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The Language of Dreams (Crk roleplay signups)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Language of Dreams (Crk roleplay signups)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 14/08/2023 16:16 (1 Year ago)


I don't know if any-ne will find this l--ter, but if this is seen, I need your help. I've been l--ke- away in what used to be a bea-tiful ki-gdom by Dark En--antress Co-kie's forces. It won't be long until she sends her ar-ie- e-ery-here. her pl-n is to co-quer all of Earthbread.

I beg of you. Gather what forces you can. Find me at -l---be--------d--, in the center of the castle. My magic and -a---r- have been stripped away from me. -- nation is in shambles.

Pl-as- he-p.

L---- L------- C--ki-


There exists a nation on Earthbread called Teahaven. It's full of cookies who come from far and wide to settle down in a peaceful place. Most of the cookies you'll see here are baked with flowers, fruits, or tea. The capital, Floraberry Kingdom, is where the queen and her council are located.

Lemon Lavender Cookie is one of the kindest and most sincere rulers there are, always treating each cookie fair and just. She built her kingdom with the effort of years of work and study, and gathered her council based on how just and trustworthy a cookie was.

After the Dark Flour War, Floraberry Kingdom was the first kingdom to fall. What was once a beautiful kingdom is now shrouded in mist and full of bandits and monsters. Even worse to happen, all five council members have gone missing, including the queen. It seems as though Teahaven, if not restored, will become Dark Enchantress Cookie's stepping stone to taking over Earthbread. Will the nation see peace once more, or will the Cookies of Darkness finally have their will realized?


The many towns of Teahaven
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Not long after the ancient civilizations were established, a new nation, called Teahaven, was created from the ground up. It was created during Elle's pilgrimage when she finally found what she wanted to do as an earth cookie, and started as a small pasture with dragon's beard sheep (Also called cotton string sheep). After finding so many friends and even gaining followers, she built a kingdom and attracted residents, eventually becoming a main capital in Earthbread.

Floraberry Kingdom: This is the central kingdom in Teahaven, and is also where the CBC is located. The castle itself is completely overgrown (not from neglect, that's the staple look for it) and overlooks the rest of the kingdom atop a hill. Most of the tourist destinations are within the kingdom's border. The council oversees not only the kingdom but the cities and towns all the way to the outskirts of the country itself, while the queen has a complete rule of the kingdom only (Each town has its own mayor that makes local rules under the queen and council's administration).

Citrea Bloom Council: In Earthbread, there exists a high Council that oversees the common laws of each kingdom and city, it's known as the Citrea Bloom Council. Located towards the center of the nation, the Courtroom can be found in Floraberry Kingdom (Which wasn't listed as a Capitol until the Council was made). The five members are each part of Lemon Lavender Cookie's court.

Lovage: Lovage is located to the west of the castle. It's a large village full of cottages and gardens and is where most herbs, spices, fruits, and vegetables are grown. They produce income for the cookies by being taken into the cities of other kingdoms and being sold. The national flower, lavender, is grown in mass here, and then sold and shipped to other kingdoms around Earthbread. The lavender planted here is said to have the most potent effects and a great smell.

Meadowsweet Mountain Range: Located to the north of the kingdom, the Meadowsweet Mountains are a large range of mountains that are mainly uninhabited. They grow most of the wildflowers that are picked and used throughout Teahaven. In these mountains (as well as throughout the nation), there exist creatures and plants that can only be found in Teahaven, for example, the Snapdragon, a large and deadly beast that inhabits the mountaintops.

Marigold Market: This bustling city is located to the South of the kingdom, and is one of the hottest spots for tourists. The Marigold Market is home to many cookies who've come in to live in Teahaven from other countries, so the most diversity you'll find in the nation is located there. The market has a central plaza where festivals are held on a regular basis and stalls and booths filled to the brim with foods, herbs, clothes, etc.

Amaryllis City: A high-tech city built by a genius scientist who has worked with the queen since the very beginning of the nation. The city takes on a futuristic architectural appearance, made for city cookies. While it looks much different than the rest of the kingdom, the city works in unity with the villages and markets around Teahaven. It's located on the other side of the Meadowsweet Mountains, so it's a fairly long trek there, or, if you don't want to risk running into Snapdragon, there are routes by water.

Lake Lupine: A large lake by the shore of Teahaven, creating a river that winds around Floraberry Kingdom. The lake is one of the most visited tourist sites, as its lupine flowers are a beautiful sight to see. Gondola rides are offered, and some events are hosted around the area, such as weddings and holiday celebrations. Berries and sparkling water from the Hollyberry kingdom have been gifted to Teahaven to help build the beauty of the lake, this has made it even more famed than before.

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Teahaven's local items and places
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Alchemilla Lab: A lab located in the castle town. It focuses its research on medicines, as well as chemical reactions used with flowers and potions of all sorts.

Apple Spice Academy: Located in the campus division of Amaryllis City, the Apple Spice Academy is one of the highest esteemed magic schools on Earthbread, good rivals with the Blue Yogurt Academy. Every year they have a parade commemorating the school's founding.

Alyssum Hospital: The central hospital of Teahaven; it's located Amaryllis City. It uses very high-tech resources to make sure patients receive the best care possible, hence why it's the best in the nation.

