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Great Mother in the Sky: No Love in the House of God

Forum-Index Roleplay Great Mother in the Sky: No Love in the House of God
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 14:54 (2 Years ago)
Yasuo follows Erik and the cat as they met with a young woman. Yasuo ignores the mean cat and bows in front of her. "Greetings".
Ifrit flies around her making happy chirping sounds.
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 14:55 (2 Years ago)
"It is never wrong to be offered help. Or to take it. It shows that you are willing to cooperate and adapt, which is a far better show of strength than independence." Chiara smiled, her voice sooth like lavender as she nods at Erik. "Well, I doubt you have come all this way just to tell me that, my child? Less make new acquaintances along the way. What can I help you with, my children?" Chiara looks a little pleased under the veil when seeing Yasuo bow, as she bows in return.

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 15:00 (2 Years ago)
Henry back up to the wall, being left alone and cornered by the horse-spider. “P-P-Peter. H-How nice to see y-you’re doing okay. H-how’s life been..?” Henry seemed really nervous. Peter was dangerous, which is one if the reasons he had been fired by Caspian’s parents and kept secret from the rest of the castle.

Azazel continued killing guards until Andrea told him to go help Peter, and he jumped up high and angled towards the castle, landing on a top area of the tree and entering the castle, killing any stationed guards and trying ti find Peter.

Caspian had just been watching interactions, taking notes on people’s attitudes and getting to know them better without actually talking to them. He missed the familiar air of Wildana a bit.
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 15:09 (2 Years ago)
After Erik stands up,he starts to clean his clothes of dirt and mud. He looks at Chiara."I came here to help you ,also I made some friend I can say."
Erik looks at Yasuo smiling "His name is Yasuo,and he is a Dragon Master. And that fire sphere is called Ifrit a true powerful dragon who can turn into a fire sword". Erik looks down at the cat "Well and he didn't tell us his name yet..but he can be a little grumpy sometimes...always".

Odyssey looks at the boy rolling his eye " Just call me Odyssey..". He starts to clean of his front paws calmly

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 15:12 (2 Years ago)
"Nice to meet you!". He smiled
"As Erik told you, we are free to help anyone in need,but we are not sure about this little animals intentions here. He is really..neutral".
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 15:20 (2 Years ago)
"O-Oh my, a colorful cast." Chiara did meet some weird figures in her life already but the collection of extraordinaries in front of her really took the cake. "A fire spirit... a wind wielding master... an augmented feline... and a shapeshifting wolf-hybrid. The gifts the Saint Deity provides truly know no bounds." She makes a dreamy sigh, whispering a little thank you to the Saint, before returning to them. "Well, I am not sure how you can assist me, my children. I am just a lone saint on her way to the capital."


Lean looks down, a little... proud of Caspian. Analyzing and writing down information, that's what she's doing a lot of the times too. From her backpack, she pulls out a little bottle of cologne and puts just miniscule amounts on her neck and hands. The label was unreadable but it had some wild-pattern on it, like forests and such.

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 15:37 (2 Years ago)
"The capital? Maybe we could join you,If that îs fine". He smiled
Ifrit flies around Chiara and Yasuo leaving Little embers behind him.
"You know Miss Chiara, Ifrit is not a very friendly dragon,but seems he likes you.
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 15:46 (2 Years ago)
Erik is happy being around them,even around the grumpy cat. "Yes! I feel like we are a strong team". He is smiling.
"But sadly I dont know the way to the capital. I never been there". He wags his tail looking at his team

Odyssey narrows his eye almost growling. "The what? I am a machine created to kill and torture,not a kind of family pet or something else". He nervously looks at the boy. "I have a mission here,to protect the boy from any danger, and thats it". He turns his head away avoiding eye contact with anyone

Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 15:48 (2 Years ago)
Chiara nods. "I do. The Saint Deity is in the capital and I can sense her presence. It is everywhere but it works like a compass." She looks down to Odyssey, bowing down. "Apologies, my child, I did not mean to insult you." Then, she looks up at Ifrit, taking a few twigs from the ground. "I don't know if it is a stereotype, my child of wind and fire... but would they appreciate a little kindling?"

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 205
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 15:58 (2 Years ago)
Deep in the mountain range within the Kingdom of Evermore, a large Temple created almost entirely of ice stood. The main building was hidden by a mountain, but things were not peaceful. A single figure, wrapped in a dark cloak, ran through the Temple towards the entrance. The Temple had started melting during a ceremony, the figure had to find out why! Upon exiting the Temple, a strong gust of wind hit the figure, ripping their hood from their head. This revealed the figure to be a 13 year old girl, with snow white hair, pale skin, and bright yellow eyes, which were wide as she tried to understand what was happening...

