Forum Thread
Institute of the Unique, Talented, and Magical RP Sign-ups
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Institute of the Unique, Talented, and Magical RP Sign-upsCongratulations! You have been accepted to the Institute of the Unique, Talented, and Magical!
The Admissions Committee is pleased to announce that you have been selected to attend the prestigious school. Your application shows the perfect dedication, skill, and intelligence that we are looking for. We are excited to help you further your talents in magical studies. We are sure that you will make the best of your schooling and unlock your full potential with this opportunity.
Please return a message in two weeks, to secure your position. (Bird, wind, shadow, light, water, telepathy, etc.) Details are attatched below.
Thank you for choosing the Institute of the Unique, Talented, and Magical, and we eagerly await your reply.
Please read the school rules, breaking them will not be taken lightly.

1. All PH
rules apply.
2. No overly powerful characters.
3. Controlling other people's characters is strictly forbidden.
4. I reserve the right to reject your form.
5. Password is "I, [character name], hereby agrees to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute."
2. No overly powerful characters.
3. Controlling other people's characters is strictly forbidden.
4. I reserve the right to reject your form.
5. Password is "I, [character name], hereby agrees to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute."
Please return a message in the format of this form.

Age (11 - 18):
Level/Grade (1 - 8):
Ability(ies)/Power(s) (All characters will be considered general by default - general = able to learn all kinds of magic, this part of the form is for any specifics of a character's magic - fire, water, good at making potions, etc., as well as the level they are at in terms of magical studies):
Age (11 - 18):
Level/Grade (1 - 8):
Ability(ies)/Power(s) (All characters will be considered general by default - general = able to learn all kinds of magic, this part of the form is for any specifics of a character's magic - fire, water, good at making potions, etc., as well as the level they are at in terms of magical studies):
Presenting... Princess Athena Luminia Lediana

Name: Athena Luminia Lediana
Age (11 - 18): 11
Level/Grade (1 - 8): 3 (Skipped two grades)
Gender: Female
Ability(ies)/Power(s) (All characters will be considered general by default - general = able to learn all kinds of magic, this part of the form is for any specifics of a character's magic - fire, water, good at making potions, etc., as well as the level they are at in terms of magical studies): General - Extremely talented and hardworking, weilds and uses magic comfortably, excels in all areas of magical studies.
Appearance: I'm tempted to use the cute anime girl, but how about some more detailed verbal description this time?
Pale blonde hair with her usual frost blue/silver/white eyes, they normally possess a soothing kind of effect, but turn icy when she's angry. Has a pair of frost blue/silver/white wings which she make appear and disappear at will. She hasn't told anyone about them, and doesn't intend to. Usually wearing a loose-fitting dress the same colour as her eyes and wings, she switches to tighter fitting clothing in the same colour when expecting needing to move quickly and agily. A sword whose blade and handle are intricately decorated in swirls of, you guessed it, silver/frost blue/white hangs at her side on a thin belt of, yes, the same colour. The belt is also home to other smalled weapons like daggers or darts, all decorated the same way as her sword.
Personality: Let's see if I can RP her personality clearer with my newfound experience...
Obedient, hardworking, and energetic to her teachers, she is the exact definition of a perfect student. Perfect grades, perfect track record, first hand up in the air, full and complete answers. Perfect. Just perfect.
Secretly rebellious, she isn't afraid to bend a few rules without adults noticing. This is the side of her fellow students and friends know. Friendly, charming, and mysterious, she is, to many students, a goddess.
But alas, every hero must have a dark side. Athena is still naive, in some ways. She is afraid of blood, and has never, would never hurt anyone in a serious way. She is also quite fond of her reputation, with both adults and students, and will try to the very best of her ability to uphold it. She has quite a severe case of self-blame, thinking that all the bad things in the world is her fault, and she could have prevented or fixed them.
Backstory: There is only one possible option.
Princess of Altanlis, the kingdom the Institute is located in, her name is known far and wide, both because she is a well-loved princess, and her track record of competition victories is, let's say, quite impressive. Her parents were strict, and old-fashioned, their plans for Athena's future was to get married to a rich man, and become a mascot of the kingdom, in a way, not its ruler. Athena opposed this as soon as she heard of it, and has tried her very best to rebel, but fear has kept her from doing what truly needs to be done.