Azalea Theater: A theater located near Wallflower Street, highly esteemed for its magnificent plays and sociable actors and actresses. Blueberry Merlot is the head of the troupe that mainly performs here.

Balloon Flower: Flowers that are used as balloons. They float using magic and are attached to a string by the pistil.

Bell Flower: Flowers used as bells. The pistils, when shaken with a string, hit the petals of the flower and make a light, pleasant ringing noise.

Blanket Flower: These flowers grow around the center of the Meadowsweet Mountain Range. The petals are picked from the stem and are reaped for a special silk-like material for blankets (A must in the summer heat, they are able to bounce heat off because of the material).

Blazing Star Planetarium Research Center: This research center was originally going to be built in Amaryllis City, but the lights made it hard to see the stars. It was then built at the base of the Meadowsweet Mountain Range. It's location makes it isolated from most towns, which is helpful so there aren't many distractions

Bleeding Heart Bar: A bar around the main plaza of Marigold Market. Due to its location, it's a great tourist stop. Its specialty drink is the Aviation Cocktail.

Bluebonnet: These flowers are found growing around Lovage. The petals are picked, arranged a certain way, and tied with a ribbon or string. It's an uncommon popularity with some of the ladies, as a feminine head accessory.

Bluestar Bakery: A top contending bakery in the Marigold Market, the Bluestar Bakery is owned by Strawberry Meringue Cookie, who invented the ever-popular Lemongrass Cheesecake.

Brassica Library: The largest library in Teahaven. It's located in Floraberry Kingdom, and has three floors, as well as a stage on the ground floor. Tucked away in several nooks are small shops like souvenir shops and cafes. Pecan Pie Cookie is the head Librarian and oversees most activity.

Broom Flower: These flowers can be found all around Teahaven. The petals are picked, stripped into thin strings and attached to a wooden piece, creating a special broom. Alternatively, the whole stem (with the flowers attached) can be used as a duster.

Buttercup: You can find this flower in a jar in everyone's home. The sap has a similar taste to salted butter but is a much healthier substitute. The petals are cut up, heated (So the sap comes out), and used as a topping on food.

Candytuft: A favorite among sweet-toothed cookies, this flower is able to be eaten as-is, or candied for an even sweeter effect. The petals can be plucked and eaten, giving off a sweet, floral taste. The flavor depends on the color of the flower.

Catmint: Don't let the name fool you, it's not just for cats! This treat is edible for all beings alike, it's just known as a popular treat among cats, working like catnip. The petals, when plucked and eaten, have a light but sweet mint taste. It can be found being sold in Marigold Market, or, if you find it on your own, it's perfectly safe to eat right after being picked!

Cherry Blossom: These trees can be found in Sweetheart Cherry Cookie's wing of the castle, and around the garden. Only inhabiting the castle grounds, the Cherry Blossoms are a rare delicacy, being served to eat (And being shipped out for accessory making) only during the Spring Ball.

Clover Cake Hound: These hounds have been around Teahaven for decades, both wild and domesticated. While they're some of the most common pets, the wild hounds are very aggressive, and it's hard to tell which, so be careful!

Cone Flower: The pistils are cut from the base of the stem and hollowed out. The fur is also removed from the pistil (it's used for coats and jackets), although the petals don't have any real use. The pistils are then used as reusable bowls, they're known to have a mahogany color.

Coral Bell: These plants provide a rich dye used in both food and clothing. While greens and reds are common, darker colors like wine and violet are sought after for their high value and currency.

Crown Imperial: It's a one-of-a-kind symbol in Floraberry Kingdom. During the queen's coronation, the crown was placed atop her head by the acting priest while the national coronation speech was stated and ensured upon her. The Crown Imperial is only used in official matters, being replaced with a smaller lavender flower crown and tiara.

Daffodil: The risen petals are removed carefully from the flower itself and are made to be cups. They aren't a hassle to carry, are very stable, and emit a pleasant aroma.

Dahlia: Each full-grown petal is plucked carefully and is used as shot glasses. Being edible, it's common (and tradition) to eat the petal with the drink still inside. It usually doesn't alter the taste of the drink and provides a nice texture. It's easy to tell if you're near a tourist, when you walk in the bartender will hand you a free shot of water to see if you'll eat the petal as well. It's a great sale tactic.

Dandelion Inn - A family-run inn located in the heart of Lovage, the reviews are left at a full five stars for its hospitality. The cookies love their specialty pancakes, made with pears, cinnamon, and the secret ingredient- star anise.

Elder Flower: These are some of the most popular flowers. They are used for medicinal purposes, as well as decoration, and can be eaten straight from the stem.

Firethorn: Don't get too close to these plants, there's a reason they get their name! The plants have small thorns throughout the stems. There are also tiny hairs on the plant, and both the thorns and the hairs, when touched, will produce a sensation similar to being burned. It's painful, but it goes away after a while. Handle them with care.

Forget Me Not: These flowers are grown around Lovage. They're used as wax stamp decorations, wrapping decorations, or letter decorations (Or simply for home decor). They're used as a symbol of love and faith and are attached to love letters more often than not.

Foxglove: During the summer, these sneaky animals can be found running through the cities all over Teahaven, stealing whatever they can grab. Watch your belongings around them! They build dens and hibernate during the colder seasons.