Within the castle of the Legion, a figure walked down a hall towards the lab. This figure was a 17 year old girl and had red hair tied in pigtails, blue grey eyes, and wore a crisp clean uniform (not sure what the Legion uniforms are...) This figure easily entered the lab, but paused when they heard something. In the furnace? Why was the furnace on to begin with? With a sneer, the girl made their way to the furnace, deactivating it and opening it up to see...
ꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄꡱꡀꡑꡄꡱꡁꡑꡈꡋꡋꡈꡀꡍꡓꡫꡱꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄꡱꡀꡑꡄꡱꡏꡄꡑꡅꡄꡂꡓꡫꡱꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄ/ꡈꡱꡀꡌ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡁꡔꡓ,ꡱꡈꡱꡆꡀꡕꡄꡱꡈꡍ. ꡀꡍꡃꡱꡍꡎꡖ,ꡱꡈ'ꡌꡱꡓꡎꡱꡁꡋꡀꡌꡄꡱꡅꡎꡑꡱꡎꡔꡑ/ꡌꡘꡱꡅꡀꡓꡄ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡈ'ꡌꡱꡒꡎꡑꡑꡘ... ꡈ'ꡌꡱꡒꡎꡱꡒꡎꡑꡑꡘ... ꡈꡱꡒꡇꡎꡔꡋꡃ'ꡕꡄꡱꡃꡎꡍꡄꡱꡌꡎꡑꡄ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡏꡋꡄꡀꡒꡄ,ꡱꡋꡄꡓ'ꡒꡱꡍꡄꡕꡄꡑꡱꡒꡏꡄꡀꡊꡱꡎꡅꡱꡓꡇꡈꡒꡱꡀꡆꡀꡈꡍ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡈ... ꡖꡇo... Who am I?
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 16:10 (2 Years ago)
"Miss Chiara, seems like Odyssey its not on our side but he has a mission to protect the wolf boy. But I will not let insult anyone anymore".
Yasuo steps in front of Odyssey "Ifrit I summon you ". The fire sphere starts to grow and shine very bright, large wings started to take form as four scaly legs and a powerful tail. It was a very large dragon who started to roar with his glowing eyes. He is flapping his wings in the air creating wing gust around.
"I told you, stop being like this. We should be in the same Team"
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 16:19 (2 Years ago)
Erik was shocked seeing that large dragon in front of everyone. It has red glowing eyes and strong roar that could be heard from miles away. The wind created with his wing was really powerfull ,Erik puts his hand in front of him to protect his vision,unable to see whats around

Odyssey watches the small sphere turning into a dragon that starts roaring very loudly. Odyssey raised his tail ready to shot the dragon, as he started to growl.
"Fine you won this time!" He lets down his tail and steps back,defeated

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 16:31 (2 Years ago)

After getting out of the furnace room, Ghost went inside the vents and crawled throughout the ventilation system, eventually they got out and went back upstairs and walked around.
These guys are cool

Also bring back rps, been to long
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 16:33 (2 Years ago)
Chiara looks down at the tiny kindling she had in her hand, nothing more than twigs and leaves. "... I would like to offer more but I don't want to sacrifice the gift of the forest..." She was a little taken aback by the large size, enough so that she failed to realize that her veil was blown away and revealed her face... again.

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 16:48 (1 Year ago)

Setsuna Jun

Setsuna awoke to a bright new day in hell. Groaning, he passed a hand over his eyes and waited for the headache to pass. When it didn't appear to be leaving him, he accepted that today would be terrible, and sat up.

It was very sunny.

That sucked.

He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to curb the nausea.

A knock came from his door.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:23 (1 Year ago)
Setsuna's hand met upon a piece of parchment. It looked aged but fancy and the handwriting was quite clean, fancy and cursive like a royal or something. It wrote.

My dear child Setsuna,

I have to depart to Macedon for other duties today. I am sorry that I have left you but I made sure you have everything you need to not freeze or starve to death during the night. Please stay safe.

I forgive you.

Chiara Lucente

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:34 (1 Year ago)

Setsuna Jun

Setsuna stared at those final three words for a long time.

I forgive you.
I forgive you.
I forgive you.
I forgive you.

He crumbled the note up and rested his head back on the headboard, staring at the ceiling. Tears trickled down his face. "God," he mumbled. "So stupid."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 19:43 (1 Year ago)
Crumbling up the paper reveals... that the backside had a little something sketched. Well, not really sketched and more... pressed into it, like something was written too strongly on the paper on top. Seems like this letter was not Chiara's first attempt. But one or two sentences were legible.

[...] I am sure you have a lot on your mind. You can overcome it, we can once I am back from the HQ [...]

Beneath the paper as well laid a little object. A religious symbol of the Saint Deity. It was also depicted next to Chiara's signature.

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 15/03/2023 14:19 (1 Year ago)
"Alright Ifrit,thank You for helping me out calming this cat down'. Yasuo looks at Odyssey as Ifrit starts to growl at the cat.
Ifrit's body starts to shine and shrink untill IT turns into a fire sphere hovering around everyone.

"I hope You are calm now and stop being like that".
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Wed, 15/03/2023 14:33 (1 Year ago)
Erik looks at the kindling she has. "A kindling? Oh I remember when I used to make little houses for small animals in the trees." He laughs....."and they truly loved them".
Erik looks at Chiara, smiling. "Once I had a pet mice...i-it was blue with a really long fluffy tail,and it could fly with his wings".

Odyssey rolled his eyes and looks away,turning his back to Yasuo. He runs to Erik and Chiara following them.
"I really...dont like that guy with the dragon" Highs