Unknown to everyone, she used to sneak out into the city at night, the city city, not the mansions aristocrats lived in. The part which really couldn't be called a city, more of a big village. Living conditions there were strained, even though it was right next door, her parents couldn't be bothered sorting out its many problems. She'd made friends there, made a reputation for herself, she had a life there.
She'd met a wonderful person, by the name of Pietro. He was funny, handsome, and they pulled pranks and laughed at the results together. He was the only person who knew her true identity.
Then whispers of Him started. The murderer. Who killed in a way no one had ever seen before. At first she thought nothing of it. She was confident of her skills. But He came. He sneaked up on her when she wasn't watching, tricked her straight into a trap. He'd leaped, armed with nothing but his powers, and was about to slice her apart when Pietro leaped in front of her. She could still remember the strange reddish colour of His spell, like fresh blood. The spell which was supposed to take her life, but took Pietro's instead. His blood was spilled, and He'd collected it in a tiny crystal vial. Then He'd left without a word. Without an explanation. And Pietro, her one true friend, the one person she'd ever confided in, was gone. Forever.
After the incident, she sank into a state of depressed sulking, forgetting food, water, everything. Basically losing the will to live. She didn't bother returning to the palace, giving up the identity of Princess Athena Luminia Lediana and becoming just another one of the suffering villagers. She pretty much tried to commit suicide, but apparently she couldn't really starve to death. At least not quickly enough. She was ready to stab herself, but upon seeing the injustice in the village, she resolved to using her power to help them. Originally planning it to be the last thing she did, she returned to the palace, claiming she'd been kidnapped, and petitioned for better conditions for the village. She succeeded, and was about to go through with suicide, when her parents decided to send her off to boarding school, hoping to gain more reputation through their daughter's acheivements.
Password: The princess is spared from such atrocities
Palpad?: Made
Other: Nah uh
Age (11 - 18): 11
Level/Grade (1 - 8): 3 (Skipped two grades)
Gender: Female
Ability(ies)/Power(s) (All characters will be considered general by default - general = able to learn all kinds of magic, this part of the form is for any specifics of a character's magic - fire, water, good at making potions, etc., as well as the level they are at in terms of magical studies): General - Extremely talented and hardworking, weilds and uses magic comfortably, excels in all areas of magical studies.
Appearance: I'm tempted to use the cute anime girl, but how about some more detailed verbal description this time?
Pale blonde hair with her usual frost blue/silver/white eyes, they normally possess a soothing kind of effect, but turn icy when she's angry. Has a pair of frost blue/silver/white wings which she make appear and disappear at will. She hasn't told anyone about them, and doesn't intend to. Usually wearing a loose-fitting dress the same colour as her eyes and wings, she switches to tighter fitting clothing in the same colour when expecting needing to move quickly and agily. A sword whose blade and handle are intricately decorated in swirls of, you guessed it, silver/frost blue/white hangs at her side on a thin belt of, yes, the same colour. The belt is also home to other smalled weapons like daggers or darts, all decorated the same way as her sword.
Personality: Let's see if I can RP her personality clearer with my newfound experience...
Obedient, hardworking, and energetic to her teachers, she is the exact definition of a perfect student. Perfect grades, perfect track record, first hand up in the air, full and complete answers. Perfect. Just perfect.
Secretly rebellious, she isn't afraid to bend a few rules without adults noticing. This is the side of her fellow students and friends know. Friendly, charming, and mysterious, she is, to many students, a goddess.
But alas, every hero must have a dark side. Athena is still naive, in some ways. She is afraid of blood, and has never, would never hurt anyone in a serious way. She is also quite fond of her reputation, with both adults and students, and will try to the very best of her ability to uphold it. She has quite a severe case of self-blame, thinking that all the bad things in the world is her fault, and she could have prevented or fixed them.
Backstory: There is only one possible option.
Princess of Altanlis, the kingdom the Institute is located in, her name is known far and wide, both because she is a well-loved princess, and her track record of competition victories is, let's say, quite impressive. Her parents were strict, and old-fashioned, their plans for Athena's future was to get married to a rich man, and become a mascot of the kingdom, in a way, not its ruler. Athena opposed this as soon as she heard of it, and has tried her very best to rebel, but fear has kept her from doing what truly needs to be done.
