Accepted reserve form, when you finish this then that's when I'll start the role play compared to waiting, because there's a definitely enough people to get this off the ground now!


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 01:20 (3 Months ago)
Character name: Willow
Gender identity: Female
Prefer pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bi
Age: 22
Animal there combined with: Red-tail Hawk
Crystal color: A mix of autumn red and pale brown
Rarity: Rare
Appearance: She has crystals mixed into some of her feathers, and the talon like feet she has.
Personalities: Willow doesn't speak much, preferring to keep to herself and the birds she travels with. She is cocky, knowing not everyone can fly or move as fast as her, but she has a good heart deep down
Background: Willow grew up in the equivalent of a bird cage. She never really had the chance to go out and fly easily, always being cooped up at home by her parents. They never wanted her to go out into the world and fly on her own. She waited until she was 8 to finally sneak out and fly far away from her home, finding hawks like herself and learning how to survive from them. She eventually met one hawk, who she called Fletcher (or just Fletch) who she has formed a bond with. Both her and Fletch try to help people who can't always help themselves, though they don't necessarily want to do it for fame, just Willow not liking to see people sad and in a similar place to where she was.

Character name: Jack
Gender identity: Male
Prefer pronouns: He/him/they
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 28
Animal there combined with: Stag
Crystal color: A silverish blue
Rarity: Common
Appearance: He has long dark brown hair, only kept out of his face by his large antlers made entirely of crystals. He has pale green eyes that look like leaves in the height of summer. From the waist down he has hind legs of a deer, the fur the same color as his hair. His hooves are also made of crystal, in the same vain as his antlers, tho difficult to see from the buildup of dirt and mud. He is very modest with his clothes, preferring a simple shirt and a loose traveling cloak
Personalities: A loner, tho is very wise for someone of his age. He is very studious, and tends to think for the good of the group rather than put oneself before others. He is very respectful of others, and very easy going unless if you intend to harm his home.
Background: Jack mostly lives in isolation. He grew up living among deer for most of his life, even more so when he got his crystal. When he was a teen, he left his heard to go study with humans for a few years before returning to his woodland home and readjusting himself with his herd. He always felt that living among humans was strange for him, a place he never fit into. He felt more at home with his herd, and dedicated his life to protecting the woodlands. Most of the townsfolk nearby said forest knows of the stag, his antlers being a common resting place for birds and other small woodland critters. They know of his wisdom, and have referred to him mostly as the King of the Forrest. He would argue against said title, but knows its smarter to not argue with it.
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 01:25 (3 Months ago)
accepted reserve work in progress form!


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 28/06/2024 15:00 (3 Months ago)
Bumping this and role play has been made, I would appreciate if everyone can do one post for now so everyone has a starting point, and then when everyone has at least made one post and we can post as much as we like, thank!



behold the shiny beta giraffe!