Fuchsia: There are many uses for this plant. They can be used as ceiling or hanging lights, skirts, and even ribbons! It's said that there exists a being called the Fuchsia Sprite, a small entity for whom its petals allow it to float and glide in the air, although it's only ever seen in Thornbrooke. Children have stated that upon getting lost while roaming Thornbrooke, the spirit appeared and helped them find their way out.

Goldenrod: The flowers emit a faint glow. Enhanced with magic, they become a great alternative to electric light. The street lamps are covered in magic-enriched goldenrod.

Grape Hyacinth: The flowery fruits produced on these special hyacinths are used in juices all around Teahaven for their fruity and tart flavor. It can also be plucked from the stem and eaten as-is, but be careful of the seeds!

Heather Mall: A mall in Amaryllis City, located near Wallflower Street. As one of the biggest malls, it offers many different things, not just from Teahaven. Robes from the Cacao Kingdom, dresses from the Hollyberry Kingdom, treats from the Vanilla Kingdom, the mall has everything you could ever hope to see in other kingdoms, and you don't have to take the days-long trips!

Hibiscus: Like fuchsia, hibiscus flowers have many uses, and are some of the most popular flowers in Earthbread. They're used in food and drinks, fashion, decor, weaponry, you name it, the hibiscus has a use for it! They are grown very specially, and although you can find them everywhere, they're nowhere near cheap!

Holly: Holly is mostly used for ceremonial purposes, especially during Her Majesty Hollyberry Cookie's visits. It is often used around winter as well, for things such as mistletoe, decor, and accessories. You might be able to find the queen wearing some.

Honeysuckle: This flower is a delicacy around the nation. The pistils are sucked on because they contain sweet nectar, they're sometimes used in candy and tea. It's a bit more expensive to buy it locally, but it's definitely worth it to try some only a few minutes after it's been picked!

Hydrangea: Hydrangea doesn't necessarily have a real purpose in Teahaven other than decor and being a fantastic garden plant, but it seems as if everywhere you turn there will be a bush of these flowers. It's said that the queen, in her past, has studied in a place filled to the brim with them, which is why she's influenced by them and obligated to plant them everywhere as a reminder. A strange cookie resembling the flower can be seen, although not often, coming in and out of the palace when no one is looking.

Iris: The iris is revered because of its petals. Each fashion designer hailing from Teahaven has used the petals in a design at least once. It was made a popular fashion statement when it started to ship around the world.

Jasmine: Because of the potent fragrance of these flowers, it's quite possible that the constant floral scent you smell throughout the kingdom is because of the jasmine that grows almost everywhere. They take up most trellises and are known to have grown around most of the outside of Floraberry Castle.

Lavender: As the national symbol for Teahaven, lavender is a must-have in each patriotic home. There is an abundance of flowers growing in their own fields. They had even spread to the outskirts of Lake Lupine.

Lilac: Although there aren't many lilacs in the kingdom, it had somehow infiltrated the kingdom after a visit from Yogurt Cream Cookie to discuss Yogurca's alliance with Floraberry Kingdom.

Lily: There exist many greenhouses containing only white lilies. While there are many specifically chosen caretakers, picked by the queen herself to tend to the plants, it's never said why it's done in the first place. Some have noticed the same situation in the Vanilla Kingdom. Perhaps it's a story from long ago.

Lotus: You can find many lotuses by the rivers in Teahaven. It's in honor and respect of one of the queen's many advisors on her pilgrimage. More often than not, they'll be found floating wherever there is hydrangea.

Lunaria Planetarium: A planetarium on the nearest mountain overseeing Teahaven. The Lunaria Planetarium keeps track of the moon during its flowering seasons, as well as the stars. Many constellations have been created and named in this planetarium.

Mayflower: The main ship that transports goods and trades from Teahaven to places around Earthbread is known as the Mayflower. It's also a quick way of overseas transport to cookies needing to get to faraway places in a hurry. The Captain of the ship is Cranberry Spice Cookie.

Moonflower: One day, a cookie with the light of the moon visited Floraberry Castle. After she left, the queen planted a special seed in her personal garden, creating vines of moonflowers. They bloom every night, the petals close during the day.

Morning Glory: These flowers bloom in the morning, and when they have fully bloomed, they are great for breakfast! They make great morning snacks because of their vitamin-packed petals.

Orchid Cathedral: The central cathedral in Floraberry Kingdom, this is the biggest cathedral in Teahaven. The members worship the graceful deities and legendary guardians that protect Earthbread. The acting head priestess is Acerola Cookie.

Pansy Cupcakes: You'll find these treats all over Teahaven, made locally in the bakeries, sold at family-owned stands, or even in the shops around the market. The cupcakes have different flavors, ranging from raspberry to lime, and are topped with the freshest pansy petals.

Peony: These flowers are said to attract fairies, and are used for quite a few reasons. The heart-shaped petals are used as notepaper (Especially for love letters), as well as skirts, seasonal napkins, sweets, and tea ingredients.

Pincushion Flower: Every designer in Teahaven has this flower on their table. The needle-like pistils can be picked from the base and used as such.

Poinsettia: These flowers come in abundance in the wintertime, decorating every inch of Floraberry Kingdom during the Winterberry Ball.

Queen Anne's Lace: This expensive flower is used in most lace items, like banners and clothes. They became very popular after being favored by the queen.

