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Crystallized Fading Shine (RP VERSION)

Forum-Index Roleplay Crystallized Fading Shine (RP VERSION)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 28/06/2024 14:57 (3 Months ago)

"we have been scouring for days...yet we must not stop if we want to survive out here!"
Flying high into the sky in there animal form with a cleaver that had a slightly longer handle then they usually do tightly gripped in their talons, as it was covered and dripping and do from previous slice heads from the murderous creatures. Zora was looking down with disgust upon they're being so many creatures out and about in town, with Lyra in their snake form carefully wrapped around Zora neck as she made sure she was tight enough to stay on, but still not tight enough to begin choking him. "do youuu see anythinggg yet Zoraaa?" She hissed out at them as was right in that moment Zora saw a small abandoned bakery with no hints of of infected or creatures inside that they can see from here, only problem was there was a creature guarding and blocking in front of the entrance as Zora soon adjusted there cleaver while having a tighter grip "I sure do, I'll swoop down from above and cut off its head, then you can open the door once I do and I'll fly in there" he gave them the plan as Lyra let out a agreement "Alrighttt!" to him. Having the plan in head as Zora glide down and swooped at a fast pace towards the wolf shaped creature, as it did look over at Zora when they were right next to their neck and attempted a slash at them, faling to do so as Zora cuts through the goo and in turn the head as soon as they became close enough distance with the neck, then Lyra following suit was there part of the plan as they let go of their neck to safely land on the ground, beginning to close their eyes so they can turn into their humanoid form again as they reopened their eyes when they did so, swinging door open without hesitation as Zora swooped in as a close behind them. Shortly turning back in their humanoid form also with cleaver in hand now as they looked over at Lyra large backpack that day would use to put stuff in that was only visible in human form,"all right you know the drill, we look around here and take what we need and only when we need and get out of here as fast as we can!" He gave out towards Lyra as they began to walk away to look around the bakery to see what they should take, with Lyra doing the same as they went in a opposite direction that wasn't too far from Zora.

run little fox, run for your life!
Running as fast as they possibly could as a small shadowy Fennec Fox as they frantically huffed while looking over behind them once more, as they saw the blue and white floating head gazelle still high on there heels and swaying its bladed tail back and forth as it dripped goo on the ground as it ran. "Tyler, Tyler, where the heck are you!!" A black shadowy it's shouted out as they soon heard their name being shouted very close by, as Elora followed the voice as they hid in some bushes while sticking their head out, their eyes wideing upon seeing a gazelle that was well...no longer a normal gazelle as that was the least of their worries upon seeing it was on Tyler heels and not letting up anytime soon. Quickly grabbing a small stick in their mouth close by as they threw it at a tree that they could see not too far from them, causing the monstrous gazelle as they stop to look over at Tyler taking this opportunity to run in the bush with Elora, the two watching the gazelle running off forward before they couldn't see you or hear them anymore. "Okay so...you want to tell me what the heck that was Tyler!?" "I-I don't know, I was just eating some berries and the next thing I know I look over to see THAT thing right next to me." He hastily replied back to her as Elora only let out a small sigh, "Look, you still have that unicorn horn you turn into a dagger right because you were being a dumb dumb? It's clear that we need a weapon, and well you're the only one with a weapon Tyler!" "Hey, I still have no regrets getting that horn so that pretty fox could hook up with me, well that was the plan until it turns out when my parents kept trying to tell me over and over again was true...but I still have no regrets! But yes to answer the question, yes I still have that unicorn horn dagger on me, only problem is it's at home right now so we would have to go back and get it!" He yips out as Elora only let out a deep growl that of course when the time they need it most, Tyler had left it at home. "Well why are we still standing here and talking, let's go get it Tyler!" "Y-Yes ma'am" she screams out with him as Tyler let out a submitted yes before the two got on to move, making sure to not go too fast but not to slow as well to be careful to not make much noise to lure in another one of those things.

"another day, another dollar, hopefully this day brings in something new!"
Sitting in a chair swishing their tail back and forth as Keisha looks down at there board with pencil in hand of all the names of all the new individuals that have entered so far, gently tapping the pencil on the clipboard while being right next to the door to let anyone in but not before examining them when they did to make sure they weren't showing to even slightest signs of being infected, understandably everyone doing in their power to not be picked for this job as it was well, tedious and boring to say the least. Petunia sitting right beside them doodling in a large zen garden with the sand as Keisha noticed she really seem to enjoyed it when they offered it to her the first time, shortly hearing another knock on the door as they didn't even looked up from the clipboard, only screaming out "NEXT!" as a sign to come in.