Unknown to everyone, she used to sneak out into the city at night, the city city, not the mansions aristocrats lived in. The part which really couldn't be called a city, more of a big village. Living conditions there were strained, even though it was right next door, her parents couldn't be bothered sorting out its many problems. She'd made friends there, made a reputation for herself, she had a life there.
She'd met a wonderful person, by the name of Pietro. He was funny, handsome, and they pulled pranks and laughed at the results together. He was the only person who knew her true identity.
Then whispers of Him started. The murderer. Who killed in a way no one had ever seen before. At first she thought nothing of it. She was confident of her skills. But He came. He sneaked up on her when she wasn't watching, tricked her straight into a trap. He'd leaped, armed with nothing but his powers, and was about to slice her apart when Pietro leaped in front of her. She could still remember the strange reddish colour of His spell, like fresh blood. The spell which was supposed to take her life, but took Pietro's instead. His blood was spilled, and He'd collected it in a tiny crystal vial. Then He'd left without a word. Without an explanation. And Pietro, her one true friend, the one person she'd ever confided in, was gone. Forever.
After the incident, she sank into a state of depressed sulking, forgetting food, water, everything. Basically losing the will to live. She didn't bother returning to the palace, giving up the identity of Princess Athena Luminia Lediana and becoming just another one of the suffering villagers. She pretty much tried to commit suicide, but apparently she couldn't really starve to death. At least not quickly enough. She was ready to stab herself, but upon seeing the injustice in the village, she resolved to using her power to help them. Originally planning it to be the last thing she did, she returned to the palace, claiming she'd been kidnapped, and petitioned for better conditions for the village. She succeeded, and was about to go through with suicide, when her parents decided to send her off to boarding school, hoping to gain more reputation through their daughter's acheivements.
Password: The princess is spared from such atrocities
Palpad?: Made
Other: Nah uh
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Name:Ace Spade
Age (11 - 18):15
Level/Grade (1 - 8):5
Ability(ies)/Power(s) (All characters will be considered general by default - general = able to learn all kinds of magic, this part of the form is for any specifics of a character's magic - fire, water, good at making potions, etc., as well as the level they are at in terms of magical studies):Undead and shadow
Appearance:Short boy with black jacket and Black hat with fire images
Personality:Friendly but also could be cold he likes to read and always brings a bottle of ketchup but he has unstable memory so he could get head ache about his past memory
Backstory:Later in rp ;)
Password:"I, Ace Spade, hereby agrees to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute."
Question: is this form correct? and also is it okay to have 2 power if no oki

Name: Sobble
Age (11 - 18): 13
Level/Grade (1 - 8): 3
Gender: Male
Ability(ies)/Power(s): He specializes in Electric magic and he is a bit above average in his studies. He can breath underwater and be able to fully understand the emotions of other people.

Personality: He is open to making friends and being near people makes him feel calm. He likes Japanese Curry, friends and taro flavored bubble tea. He doesn't like being alone, bullies and being bored.
Backstory: He used to go to a school like this but he had to transfer to meet some new people.
Password: I, Sobble, hereby agrees to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute.
Palpad?: Yes
Other: If there's something wrong with the form then PP me about it and give me the link of the RP.
Age (11 - 18): 17
Level/Grade (1 - 8): 7
Gender: Male
Ability(ies)/Power(s): Flight (Via large crow wings) and can teleport at random to a pocket dimension made by his emotions.
Appearance: Black scruffy hair, red sharp eyes, grey vest, beige pants and black boots.
Personality: Quiet. He doesn't seem to care all that much about magic and feels lifeless at times. No one really seems to know why.
Backstory: Revealed later in Rp.
Password: I, Rei, hereby agrees to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute.
Palpad?: Sure!
Other: Meow
Name: Amia
Age (11 - 18): 16
Level/Grade (1 - 8): 6
Gender: Female
Ability(ies)/Power(s): Anything that she draws can come to life and can also teleport at random to a pocket dimension made by her emotions (called Sekais btw)
Personality: Silly and nice! She loves drawing, hence her power but also taking care of the flowers in the Greenhouse.
Backstory: Later into rp
Password: "I, Amia, hereby agrees to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute."
Palpad?: yep
Other: Finished the form :3
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"
"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime

Age (11 - 18): 16
Level/Grade (1 - 8): 6
Gender: Female
Ability(ies)/Power(s): Mind Powers (i.e. mind control{minor}, sway of suggestion, telepathy, telekinesis, etc), Excels in potions
Appearance: Here
Personality: Cool and calm at first glance, carrys a regal grace. This is merely a mask...