Rose: Roses are very common and cheap flowers found in the region. The flowers are very often used as decor and used in fashion, the petals are edible and emit a lovely fragrant taste, and the thorns are used as spikes in clothing, like chokers and gauntlets.

Snowdrop: While it isn't quite often, Teahaven will be covered in Snowdrop instead of snow. This white flower hails from the Meadowsweet Mountains. During the winter seasons, the wind will blow the flowers down to the cities and the kingdom, covering it in a white banket.

Snapdragon: A beast that lives in the Meadowsweet Mountains, Snapdragon's territory is at the mountain tops. It's a very bipolar creature, creating treaties with the kingdom and destroying it the same day. The queen tries her best to keep both the nation and the dragon happy. As part of the nation's dragons, Snapdragon has had their power drained and reverted to a cookie form, where they are a bit more tolerant and easier to reason with.

Spider Lily: Located in forest groves and around small lakes, these flowery insects are harmless for the most part, only baring their nonvenomous fangs when threatened. If you look around, you may find some cookies that keep them as pets, although it's uncommon compared to the cake hounds.

Starflower: A flower that grows only when the night sky is clear, revealing all of the constellations in the galaxy. The story goes that sometimes in the night, a shepherd of stars will visit the queen. The flower itself is also edible, tasting just like starfruit.

Sunflower: Sunflowers are one of the rarest flowers to find in Teahaven, as they only grow naturally in the heart of the Meadowsweet Mountains.

Sweet Pea Salon: A popular salon in Amaryllis City, the building is so highly reputed for having celebrity customers such as Shining Glitter Cookie and Almond Blossom Cookie.

Tea Rose Sandwich: A very rare find, these are only served in the castle, and can only be found in one cafe. The sandwich is made of strawberries, tea rose petals, and a creamy matcha filling, and is served with clover milk tea. It's very hard to make, so no wonder the recipe is kept hidden!

Vanilla Orchid: Surprisingly, this is one of the most expensive flowers, not for its ability to grow locally, but because of its high demand. Of course, if you're willing to buy them cheap, you're more than welcome to take the three-day trip to the Vanilla Kingdom where the flowers are grown in mass and freely picked. It's common sense to bring a bouquet of these to the queen, it's apparently her favorite.

Wallflower Street: Located at the heart of Amaryllis City is Wallflower Street. It's the main place for business, tourism, and exploring. The largest stock exchanges had taken place here, as well as big investments. The CBC is located right in the middle of the block, and nearby the street are some of the biggest places and attractions.

Wandflower: These are exclusively grown at the Apple Spice Academy. They are standard wands for students practicing their magic and prowess.

Wax Plant: These flowers have various scents, great for adding a nice touch to any room. There are special candles made from the leaves, the flowers have various purposes.

Winterberry Ball: A ball hosted every year during the winter season, the Winterberry Ball celebrates one of Earthbread's most unified kingdom relationships: Floraberry and the Hollyberry Kingdom. It's a closed event, only open to those of the two nations. With a special invitation, others are allowed to attend.

Yellow Archangel: A story exists in Teahaven, and goes like this- One day, a cookie, very dreamy looking, abandoned her old life in order to find happiness. She hadn't been around other cookies before, so she struggled to fit in, but she met a certain cookie that lifted her off of the ground and helped her find her way. This story exists to explain the purpose of the Yellow Archangel. Almost every cookie has this in their home, often located near their hearth, as the flower is said to bring protection and watch over those who are near.

Signup Form
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Age: (range, not number. So like, child, young adult, elder, etc.)
Appearance: (description or picrews or ref photos work!)
Kingdom: (You can choose a canon kingdom, be in Teahaven, or say none of you're an adventurer)
Class: (one of the following: charge, defense, magic, ambush, bomber, support, healing)(your abilities can only apply to your class, meaning your abilities are usually limited)
Abilities/Other: (anything we should know? Occupation, a hobby, their powers? Write it here)
Password: (your favorite song)

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All Pokeheroes rules apply

Only two characters at a time max

Romance is all allowed (sometimes encouraged), but don't make it the focal point of the plot

No nsfw stuff

No proshipping

Trying to control any character that isn't your own or plot to your own benefit will result in an automatic kick

If something happens in the real world, don't let it affect the characters in the roleplay (E.g. being inactive for a few days)

keep your character consistent. If someone can't understand what your character looks like/has for abilities by character sheet alone, make it consistent

Don't change your character in the middle of the roleplay unless it's consistent with the plot

No bunnying/powerplaying

You must be active in the roleplay. If you aren't active for at least two weeks without notice, you'll likely be kicked from the group chat and roleplay (and maybe blacklisted).

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message!

Need inspiration or help? Feel free to claim these, whether it's the name, occupation, or both!
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Acerola Cookie - Priestess at the Orchid Cathedral

Almond Blossom Cookie - An outstanding singer in Teahaven, they have their own personal flat in Amaryllis city. Their roots go back to the almond tribes, with a childhood in Parfaedia.

Anise Pear Cookie - Current Innkeeper of the Dandelion Inn

Apple Spice Cookie - Headmaster of the Apple Spice Academy

Apricot Amaretto Cookie - Guardian of the Juniper Temple Ruins

Brambleberry Cookie - Leading doctor at Alyssum Hospital. Despite looking constantly stressed, she actually loves her job.