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Fri, 28/06/2024 17:06 (3 Months ago)
Sarcina was giggling to herself. She had come to the forest in search of new "materials". Having just tracked down a deer, she pounced and grabbed it with her great strength. Her previous skin grafts were starting to rot, it was about time to get some fresh tissue to add to herself. Also, a pair of antlers would look quite nice on her head, they remind her of her sister. A pity she did not join her but why would she? She never felt the pain of having your flesh rended by a pack of rabid animals. One day she would see reason but for now, Sarcina would restore her former self, it would just take a bit of time and patience. As Sarcina was lost in her thoughts, the deer attempted to kick free of Sarcina's arms but she regained a hold of it. "Please darling, it is only fair considering what your kind robbed ME of," she said, wanting nothing more than to take the deer apart right that instant. But she mustn't get too eager; she had to transport the deer back to where the corrupted reside before killing it. After all, if she were to do it now, she would be transported back to the realm of the corrupted without her prize. So, unfurling her tattered wings, Sarcina took to the sky, making sure to keep a firm grip on the deer.

Malacia was sitting under a large tree. It was her favorite place in all of the forest: she could see all of the animals going about their business. There was a small stream, several large trees, and some bushes as well. Almost every species of animal in the forest could be seen here with enough patience. The birds were singing happily in the trees; small lizards darted about the grass; snakes coiled themselves on rocks, basking in the sunlight; termites were collecting wood to fuel the construction of their grand towers; bees flew about erratically, swarming the many sunlit flowers before returning to their hives, swollen with honey. Malacia watched all of this with a mix of pride and tranquility. She had made this small clearing as a personal project of hers, she used the wood taken from the trees here to build birdhouses and small areas for the small animals to live in. Perhaps her sister would have found peace here as well; no- not that depraved creature that craved vengeance and vanity: that was not her sister; her sister who eagerly flew with the birds as a child and the one who always enjoyed playing with the smaller animals. Malacia was snapped out of her thoughts by a small rabbit that sat down beside her and began to sleep. Listening to the gentle sound of trickling water from the stream, Malacia began to doze off, completely at peace with herself. She may have lost much, but this place would always comfort her.

Prodor woke up from his temporary bed in a cave. He didn't admire the sky, he didn't bask in the sun; he didn't have the capacity to do so anymore. All he felt was hunger and the desire to eat. He picked up the goo encrusted sword he kept beside him and began slithering out of the cave into the forest. He did not have many complaints about being infected, his goo ridden brain simply lost the capacity for abstract thought. But one thing he did not like was his new snake body: the slithering noises it made scared away his food. After much tiresome slithering, he eventually located an unwary mockingbird. Without wasting a second, Prodor immediately descended upon the bird, grasping it in his goo covered arms as it struggled to escape its gruesome fate. While most in these lands would at the very least hesitate before such an action, Prodor only had one thought going through his rotting brain: "Devooourr." With that, he unhinged his jaw, revealing rows of fangs within, and he swallowed the bird whole. Nothing was left except a trail of crimson goo, blood, and feathers. However, the bird was too small to sate his hunger, so Prodor continued to move throughout the forest, looking for food.
The Sign Ups for the Primal Legends League are OPEN. Battle for the chance to win legendary summon items here!
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Fri, 28/06/2024 17:19 (3 Months ago)
A slender shadow slipped through the forest, a heavy backpack thumping against the lithe back as Elliot slithered through the shadows, taking refuge in them momentarily when once foreign sounds that had now integrated themselves into the everyday lumbered past him, dripping goo everywhere. Holding his breath as he cautiously peeked around a tree to make sure thelat the creature truly had left, Elliot slipped away, heading in deeper as he clutched provisions close to him. It was almost familiar in a twisted way, he had reminisced the first time he had made this run, but instead of slinking about like a lowly thief with something to hide, this had been his home where he could romp about and loudly complain for the master of the area to hear lound and clear. Such days were behind them now, but such reminders of nostalgia still haunted his every step. Especially when Elliot finally reached the craggy cliffs and tunnel systems that crawled and carved themselves into the small mountain forest. Currently, there was no real entrance into the underground nesting grounds, all of them blocked by Elliot and his pride, but there was one, small and narrow enough for Elliot to barely squeeze through with his provisions. Of course one of his smaller summons could absolutely make the trip down but... Well, Elliot had always been sensible and logical in all aspects except for one.