Backstory: To be RP'd ;-)
Password: I, Emika Tenshi-Smith, hereby agrees to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute.
Palpad?: Yes please!
Other: The name Darling Desire belongs to her alter ego, a notorious killer...
Age (11 - 18): 11
Level/Grade (1 - 8): 1
Gender: Female
Ability(ies)/Power(s): Ice Powers, Spectral Energy Manipulation, Gem hunter
Appearance: Picrew: Here Gachaclub: Here
Personality: Shy and sweet, loves pranks. Has crippling anxiety.
Backstory: To be RP'D
Password: I, Eris Everlast, hereby agrees to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute.
Palpad?: Yes please
Other: Yes she is based on a Froslass. She is human for this.
Kaori Kim
~✿ Age (11 - 18): ✿~
~✿ Level/Grade (1 - 8): ✿~
~✿ Gender: ✿~
~✿ Ability(ies)/Power(s) (All characters will be considered general by default - general = able to learn all kinds of magic, this part of the form is for any specifics of a character's magic - fire, water, good at making potions, etc., as well as the level they are at in terms of magical studies): ✿~ Kaori is in the process of mastering a form of art; controlling shadows to her will. Her 'art' is performed through playing her violin. Whenever she is around, the shadows are too. And when they hear her music, they transform into mythical and dangerous beasts.
~✿Appearance: ✿~
Kaori has a pale face and an empty face. She shows no expression or emotion, and seems to only feel one emotion: emptiness. Her black hair is a little messy and long, and her purple eyes are slightly dull. Kaori seems as if her head is always in the clouds, yet she seems to show no emotion, and her blank stare seems as if she is staring into your soul... But her stare is important, as it greatly enhances her eyesight, and makes her able to see things that many others can't.
~✿ Personality: ✿~
Kaori is mute, and very shy. She prefers to not say a word or make a sound, and seems to be constantly stressed about something. She is diagnosed with OCD, social anxiety, and is an extreme perfectionist, but she is able to control her nervous habits. She is emotionless, and shows no emotion, and rarely feels emotion. She feels only emptiness, and has never shown an ounce of emotion in her life... But she is very intelligent, and just has a very awkward time relaying it. She is also rather gentle- when she isn't busy stressing over tiny things. Kaori also has a slight
~✿ Backstory: ✿~
Kaori came from a very poor family who was stuck in paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. Her parents were always working random jobs, trying to pay off the debt. But since her parents had not gotten degrees or such, they were unable to find stable jobs with good pay. And the once-in-a-lifetime chance of getting a good job was ruined when her parents had been fired within an hour. And because of this, her parents cared a lot about Kaori's education and got even more in debt to pay for Kaori's school lessons. In fact, the total amount of debt that needed to be paid off was well over three hundred thousand dollars.
Due to this, Kaori left school on her own and tried to find work to help her parents by the age of 9. She tried many different jobs, and finally, when she got denied entry because of her age, she went to her last resort: to work as an assistant janitor for the school she used to attend. The job was difficult and rather unsanitary, but Kaori got paid, so she stuck with it. Until a couple of months after she got the job. Due to the unsanitary and rather dirty conditions of her job, she grew sick easily, and her mother forced her to resign from the job.
And soon after Kaori resigned from her 'job', her father lost hold of himself and started beating Kaori, agitated that she decided to quit the one job she had that paid her. After a while of this, Kaori's dad understood that Kaori wasn't going to go back to the job. And that infuriated him even more. He started having large fits of anger, beating Kaori and her mother, and even became known as the 'madman' of the Kim family. Soon, both of Kaori's parents lost their jobs and they were also evicted from their small apartment. Her father's madness grew worse and he turned to alcohol, which left him having even worse control over his temper and is fists. He started beating both his daughter and his wife, and eventually, his madness practically became him, and all he did, day by day, was drink and beat his family. Eventually, he lost grasp of life and commited the thing, leaving the debts to fall to Kaori's mom, who was dangerously ill. The stress completely overtook Kaori's mother, and her mother completely gave in, and lost grasp of living (AKA commited the un-alive). Kaori was extremely upset, and due to that, she almost committed the un-alive, too, but she didn't, as the debt still needed to be paid off. So she decided to work as many jobs as possible, gain enough money, and finally pay off the debt that started her entire life of misery. But by then, she lost hold of her emotions and ability to speak...