Cherimoya Cookie - Big time broker who owns some of the biggest stocks, always seen at Wallflower Street

Choco Chai Cookie - Tailor in the Marigold Market. Responsible for designing and creating half of the outfits that the queen wears, including her signature dress and cape.

Cranberry Spice Cookie - Captain of the Mayflower, trained with Ice Captain and Pirate

Daisy Melon Cookie - An elderly cookie who lives in a small house in the royal field where the sheep are kept. It's said that Daisy Melon Cookie was the one who helped the queen start the foundation of her kingdom. Daisy Melon is also shepherding when Elle isn't with the herd.

Desert Sage Cookie: A wandering herbalist who travels around the nation. He dresses like a bandit from Yogurca to blend in, though he's completely harmless.

Guava Ginger Cookie - A gardening apprentice, works under Sweetheart Cherry in the royal garden

Gypsy Rose Cookie - A traveling dancer who goes across Earthbread to spread her joy of the arts and mystical stories. She's mostly seen in the evening.

Kiwi Clover Cookie - Alchemist for the Alchemilla Lab

Marmalade Mojito Cookie - Owner of the Bleeding Heart Bar (Brother of Nectarine Champagne)

Nectarine Champagne Cookie - Owner of the Bleeding Heart Bar (Brother of Marmalade Mojito)

Orange Zest Cookie - Butler in the castle

Violet Wine Cookie: Head Archer of the palace. He's almost never seen because of how quick and stealthy he is. Once an enemy lays their eyes on his figure, it's guaranteed that they won't come out alive.

White Coconut Cookie: Head chef at the palace

My forms:
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Name: Lemon Lavender Cookie
Nickname: Elle
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Appearance: Her dough is quite pale, made with lemon extract and lavender buds. She has sage green eyes and yellow hair with purple braids. She wears an off-the-shoulder purple gown with a yellow gradient at bottom and embroidery on the torso, as well as a yellow cape with a hood, lavender heels with flower embroidery, a tiara hair comb, lemon slice earrings, and a lavender flower crown
Personality: Outgoing, Bubbly, She tries to adopt that same altruistic personality that Pure Vanilla Cookie has
Kingdom: Teahaven
Weapon: Lantern staff
Class: Support
Abilities/Other: She isn't an Ancient Hero, but is closely regarded by them, and is usually found with them or the council. When her lantern is taken off of its staff, she can use it as a lightning rod, but that's a sight to behold because she rarely uses magic to attack (It's known that she also uses the rod as a channeler to absorb energy and convert it into the light that she uses for her lantern).

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Name: Monarda Cookie
Nickname: Mona
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Appearance: She has curly light blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. Her outfit consists of a white button up, a skirt made of mint leaves, and a peach-colored cardigan. There's a mint leaf clip in her hair.
Personality: Very bright and jovial, she'll always try her best to brighten everyone's mood, and she will always have time for a good adventure- but she's a bit too stubborn at times, and her heart speaks louder than her brain
Kingdom: Teahaven
Weapon: Wand
Class: Magic
Abilities/Other: She's an alumni of the Apple Spice Academy, and takes part in Lovage's lavender contest every year. Although she's mainly an herb cookie, her dough has traced of peaches.

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓆑 𓇗𓋼
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ You are the light I've been searching for forever ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
⋆┈┈。゚❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Mon, 14/08/2023 17:01 (1 Year ago)
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Mango Lemon Cookie



Young Adult

Lem’s long fading (green to a mango-orange) hair sweeps to the side of her bright, yellow eyes, and past her shoulders. She wears a yellowy t-shirt and green shorts.

Friendly, talkative and generally sociable


A decorated spear


- Sticky Shield -
With the tip of her spear, Lem draws a line between herself and her opponent before a sticky, orange coloured shield-wall rises. If an opponent tries to get through, they will be paralysed and the wall will fall, holding the opponent in a sticky orange mass (slime like)

- Sweet Sensations -
Using a special remedy, Lem can heal her allies and self, nursing them back to health. This may also give them a boost in their strengths as well her own (if she is healing herself). However her healing ability takes time and energy to do

Currently a student at Apple Spice and is an intern at Bluestar Bakery

Tricky, I have lots! I’ll go with: Maps

☽ •。° ✦ Welcome ✦ °。• ☾
To my void
The endless world with no
☽ •。° ✦ Escape ✦ °。• ☾

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Mon, 14/08/2023 17:45 (1 Year ago)
Username: ShatteredDiamond
Name: Black Lily Cookie
Nickname: Lil
Gender: female
Age: technically an ancient, but appears to be an adult
Appearance: Personality: Reserved but is willing to learn to open up. Forced to be mute due to having a locked mouth for so many years
Kingdom: Originally from /unknown/, but now resides in Teahaven
Weapon: Black Lily Staff
Class: Magic
Normal: Black Bloom (summons a field of black lilies under the opponent, which drains their speed and health slowly)
Ultimate: Wretched Wail (screams/sings a tune that will disorientate the opponent)