Shuffling through the scraping rocks and squishing around tight bends, Elliot ruefully thanked whatever dirty there was that he wasn't claustrophobic or else this would've been a nightmare. His footsteps slowly went from the crunchy shifting of gravel and rock to sticky squelches as the floors slowly filled with goop. Stumbling out of the narrow crack, Elliot looked up only to be meet with a floating lion head, it's ripped open maw splattering goo onto the already blackened floors that glimmered like a nebulae.

"Hi Boy, tell your master I'm back." Elliot cooed, ruthlessly stomping down the right squeeze of his chest that was wholy seperate from the earlier trip, instead raising a head to stroke the viscous slop. "And I've got food for us all."


Deep rumbles shook the very earthen walls that housed the slothful monster, pale sightless eyes blinking slowly as the steady drip of tar on the flooded floors served as the only indicator of the passage of time. A split open mouth opened up wide to yawn, black tongue flicking against the stale air. Hunger gnawed at the ever empty belly of the beast, scratching it's claws against fleshy walls and wailing for something to fill it. It the early days, the creature had attempted to drink from the goop that pooled around it, only succeeding in retching and gagging as more of the liquid poured out the endless maw of darkness. It soon learned to leave the liquid alone, instead letting it fill up the caves that it had yet to find a exit from. The multiple heads it controlled roamed freely around the winding tunnels, only finding empty nests and remains of a life once lived by creatures unknown to it. Sometimes voles and small animals would scutter though and trap themselves in the viscous liquid for the creature to devour, though the gnawing demands of more food never abated for long.

Whispy antenna flicked as the rustling of rocks reached it. It seemed something was coming towards it, warm meat wriggling through the cracks in the walls. It seemed larger than any other the other things it had tried to fill a always empty stomach with which was promising and quickly the ravenous creature sent it's last remaining head off to investigate. If it truly was a morsel worth gobbling up, then it would gladly feast on a such a creature who would be a fool to follow a lions head into the mouth of a more sinister predator.

But as the footsteps came closer, and a different smell than the rot and dirt that it was accustomed to. Brightness and flowers, sunshine and meadows, of long days curled up around a fire with an equally warm body against his front. The stranger smelled of fresh Statice flowers and of blood. Of so much blood and meat and nutrition that the creature heaved itself up on mishapenen hands and began to drag it's body through the caverns, following the taste of starbursting sunlight on the tongue. Of a lion, proud enough to return to a rotting den of death and corruption.


A piercing wail cut through the lands where nothing lived as a blue blur shot across the barren grounds screaming all the way. "No no no no no no no nooooooooo!!! I swear I'm not tasty!!" Hinata sobbed, legs burning under the strain of pushing such unnatural speeds for so long as the young child outstripped whatever was chasing her in the first place. Behind her, the goop monster, with its detached jaguar head lolling around in confusion, slowed to a stop, huffed before turning back deeming this particular prey too much to a hassle.

The young child didn't seem to notice as he barrelled on, nonsense blubbering out of her mouth as she ran as fast as he could. The air felt crushing, pressing down on his lungs as he ran, thundering paws right behind her as she squeezed her eyes shut and forced herself to run just a little faster even as her muscles frayed under the heat. Perhaps it was this that made Hinata barrel headfirst into two very very familiar people, the three of them rolling on the ground a few times before the momentum finally stopped. Thankfully, they had simply rolled from one bush into another but as Hinata popped his head up for a gasp of air, his silver eye landed on the gazelle not too far from them. "Eh? A. Um. Oh. Uh, Elora? Hi? Sorry for running into you but uh, d-do we need to run?" She asked with a shaking smile as she ducked back down into the hedges.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Fri, 28/06/2024 20:22 (3 Months ago)
A nasal yawn sounded through the bodies of water. The vibration causes ripples to spread on the water. Upon closer examination, it turned out the ordinary body of water wasn't so ordinary after all.

With a color deeper than ink lay upon a island. The island held fields of flowers dusted with pure white powdered snow. It was unknown where the snow was coming from being surrounded by such high heat. If you ignore the land of flowers, it wouldn't be farfetched to say that it looked like a tropical sea.

But something was clearly wrong with it. It looked like the whole area was painted over with a wash of black.

The waters. Black.

The sky. Black.

The little critters swimming about. Pitch. Dark. Abyss.

It was almost enticing to see a spot of white amidst the black pooling waters, even when the flowers held no colors to them except various shades of gray were dazzling itself, adding a touch of warmth. To ordinary sailors perhaps, it may seem like a paradise to rest in after a long journey of zero civilization. But if you look closer. Just a tad bit closer you may see something off.