~✿ Password: ✿~
I, Kaori Kim, hereby agree to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute.
~✿ Palpad?: ✿~
~✿ Other: ✿~
✿ Where there are bees there are flowers ✿
✿ And wherever there are flowers, there is new life and hope ✿
✿ And wherever there is new life and hope, there is love, and someone there ✿
Age (11 - 18): 18
Level/Grade (1 - 8): 8
Gender: Female
Ability(ies)/Power(s): General magic. Strong manipulation of light and shadow. She can fly because she cast levitation spells on her bones (an extremely painful process).
Appearance: Short black hair, thin smile, grey eyes.
Personality: Quiet, fierce, intimidating.
Backstory: Jack is the best magical duelist in the school. She has worked extremely hard to get to the top of her class, and her name is feared throughout the school. Although, it is said that she will train younger years who seek her out. The reasons why are unknown.
Password: I, Jackery, hereby agree to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute.
Palpad?: Yes
Other: Guess what? I'm back.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟
My current RP work:
Age (11 - 18): 17
Level/Grade (1 - 8): 7
Gender: No one can tell, but Magius is a girl
Ability(ies)/Power(s) (All characters will be considered general by default - general = able to learn all kinds of magic, this part of the form is for any specifics of a character's magic - fire, water, good at making potions, etc., as well as the level they are at in terms of magical studies): Magius can use quite a lot of dark magic powers, including, but not limited to: Teleporting, casting spells and curses on someone, and summoning demons.
Personality: Magius has a few problems with expressing herself and has trust issues, because of her backstory. Despite that, she’s a very caring person.
Backstory: When Magius was 5 years old, her mother and father died from a severe disease. She was then adopted by her aunt and uncle. A few years later, she was almost killed by an assassin, who never tells anyone why he killed her parents. Because of this, she has a few problems with expressing herself, since she has trust issues due to the whole assassin thing.
Password: I, Magius, hereby agree to comply with the rules and regulations of the institute.
Palpad?: If you’re alright with it, then sure…
Other: Nope
-Zenitsu Agatsuma, Demon Slayer
“The trees can’t be harmed if the Lorax is armed”
“You touch my trees, I will break your knees”
-The Lorax, 2023
“I see now that one's birth is irrelevant. It's what you do that determines who you are.”
-Mewtwo, 1998
Age (11 - 18): 18
Level/Grade (1 - 8): ...8
Gender: Male
Ability(ies)/Power(s): He can absorb the color from organisms and drain the colors into himself while killing the being. It takes some time, but he lives off of it. He has a three-hour time limit of life, but it resets every time he absorbs color. This results in a terrible sleep schedule.
Personality: He's a real jerk at first, but once you get to know him, he is a real sweet bean. He is a cream puff around higher authorities and supports the government figures.
Backstory: As a child, Atticus was thrown into business very quickly. His father, Caspian Redding, being an important figure abused him (so he doesn't like taking his shirt off because of the scars). But, his greatest friend through it all was Reina. Reina was the daughter of Atticus's father's business partner. When they were seventeen, the two fathers told them that they were to wedded. Reina was ecstatic, as after Atticus came back after a long trip, she found him to be quite... hot. But Atticus was furious, he only like Reina as a friend, and thought it extreme uncomfortable to marry her. They got into fights, often about Atticus. He eventually told her that he would never love her as long as she lived. That very night, she jumped in a well and drowned.
Password: I, Atticus Redding hereby agree to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute.
Palpad?: Ye
Other: I swear I'm better at roleplaying than filling forms out
[Playing- Sweet Hibiscus Tea]
[Playing- Oh Klahoma]
"I'm not the protagonist, compañera. I'm not even my own. At best, I'm the hapless comic relief."
"Even through all my efforts, nobody respects me. I understand now. Kindness is not a virtue. It's a shackle. And, you know what? Hah... haha! I'm finally free!"
Kendo Sato
Age (11 - 18):
Level/Grade (1 - 8):
[Aura/Internal Energy/Ki]
Aura is a skill only accessible by those who have reached the pinnacle of Martial Arts mastery. It is a skill that taps into a person's untapped Internal energy to form constructs out of pure energy. It can be used to coat a weapon and make it much stronger, or it could be used as armor.