Backstory: Twin Sister of White Lily Cookie, Black Lily Cookie was often in the shadow of her sister to everyone, even her own parents. One day, a prophet came along and predicted the coming of a dark evil and it came from one of the two sisters. Their parents believed it would be BLC, and took measures meant to keep the prophecy from happening; locking her jaw and locking her in the basement, where she stayed for many years, until the spell keeping her trapped faded/broke, allowing her to be free. She fled to Teahaven, where she is now Occupation: an alchemist in the Alchemilla Lab and a patient at the Alyssum Hospital.
Password: Rust by Steampianist

Username: ShatteredDiamond
Name: Rosewater Cookie
Nickname: Rosie
Gender: female
Age: between child and young adult
Appearance: Personality: Bubbly, kind, talkative
Kingdom: Born and raised in Teahaven
Weapon: Rose thorn whip
Class: Healing
Normal: Bloom Boost (cracks her whip above group, dropping rose petals down which lightly heals companions)
Ultimate: Sweet Wave (summons a wave of rosewater to greatly heal companions)
Is very agile and graceful

Backstory: none as of now (still young)
Occupation: Helps at a Flower Shop, but is still in school. Occasionally participates in Pageants and Contests.
Password: Rust by Steampianist
ꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄꡱꡀꡑꡄꡱꡁꡑꡈꡋꡋꡈꡀꡍꡓꡫꡱꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄꡱꡀꡑꡄꡱꡏꡄꡑꡅꡄꡂꡓꡫꡱꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄ/ꡈꡱꡀꡌ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡁꡔꡓ,ꡱꡈꡱꡆꡀꡕꡄꡱꡈꡍ. ꡀꡍꡃꡱꡍꡎꡖ,ꡱꡈ'ꡌꡱꡓꡎꡱꡁꡋꡀꡌꡄꡱꡅꡎꡑꡱꡎꡔꡑ/ꡌꡘꡱꡅꡀꡓꡄ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡈ'ꡌꡱꡒꡎꡑꡑꡘ... ꡈ'ꡌꡱꡒꡎꡱꡒꡎꡑꡑꡘ... ꡈꡱꡒꡇꡎꡔꡋꡃ'ꡕꡄꡱꡃꡎꡍꡄꡱꡌꡎꡑꡄ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡏꡋꡄꡀꡒꡄ,ꡱꡋꡄꡓ'ꡒꡱꡍꡄꡕꡄꡑꡱꡒꡏꡄꡀꡊꡱꡎꡅꡱꡓꡇꡈꡒꡱꡀꡆꡀꡈꡍ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡈ... ꡖꡇo... Who am I?
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 136
Posted: Mon, 14/08/2023 18:23 (1 Year ago)
Username: Everglades
Name:Blue Lotus Cookie
Gender: female
Age: teen
Appearance: Lottie has blue hair that fades to white, made using the egyptian blue lotus nectar. She has a flowing white and blue cloak/dress. She wears a bluebonnet
Personality: She is very smart and reserved, prefering not to socially interact. However, given the chance, she is a kind sweetheart, just like the sweet flower she's based on :3
Kingdom: Teahaven local
Weapon:blue lotus petal wand
Class: Magic
Abilities/Other: She is an intern at the Alchemia lab, and is very interested in herbs. She is a student at apple spice academy. In her free time she likes to look for ingredients to boost her magic in diferent ways. She ocasionally visits the Blazing Star Planetarium Research Center, and has friends that work there. She doesn't intern there because It's too far away, but sometimes visits. She loves Bluestar bakery and often grabs a treat there before off to school or work! She loves to research Elder Flowers for medicne.
Password: Candle Queen

Thank you! I love the idea!

𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽,
𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖.
𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒,
𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦.

-Parable of the Sower

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Mon, 14/08/2023 23:21 (1 Year ago)
Username: andrea~
Name: Caramel Milk Cookie
Nickname: Cami
Gender: Female
Age: young adult
outgoing | valedictorian | kind | lovable | mysterious | cheerful
Cami is a very outgoing, happy-go-lucky student, who spent her time drifting around school, chattering away to teachers and students alike regarding the area of magic and alchemy. She is full of ideas, frequently seen in the laboratory, testing out new combinations. Cami is cheery and kind, always volunteering to tutor young, aspiring students after-class and during her break times. She is hardworking, yet free-spirited. Perhaps what allowed her to get through to Prune Juice cookie was her ability to appear both mysterious yet friendly, intriguing the crafty Prune Juice. They soon became inseparable, each never seen without the other during their cozy little lab sessions, though they split paths after graduating.
Kingdom: Parfaedia
Weapon:Staff/Potion Vials
Class: Magic
[Normal Ability]
Cami slams her staff into the ground, creating a whirlpool-like glyph on the ground to deal damage over time. If not within the glyph, Cami casts spheres of magic at said target, dealing damage and applying ATK SPD and CRIT RATE debuffs to the enemy.
Cami draws on her alchemist skills, using her staff to summon a huge raincloud that rains various multi-colored potions on the enemies. When hit, enemies will suffer from Poisoning and Sticky Goo effect. Poison deals damage over time, Sticky Goo immobilises enemies, preventing them from attacking.
Professor Latte (former teacher, friends)
Professor Espresso (former teacher, dislikes)
Prune Juice Cookie (classmate, friends)
Cream Puff Cookie (senior, good friends and idol)
Current Job - Professor | Hobby - Potion Brewing