That little detail may save your life.

Since if you look closer and squint your eyes abit, you'd see that the source of the ripples came from the island itself. Strange as it may be, you ignore the slight inconsistencies, and continue rowing onwards. If only you know how you'd regret that decision for the rest of your life.

You call on your crew mates to continue rowing to the strange island in the distance. Now as you move closer and closer, the swaying of the flower petals enticed you more and more as if it were calling you. Even the snowflakes fluttering in the air felt like a seductive wave. It is only now that you noticed how hungry you were.

So when you stepped onto the island with the rest of your teammates, the first you all did was make a fire.

A heat source to not only warm your hands but your heart.

As your team settled onto the island, unbeknownst to them, the island started to move. At first the movements were settle. It were just some irregular waves that no one payed attention to. But then as the heat started to melt away more chucks of snow, the sailors finally realized something was off. The island was shaking as if it were about to erupt. The waves grew violent and strong. The origin of those waves were the pitch black whale tails swishing about causing tides of ink like water to crash towards the island.

You and your team panicked, believing they have disturbed or perhaps even offended some unknown God that brought a storm onto them. No matter what they did to protect themselves from the unnatural disaster, there seems to be no way out. And just they were about to lose all hope, they heard a voice.

A light, nasally voice. Resembling a young girl.

"Awah.. it's so hot and itchy on my back. Where did those flies come from hm?"

They realize the island was alive.

One of the crewmates suddenly remembered an ancient tale from far far back into the past. It was about a island that drowned sailors. They said the island was alive, and when they feel a heat source on their back the island would flip itself to cool them, drowning the defenseless sailors alongside it.

Realizing the vital mistake they made, they lost all hope.

After all, no one lived to tell the tale.

Sinking into despair, the island slowly started to tilt itself, and the island slowly began to be engulfed by water. Each of the crew mates wailed in despair realizing fate was about to take their lives but just when they were completely engulfed and air was running out. All of the sudden, the island disappeared.

They back on their ship, stranded.

It all felt like a horrible nightmare.

They only sign of everything that it wasn't a dream was the fact that they were wet and their ship was in tatters.

They cheered that they lived.

However, in another body of water.

With a color deeper than ink lay upon a island. The island held fields of flowers dusted with pure white powdered snow.
[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Fri, 28/06/2024 20:32 (3 Months ago)
Willow stretches as best as she can, flying high in the sky with fletcher and a few other hawks as it approaches time to hunt. She flexes her talons, ready to swoop down and catch her meal for the day. She glances at her partner, waiting for him to let out a cry before pledging to the ground with him

Jack takes a quiet walk in his forest, enjoying the serenity of the undisturbed wash over him. It was a day like any other, but today seemed extra peaceful. Perhaps it due to the corrupted ones staying away today, unlike the last few days
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 28/06/2024 23:54 (3 Months ago)

finding a batch of cinnamon rolls and batch of hawaiian buns as Zora skip over with the items in hand as Lyra already put some fresh croissants in there that she found also with Zora carefully putting their respective items in the bag, "Alright, those are some pretty good finds that should last us a little bit!" they remark as Lyra nodded in agreement. "Let go then, we don't want to stay in one place for too long!" she said with haste as she wasn't going to be able to turn into their animal form due to the load she was going to feel either way, as the two ran out the door and through the town periodically running into near-death encounters with creatures on the way as the two were able to power their way thanks to their teamwork but not without getting some scrapes and scratches. heading into the forest nearby as they stopped to rest in the area that they choose when they made sure there was no creatures in clear sight, Lyra placing the bag down on the ground and she effortlessly sat herself on a rock as she lets out a long tired sigh while closing her eyes. "so which one do you want?" he shortly asked as Lyra replied "I'll take a croissant" as Zora threw it over to her while catching it with her tail. "nice catch, I'll take a few roll!" he chuckled out upon seeing her catch it with her tail as he flew to sit on a branch with three rolls in hand and beginning to messily eat them individually, as Lrya on other hand ate there is much more delicately and cleaner as she let out a light frown as she watched them due so.

reaching Tyler's Den that he called home as Elora was about to say something to Tyler as they felt something crashing and yet painfully into their entire body, understandably the two responding was a harsh yep as they rolled for a little bit before changing back into their humanoid forms, "O-Ooww, what in the-!?" Elora angrily growled out while clearly struggling to get back on there two feet for a moment,Taylor hastily turn back into their animal form that was the proper size for their species as they scampered into the den to go find and grab their unicorn horn dagger, as Elora anger quickly subsided upon seeing it was a very familiar but a very good friend of the two as she rushes over bending down to their level as they covered their mouth.