[Blood Magic]
Blood magic is a powerful, forbidden form of magic, activated by sacrifices of blood. Once a user offers a portion of their blood, they can cast powerful, highly dangerous red-tinted spells.
[Lightning Magic]
Lightning Magic is often called the most destructive of all magicks. Lightning magic allows the user to manipulate the element of lightning to their will. It's highly destructive when not used properly, but can be a powerful asset to those who harness it correctly.
Kendo has reached the point of bladed weapons mastery, that he can easily wield any bladed weapon with perfection. It's truly impressive. He's probably the most gifted prodigy in martial arts in the past century.
[Supreme Peak Martial Arts, The Transcendental Realm]
Kendo is a master of dozens of fighting styles, from fists to swords to axes to spears to anything else. Kendo has reached the pinnacle of Martial Arts mastery at just 18 years old. He's a powerful martial artist, comparable to the greatest masters.
Literally just teleportation.
kendo is skilled at brewing potions and is usually the one who most Riparian or Chatoyant members come to when they need healing potions. Not many know, but he also sells love potions, provided you know the password. He sometimes gives out high-grade potions as holiday gifts. He's made a point to always give at least one high-quality potion on Riparian members' birthdays.
kendo is one of the
he's quite a good-looking man. Everyone admits that.
he's a tall man, standing at 6'4, one of thee tallest in the school. has light brown hair, azure eyes, and with just the slightest hint of blood-red. his hair is wild, messy, and unruly, reaching about halfway down his torso, tied into a ponytail. He seems to be of vaguely Spanish descent. He wears a navy-blue hoodie over a white shirt, with gray sweatpants. He wears black sneakers. a faint scar runs across his neck, and bandages are wrapped around his arms. A four-pointed star necklace hangs around his neck, and a pink friendship bracelet is around his bandaged, scarred wrist. While his baggy clothes give the impression of a thin, frail man, he's one of the strongest people in the school, in pure physical strength. he may be thin, but thee body mass he does has is pure muscle.

he has an alternative outfit, for formal occasions, a black suit, white ruffled shirt, and red tie. The friendship bracelet is used to tie his hair up, into a ponytail. he wears velvet gloves. He wears a pair of thin, half-moon glasses on formal occasions.

Informal, brash, lazy, teasing, kendo is the very definition of a living annoyance. Despite this, everyone seems to love him due to his kind nature and good treatment of others. He seems to be hiding something, though.
Nobody takes Kendo seriously. It's just his personality, his easy-going nature, and his kindness, that make him so hard to take seriously. But those who underestimate his abilities are in for a nasty surprise. it s widely known that kendo has never shown his full potential, not once, not even in his battles against Jackery Soot, the top magic dueller in the Institute.
Hailing from a relatively poor, unknown area of the kingdom, Kendo is looked down upon often, in the Institute, for his poor, informal upbringing. Despite this, no one can deny his skill with a blade, continuously ranked as first in any tier list.
He's friendly, and known for helping new students with work and weapons training. He's well-liked by most students and faculty, despite being from Riparian, notorious for scheming and causing trouble. He makes an effort to be friendly with everyone. Despite his good-natured personality, or maybe because of it and a combination of his natural skill and poor upbringing, he's been the target of cruel pranks, more often life-threatening than good-natured and funny. Despite this, he always keeps it to himself, so as not to ruin anyone's future and not to worry the few friends he actually has.
Internally though, kendo holds many negative emotions. His life is one that's been constantly defined by tragedy after tragedy after tragedy. He's never been given a single lucky break in his life, other than coming to the Institute. His parents died when he and his sister were still young, so they were thrown into the brutal system of orphanages. They bounced around from one foster home t another, until when Kendo was 12 when he was recognized for his skill by guardsmen during a bandit raid. At this point, Kendo and his sister had found a caring foster home, so he left for the Institute. before leaving, his sister gave him the only remnant of their parents. a four-pointed golden star necklace. It's his most treasured possession. If he gave it to someone, it would mean they mean the world to him. How romantic.