Username: andrea~
Name: Cotton Candy Dragon Cookie
Nickname: Coca
Gender: Female
Age: young adult
post-dragon form
wanderer | free spirit | daring | reserved | street-smart | mischievous
Who knows where Coca came from, who knows where Coca will go. This little dragon-cookie hybrid travels wherever the wind takes her, above the lands and across the seas. She is an avid adventurer that goes where her heart takes her, exploring different realms and discovering new islands. Coca is rumoured to have created a map for Tropical Soda Islands, for her personal voyage, but no one has ever seen it, let alone believe such a young cookie could have figured out such a complex place.
Kingdom: [UNKNOWN], Adventurer
Weapon: Dragon’s Breath/Staff
Class: Magic
[Normal Attack]
Coca uses her staff to create cotton-candy smog, temporarily blinding them and inflicting [Impaired] on the enemy, creating a chance that the enemy attack hits one of their allies, rather than the opposing team
[Cookie Ultimate]
Coca throws Cotton Candy Spiderwebs at enemies, summoning Cotton Candy Spiders which attack the enemy.
[Dragon Ultimate]
Each use of [Cookie Ultimate] stacks one Cotton Cloud. After two Cotton Clouds are activated, Coca shifts to dragon form, breathing a pink-and-blue ice beam at enemies, freezing them, preventing them from attacking. When [Freezing] wears off, it deals damage and inflicts [Frostbite], which will drain their health slowly.
Password: No Way from SIX

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Tue, 15/08/2023 00:06 (1 Year ago)
"The stars in my memories that I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"

"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Tue, 15/08/2023 00:19 (1 Year ago)
"...Excuse me, have I met you before?"


Ruby Chocolate Cookie



Young Adult

Wears a blue scarf. His dough is quite pale. His hair is brown.

Ruby is generally unsociable. he's not incredible at socializing. He values his scarf over all else. He's quiet and gloomy, so many people overlook him in their calculations, which is a mistake, as he's incredibly powerful. He's kind, and loves animals. Very physically affectionate.

he's just a traveling dude

Trench Knife


Ruby's fairly swift on his feet, far more than the average cookie. Despite his tall stature, he's surprisingly stealthy, being able to dart in and out of heavily secure facilities without much trouble. Not only that, but he's fairly powerful as well, his well-aimed attacks packing quite the punch, whether it be the brass-knuckle-enchanced blow to the gut or the cold cut of a knife. he's able to control shadows and darkness. His scarf is less of an actual scarf and more dark tendrils. His scarf-threads can also be used as stitches, just as long as he remembers to get rid of the rotting effect. He has an indestructible notebook.

[Basic Attack]
[he uses shadows to teleport behind the enemy, stabbing them in the back, and uses a few threads of his scarves to stab the opponent. The wounded area is affected by rot, dealing continuous damage to the opponent.]

[Hovering over his allies, Ruby's hair turns a flaming red, and his eyes turn silver. He splits every individual thread of his scarves into tendrils of darkness, piercing through his opponents, inflicting rot upon the area around the wounds.]

He had no idea where he was going, nor where he came from. All Ruby remembered was that he woke up in the mountains one day, his clothes already on, perfectly fitted to his comfort. All he remembered was the odd headaches he got when he saw the rising sun. So the man stuck to the shadows. He stayed in the shadows. but he met kind people, who accepted him, who taught him the art of speech and emotion. And he felt so many things. But he left them, as he always did. Because despite all of this, the darkness was where he belonged. The sun just made his chest ache, like something was missing.

too many to count. I really like Spiracle, The Dumb Song, Aura, all of Hamilton...

Just a traveling' dude. Likes harmonicas, Blue Roses and drawing in his notebook. his past is somewhat ambiguous. He has some odd dreams, sometimes.

Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Wed, 16/08/2023 03:20 (1 Year ago)

Toasted Meringue Cookie



Young Adult

With creamy beige and white hair and a long braid swirled like a meringue cream, his hair is slightly toasted golden brown at the ends, with tan skin. His eyes are a light pastel pink on the right and pastel baby blue on the left.

He wears circular silver-rimmed glasses with matching metallic chain running down gracefully on one side. His outfit includes an mechanics wear, with all sorts of gimmicks like clockwork pieces hanging as accessories. Completely unmatching of his face and elegant aura. my brain was not working while typing this part, so it might not make sense as I forgot alot of words-
Toasted Meringue Cookie was one of the most famous figures within the Vanilla Kingdom, perhaps just second to Pure Vanilla Cookie himself.

Despite being an enthusiastic experimentalist, he is actually quite gentle and extremely soft spoken. Rarely does he raise his voice, and always, always wears a gentle, forgiving of all smile. It is said that such a gentle personality was tamed by Pure Vanilla Cookie himself.

Merin is reliable, tiddy and responsible, but he does get quite enthusiastic when it comes to his hobbies.

Ex-Vanilla Kingdom Resident

Meringue Bombs



[Normal Skill]
Toasted Meringue Cookie will throw 3 meringue bombs at the enemies, resulting in both 1 stun stack and ao3 damage. Once the stun reached 3 stacks, the enemy will be frozen and will receive a debuff of defence.

Toasted Meringue will throw out 2 meringue robots who will first immediately stun the whole entire enemy team before sticking to the enemy with the highest health, and will attract it aggro. Once the meringue bot dies, they will explode and once again cause the enemy to stun and receive a debuff of slower attack speed and cooldown. Each time Toasted Meringue uses his ultimate, one additional meringue bot will be summoned.