"Shhhh Hinata! if you talk in a normal speaking voice, then whatever that thing is will definitely hear us!" she usher them to be quiet only for Tyler to come out as they change into their humanoid form while shouting out, "I got the unicorn horn dagger Elora!!" as she immediately bolted back up as she prepared to shout at Tyler but it was too late, causing the gazelle's ears to understandably flick as it looked over to make eye contact with the two of them, only to learn another fun fact in this moment it wasn't actually a proper gazelle at all, turning into a humanoid form like them but horribly not right. "Left me, left me, YOU LEFT ME!!!" they suddenly scream in a ear screeching voice as they rush right towards them with Tyler instinctively swinging their dagger, cutting off their blue and white horns as they shuffle back stun for a moment. not hesitating to take this chance to flee as Tyler threw the dagger in the air before turning into a human sized version of a fennec fox as they catched a dagger in their mouth as soon it was about to land on the ground, urgently stopping in front of Elora as she pick up Hinata to carefully place on his back as Elora does the same while turning into a human size version also, shortly running away without hesitation as they decided it would be best to go on the land where animal inhabited, but to especially go into town to find a normal Crystal folk to ask what the heck is going on.

letting them in as Keisha did the require checked and signed their name down on the clipboard as a soon heard a beeping noise from their watch that they pacifically wear for this job telling them that it's break time and lunch time, "looks like it's lunchtime Petunia, what do you want yourself this time?" he calmly asks as Petunia shortly responds with "A apple juice box, a thing of mixed berries, and cheese and crackers." that she mumbles out of her breath. "all right, but do not open the door when I'm not around okay, I know you haven't done so and you're pretty good at it but still, it's very important for you to not do that when I'm not around!" he commanded but in a gentle tone as she looked up to nod at him briefly, shortly looking down again to go back to doodling in her little zen garden.

-encounter for CarnifexCoronatum aim at Malacia!-
Flying high in the sky as one of the creatures that were a large Blue Jay as its bladed tail flew behind them as they fly, they noticed some pretty easy looking prey sleeping under a tree as they swooped on the ground not too far beside them, letting out a horrible screen while opening there droopy goopy wings with bits and pieces of glue flying out when they did so, charging right towards Malacia that lets out echoing stomps every time when its feet would stomp on the ground while running.



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Sat, 29/06/2024 05:43 (3 Months ago)
Malacia was in a peaceful sleep when she was suddenly woken with a start. She opened her bright golden eyes to see a horrific sight. There was some sort of abomination standing in front of her. It appeared that it was once a peaceful bird, but now it was corrupted by... something. Goo dripped from every crevice in its body and the animals Malacia had formed such a strong attachment for fled before its monstrous footsteps. Malacia was torn. On one hand, this creature was threatening not only her, but also the animal sanctuary she had devoted her life and soul to. On the other, it appeared to be the victim of some sort of disease. However, it was clear that there was no saving this unfortunate bird but if she acted fast, Malacia could protect the other animals from this creature. "You poor little thing," she said sorrowfully to the infected bird, "allow me to ease your suffering." With that, Malacia drew out a long whip made of sharpened obsidian shards and bound by lengths of plant fibers and unfurled it. She would do it with a heavy heart but she would kill this plagued creature before it could harm any of her animal companions.
The Sign Ups for the Primal Legends League are OPEN. Battle for the chance to win legendary summon items here!
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sat, 29/06/2024 06:19 (3 Months ago)
Squealing as he was carted away in one swift motion, Hinata clamped her mouth shut to keep in any of the noise bouncing around her throat just begging to be let out, craning his head to look at the quickly shrinking form of the creepy monster. It looked... almost sad, its furious wailing reverberating through the empty lands in bleating vengeance. Not for the first time, Hinata wished she still had both her eyes, the blurry sight of the weird monster distorted and terrifying. He was sure in reality it was different, that it wasn't so terrifying, but all she could do now was avert her gaze and bury his head into Tyler's sturdy back. "What... what ever are those things? Scary...." She whimpered, pressing herself as close as he could to Tyler, as if he would slip away the moment she let go.