He was ostracized, lynched, and slowly crawled his way up the social ladder, not through force as is the case in most stories like this, but kindness. slowly, he started to get recognized by more students. Nowadays, he's less of an outcast than before. he is popular in his house, and often the chosen representative in events. Maybe it's because of his poor status, maybe it's because of jealousy, but many boys from other houses often target Kendo as a source of their rage. these are the same people often terrified by Jackery Soot. Maybe that's the reason he gets targeted. Because he's easier than Jack? Who knows. Many faculty members know of this, but stand by and watch, wondering how long it'll take for him to completely snap.
Just wait. When this man snaps, it's going to become hell.
Kendo, around the age of six, was kidnapped by cultists, forced to learn blood magic, and tortured for a good 2 months until he escaped. A kind healer came around and locked those memories away so he did not have to deal with the trauma.
All his life, Kendo only wished for a friend, a companion through this harsh, cold world. He never got one.
He's attempted suicide twice before. Once, stopped by his sister, in between his fourth and fifth where he tried to jump off a building. Once, in between his 7th and 8th, where he nearly bled out after cutting his neck.
he was regularly abused by his foster parents as a child, to the point where he started learning how to wield a sword to protect himself and his sister.
His parents were murdered by loan sharks, and he is currently trying to pay back his parents' debt.
he's regularly bullied and has been nearly killed 14 times by other students. He keeps this a secret from most members of his house, and for the ones who do know, he begs them to keep it a secret from the other Riparian 8th years. One in particular.
While he despises blood magic, he uses it without hesitation. He is a staunch believer in the fact that no magick is inherently evil. He believes the way the magic is used is what determines the goodness of a magick.
He has severe depression.
"I, Kendo Sato, hereby agree to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute."
Kendo has traits that resemble all four houses, being a lazy idealist, a skilled musician, a selfless friend and a cunning strategist.
Or is it
You decide.
Age (11 - 18):
Level/Grade (1 - 8):
Level 8 (skipped lv 1)
[Weapon Mastery]
Ayran can make everything into a weapon, like a branch could become the best spear in the whole world, but maybe after that single throw, the branch will turn into dust. Ayran can use anything as a weapon to his liking, but the more fragile the object is, the less time he gets to use it before it turns to dust. After all, even the strongest blade can get dull when it is handled by a master.
Ofcourse, how he uses this power depends on him.
[The Mechanic]
Using any material Ayran like, he can even the most useless scrap piece of metal useful. For example, with a small piece of scrap metal Ayran has once created a small automatic slingshot that packs quite a punch. But ofcourse, how durable, and useful it is depends on his knowledge and the materials he finds. Even if it is a master crafting, it's still a piece of scrap metal after all~ _(:3」∠)_
Including the exclusive skills above that were taught by the caretaking who took him in when he was a orphan. Ayran's main weapon is a mechanic crossbow that can turn into dual scimitars at will. Being both killed in both close and distance battles, Ayran is a true all-rounder, a jack-of-all trades. Even though it is not often he uses these skills in battle, since before he could unleash his all, his opponents has already been beaten to dust.
Always willing to learn something new that may benefit him, magic is not unknown to him, as hs is the best at air magic, and uses it in real life for its convenience, but also other elements, mainly water, also for its convenience in daily uses.
As though recently, as he is in the oldest grade, and is about to graduate, he has been learning a new magic, called atomic magic. Though Ayran must admit, he has not yet mastered it to the point of using it for daily conveniences.
Ayran has curly low saturated golden hair that is swept to one side, and golden eyes with pale skin. With a height of 5'9, he have a well-built stature. A slender figure, that has lean muscles hidden beneath his loose outfit.
Ayran tries to wear comfortable clothing when he can. Like, but not limited to, a knitted turtleneck, blouse, and windbreaker. Paired with some black jeans, and white boots that are somehow completely white, without a single stain.
Very often, he carries multiple pairs of black gloves in his messenger bag.
A gentleman who is caring for his underclassmen and is well-liked by others. Very popular with people, and often has a gentle and elegant smile on his face. Easily gains the trust of others, and cares of the safety of others before anything. But there are times, where people felt that Ayran knows more than he lets on, as if he is hiding something in his smile.
One of the more layback
There is not much known about Ayran except the fact that he was a orphan growing up, and was taken in by some legendary mechanic that taught him most of his skills.
When he entered the institute, he has skipped the first year as he was too skilled to be in. After that, he was just pretty much a normal student like every other, and had a good reputation around his classmates, while being extremely skilled.
"I, Ayran, hereby agrees to comply with the rules and regulations of the Institute."
Already in and is confused :)