Too many to choose from.. but in this case, let's say Welcome to Wonderland.

[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Wed, 16/08/2023 15:30 (1 Year ago)
Username: taromilk
Name: Cocoyam Cookie
Nickname: Coco/cocoyam
Gender: female
Age: young adult
Appearance: even though the cats(not the plush) are part of her hair, they still act like living beings and have seperate emotions. However, they do not need to be fed.
Personality: lazy, easy-going and an introvert/intp who barely gets sleep. She does not have many emotions and lacks strong reactions to anything suprising. Her (hair) cats, on the other hand, are very emotional and react to every little thing that happens in Cocoyams life.
Kingdom: Adventurer(current)/Dream Express passenger(past)
Weapon: a marshpillow(summon)
Class: support
Abilities/Other: Cocoyam cookie had been riding from stop to stop on the dream express in her past, hoping for fate to give her a ticket to the legendary City of Wizards. However, she had a very long slumber on one of the train seats and woke up in the Hollyberry Kingdom, not knowing how to get back to the express. Since then, Cocoyam has been traveling from kingdom to kingdom until she reached the nation of Teahaven. A small part of her still wishes to visit the City of Wizards.

When using her skill, she gives the two allies with lowest HP a shield while a giant Marshpillow beats the dododidi out of enemies
Password: Sweet the Kid - cocoa (as of now)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 17/08/2023 00:36 (1 Year ago)
done w/ my form
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Thu, 17/08/2023 00:53 (1 Year ago)
Done with both forms!
ꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄꡱꡀꡑꡄꡱꡁꡑꡈꡋꡋꡈꡀꡍꡓꡫꡱꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄꡱꡀꡑꡄꡱꡏꡄꡑꡅꡄꡂꡓꡫꡱꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄ/ꡈꡱꡀꡌ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡁꡔꡓ,ꡱꡈꡱꡆꡀꡕꡄꡱꡈꡍ. ꡀꡍꡃꡱꡍꡎꡖ,ꡱꡈ'ꡌꡱꡓꡎꡱꡁꡋꡀꡌꡄꡱꡅꡎꡑꡱꡎꡔꡑ/ꡌꡘꡱꡅꡀꡓꡄ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡈ'ꡌꡱꡒꡎꡑꡑꡘ... ꡈ'ꡌꡱꡒꡎꡱꡒꡎꡑꡑꡘ... ꡈꡱꡒꡇꡎꡔꡋꡃ'ꡕꡄꡱꡃꡎꡍꡄꡱꡌꡎꡑꡄ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡏꡋꡄꡀꡒꡄ,ꡱꡋꡄꡓ'ꡒꡱꡍꡄꡕꡄꡑꡱꡒꡏꡄꡀꡊꡱꡎꡅꡱꡓꡇꡈꡒꡱꡀꡆꡀꡈꡍ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡈ... ꡖꡇo... Who am I?
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Thu, 17/08/2023 00:57 (1 Year ago)
res! (another fandom i need to figure outtttt) >w<
It was never meant to be.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟

My current RP work:
Show hidden content
Back in the scheme of things for Andrael

We cool.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Thu, 17/08/2023 03:12 (1 Year ago)
done with my form!
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 03:19 (1 Year ago)
@Diamond, @andrea, @kendo all accept! (Kendo just keep it to two weapons <33)
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓆑 𓇗𓋼
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ You are the light I've been searching for forever ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
⋆┈┈。゚❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 03:21 (1 Year ago)
K <3
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Sat, 19/08/2023 02:25 (1 Year ago)
Done w my form ^^
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Mon, 21/08/2023 17:56 (1 Year ago)
Username: Junghyun
Name: Cakepop Cookie(™Junghyun)
Nickname: Cake
Gender: She/Her
Age: (range, not number. So like, child, young adult, elder, etc.) Young Adult
Appearance: (description or picrews or ref photos work!)
Personality: Tired and bored looking, (is lazy)
Kingdom: (You can choose a canon kingdom, be in Teahaven, or say none of you're an adventurer) Hollyberry
Weapon: Cakepop
Class: (one of the following: charge, defense, magic, ambush, bomber, support, healing)(your abilities can only apply to your class, meaning your abilities are usually limited)
Abilities/Other: (anything we should know? Occupation, a hobby, their powers? Write it here)
Password: Let me down slowly - Alec Benjamin

ੈ✩‧₊˚Hi I'm Junghyun♡ ⋆。˚

and this is Lily <3

₊˚ʚ Pfp Credits ❥・@pinterest/google
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 136
Posted: Tue, 22/08/2023 17:50 (1 Year ago)
(finished my form a few days ago)

I was wondering if i needed to show a writing ex?

𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽,
𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖.
𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒,
𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦.

-Parable of the Sower

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 22/08/2023 19:13 (1 Year ago)
@glade, @taro, @junghyun all accept !
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓆑 𓇗𓋼
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ You are the light I've been searching for forever ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
⋆┈┈。゚❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Wed, 23/08/2023 13:15 (1 Year ago)
Done with my form (sorry it took a while)

☽ •。° ✦ Welcome ✦ °。• ☾
To my void
The endless world with no
☽ •。° ✦ Escape ✦ °。• ☾