Picking his way through the familiar passageways, the ache in his chest only tightened as Elliot recognized the route that the disembodied head of Statice was leading him through. As they passed through the largest cavern that used to act as a common room of sorts, where both lion cubs and Jabberwocks would play together, Elliot ran a hand over the goo infested walls, fingers brushing against the carved drawings on the rock face covered by the sticky substance. It did take a firm yank to unstick his fingers from the mess on the walls but and Elliot had a sinking suspicion that walking any further would only be harder from this point forward, as the tar coating the floor of the once pristine cave system grew thicker and thicker the further they walked. Rubbing the goo between his fingers, Elliot watched as rot the colour of the stars flaked away under his touch before setting his shoulders. This wasn't the time to mope and regret.

The closer that they got to the nest that he and Leo had once called theirs, the more suffocating the air became. It was as if the memories that lived deep within the curving miles of tunnels and cavers were crushing him, forcing his legs to still under the weight of what he was here to finally do. Every step felt heavy, momentous, a task only his bleeding heart could continue to do as a ebony scabbard branded a mark of shame against his thigh. But it needed to be done. For everyone's good.

His sister-in-law's words still rang clear in his head.

Rounding the corner, Elliot's breath caught in his throat as milky white eyes blocked his way, the familiar nonsensical anatomy of a creature that he had slowly learned to love like his own herd staring back blankly with no sign of any recognition. Elliot held his breath as the head cocked, turning around slowly on an axis around and around 180 degrees and some more to assess the specimen that had foolishly presented itself before the beast on a silver platter and brought its own knife and fork for the creature's enjoyment. Not a single blink passed between them as the creature's head began to spin back around to righten itself, never breaking its gaze, before opening its unfathomable jaws to show its prey the endless darkness that would soon consume him whole. Viscous drool splattered over the tar covered floors, almost as if waiting for any sort of acknowledge, dexterous tongue slithering over serrated teeth to taste the salty tense skin of its newest meal, leaving a thick trail of spit cooling against a clammy cheek, frozen stock still not even daring to breathe for fear than even a heartbeat would send the monstrosity lunging forward to swallow him in one fell swoop.

It seemed like an eternity before the tongue slipped back into the cavernous mouth that snapped shut with finality, bringing with it Elliot's heart.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sat, 29/06/2024 20:08 (3 Months ago)

their horns regenerating back almost an instinct as the gazelle turned back to its animal form in a human-size version as it painfully gagged the blue and white goo on the ground when it teared open its mouth while having sharp but small fang made out of goo for its teeth, the creature whole body swinging back and forth in a clear daze in the moment while letting out a twitch of distress every so often as it's shakily looks back up to see the three have already ran off, "leave me, leave me, leave me to DIE!!" it screeches out in a anger tone at first before turning into a much somber one, suddenly letting out a depressive howl into the air as they stomped their front hooves on the ground with frustration. glancing down briefly to see their entire legs that were made out of goo of the blue set and white set, letting out a growl of disdain but also distress as they began to walk through the desolate lands once more with their head dripping down and dripping goo down on the ground as they did so.

"what were you even THINKING Tyler!?" "I'm sorry that I'm on the louder end!!" Elora frantically shouts at him as Tyler frantically shouts back as once they soon reach the entrance of town as the last name they wanted to see was another creature with a floating head this time and was a partial one, with this doberman scrounging for food nearby as they heard there steps running in from a mile away. suddenly jumping in front of Tyler as they open their gaping mouth full of goo and fangs, responding by coming to a screeching halt while screaming out as they dropped their dagger due to them holding it in their mouth and ears as low as they could be.

peacefully eating their food as they hurt a terrified scream way too close by as Zora waste no time turning into a human-sized version of their animal with Lyra doing the same, shortly wrapping around their neck once more as they stopped down for them before flying back into the air while grabbing their cleaver also in there talons. As right when the doberman was about to take a bite at Hinata before suddenly being knocked to the ground and entangled by a large corn snake coiled around them, which did cause them to suffer a medium-sized cut when they slide the blade down the back as Zora swooped in to cut off it head before it could do any more damage.

the two turning back as Zora look over to make eye contact with a three-way group that happens to be corrupted coming from the other side of the land, "You guys okay?' "Y-Yeah but um, I don't think your friend is..." Tyler nervously responds while picking up the dagger again with his mouth as Lyra breath became much more wheezy and strain while having there tail wrapped around there stomach and in turn back to stop the bleeding from progressing any further. "yeah I know, that's why we're all going back to the shelter so she can be treated!" "S-Shelter?" Tyler responds with confusion as they tilt their head as Zora glared at them, "yes the shelter, if you guys want to survive then I recommend that you come with us as we know a safer route that as long as you want to stay out here and get potentially bitten again!" he shout as Tyra let out a small yelp well shaking there head to confirm that they would be coming with them, Zora soon throwing Lyra on their back as they walked at a fast pace, as Tyler does the same as they followed them with Elora following right behind him.

grabbing the respective items as Keisha decided they would go with a turkey and ham sandwich with grapes and flavored water, shortly beginning to walk back to their post as they hum to themselves, finding a sense of calmness from doing so but also a sense of sorrowfulness as them and their girlfriend would always come together holding hands as they walk together.

-for CarnifexCoronatum-
not deterred by the whip in the slightest and instead making them more enrage and violent and ready to attack, the unidentifiable blue jay soon jumping at them with Talons fully open aiming at their antlers, shorty pinning them down on the ground it an almost unnatural speed than no other creature can naturally do and lifting there tail up in the air as they let out clicking noise, clearly not in a friendly manner as it does so.



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sat, 29/06/2024 23:19 (3 Months ago)
Willow manages to hook her talons into a few fish, enough to feed her and Fletcher. As she climbs back into the sky, a screech of one of the other hawks is enough for her to turn back around, not knowing what dangerous she'll come across. She lets out a screeching cry as well, mimicking the hawks as she tries to help the hawk that was attacked.

Jacks had enough time to get to the pond that forms at the heart of his woods before a deer bounds to him, clearly shaken. He curses quietly before running as last as her legs will take him, knowing his woods might be in danger
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Sun, 30/06/2024 04:34 (3 Months ago)
Silver eye widening at the sight of new people, Hinata squeaked and shoved his face into Tyler's back, hiding against the older. Despite how friendly she usually liked to be, the day had been pretty scary already. being chased around by weird goop monsters and feeling your own muscles break down from how fast you're running? Scaryyyyy. Who knows what these strangers might end up doing, knowing their luck so far. "D-do you want me to hold your dagger? It might be easier..." She offered tentatively, her hands only really grasping at Tyler's shirt.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Sun, 30/06/2024 13:32 (3 Months ago)
Malacia quickly realized that they could not afford to hold back against the infected bird. They quickly kicked the bird with their crystal encrusted hooves, freeing themselves from its grasp. Malacia then took a few steps away from the creature before moving in for the attack. Their whip sang through the air as it turned the talons of the infected bird. As the bird attempted to attack again, Malacia stopped it with their antlers and shoved it to the ground. They may be far gentler than their sister, but Malacia was just as terrible in their wrath. They then quickly flicked their whip forward, causing it to coil around one of the creature's wings. The sharpened obsidian quickly dug into the goo ridden flesh of the infected before Malacia yanked the whip backwards and with the sound of a cracking tree branch, the wing was rended from the creature's body and goo began oozing from the wound.
The Sign Ups for the Primal Legends League are OPEN. Battle for the chance to win legendary summon items here!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sun, 30/06/2024 16:35 (3 Months ago)
"Yeah um sure, I would hold it with my hands but I haven't had a good opportunity to not be in animal form! be careful when you grab it though, make sure you grab the handle as I don't want you to cut yourself!" he replied as Tyler shift the dagger to have the handle be more exposable now, as if he could be honest his own legs we're beginning to burn and grow weak also from running so much at once with no breaks in between, but at the same time you didn't feel it was right for such a young child to be continued to be put in pain compared to someone who's much older than them

"so anyway for one thank you for saving our lives, but for second what is your guy's name exactly? Am Elora, the idiot fox is Tyler, and the little fish who's been a long time friends with us is Hinata." Elora asked in a weirdly calm and polite tone which was odd for them as Elora isn't this nice most of the time, "Am Zora, I would prefer if you use male pronouns than female pronouns, and the much younger snake girl is Lyra." he replied back to them without even looking back to face them, only looking forward as he was desperately worried to make sure Lrya get treated right now.

-For CarnifexCoronatum-
letting out a distinct yelp pain as it was forcefully kicked off as it didn't take long for it to shake it off and attempt to attack again, with a slightly more louder yelp coming from this time while feeling the antlers dig into their non-existent skin, only to be knocked to the ground as when it was about to get back on it feet as a let out the most agonizing scream it could have with pain behind it when having its wing being torn off by great force. but soon as the wing was taken off as it regenerated in a matter of seconds into a new goo dripping wing, yet thanks to having there wing torn off as they were stun and daze by the pain still as they didn't move and stand there with their body unevenly swaying, with this being the perfect time to end the creature once and for all when it was taken over by tremendous pain still.



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 79
Posted: Sun, 30/06/2024 20:41 (3 Months ago)
Malacia witnessed the creature regrow its wing and deduced that all strikes would have to be instantly lethal in order to kill the infected before it regenerated. Seeing the creature temporarily dazed from the pain of the previous whip strike, Malacia noticed an opportunity. They lashed their whip forward and ensnared the creature’s neck. With one final pull, the noose contracted, causing the creature’s head to roll to the ground. Any scream died in the creature’s now cloven throat. A geyser of blood and goo erupted from where the whip struck true. Malacia looked on with an expression of sorrow, the creature was in much pain and clearly not in its right mind. They then took the remains of the infected and put it in the creek, letting them slowly drift away. Water would purify whatever plague claimed this unfortunate bird.


Sarcina eventually returned to the land of the corrupted, deer still firmly grasped in claws. She then landed and let the deer go, watching it bound away with great haste. Sarcina knew she could not harm the deer herself but she had found a way to still harvest animal parts. She then whistled, calling a pack of three ravenous wolves. She had brought these over from the mainland to act as her executioners. As the wolves came over to her, they already had their eyes on the deer, and Sarcina merely had to issue the command. A wicked grin then cracked across her ruined face as she opened her mouth.
The Sign Ups for the Primal Legends League are OPEN. Battle for the chance to win legendary summon items here!
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2024 05:18 (3 Months ago)
Grasping the dagger with shaking hands, Hinata clutched it tightly as he glanced down to notice that Tyler was beginning to slow. "Um... If I'm too heavy..." She whimpered, flushing at the thought that she had grown heavy enough that carrying him had gone too much. Of course, partially it was the tail, no matter how much Hinata ate, all the weight just went straight to silvery spiked tail that seemed to grow plumper and heavier each time Hinata picked it up as it dragged around the ground. But on the other hand, if Hinata really was getting heavier well that was just embarrassing to find out when someone's carrying you!

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2024 18:44 (3 Months ago)
"oh no, no, no it's fine, it's not because you're too heavy!" he reassures as in reality it wasn't their weight, but he wasn't immune from feeling pain burning down his entire legs from running and walking, Elora spotting this long before he was already showing it as she skidders up beside them while lightly bumping them on their shoulder as Tyler shortly stopped in place. "you know, you can take a break and I can carry her the rest of the way Tyler?" "Oh um, sure Elora, you usually don't offer such nice things for me?" "well maybe if you stop being stupid and getting people nearly killed, then I would offer you and give you nice things, just turn back into your humanoid form so you can place her on my back!" she growls in a demanding tone as Tyler yelps before turning into their human form with Hinata safely in hand, carefully and angling them to be comfortable as they place them on their back as Elora. Tyler skippered behind as Zora suddenly stopped while looking at the shelters front door right ahead "That's where we're going." they simply said before rushing towards it as Elora and Tyler follow suit with them.

hastily knocking on the door as they shout "It's Zora and Lyra, she's very hurt and needs medical attention but isn't infected!" they shout only to get a replied back of "Keisha isn't here right now and is getting us lunch, I'm sorry but I can't let you in Zora!" shouting back at them, "Petunia this is serious, a life is being threatened here, you already know who we are!" they shouted back in a much more aggravated tone this time as Petunia only stared at the door, not getting up in the slightest and lightly smacking her tail on the ground.

As the deer ran a blur of an orange blade slice off its head in one foul swoop as his headless body fell to the ground as the blood began to drip down but it shortly began to turn into orange color goo, suddenly having portions of body parts being encased in goo was a slight outline of the limbs being seen inside has the orange goo dripping down the neck soon gathers up into the air as it suddenly made a new floating head, standing up as it ran its blade tail on the ground spreading the goop as it looked over while unhinging its jaw to reveal gooey fang before running off and the orange tail disappearing back into the bushes.

only to hear rustling from the bushes almost at a unnatural speed coming up towards them before going completely silent, large but long gooey claw arms of multiple and shifting colors grabbing two wolves by the leg as they pulled them in, what's the orange and purple blade tail shortly being lift up before coming back down with a horrible sounding yelp to follow, with the two wolves suddenly coming out of bushes but definitely not...right. unhinged their jaw to show their gooey fang while spitting out goo as the last remaining wolf began to ran away, with these two messed up wolves shortly hunting it down and following it as another horrible yelp could shortly be heard while they ran after it with unnatural speed.



behold the shiny beta giraffe!