"You sound like a very kind soul, my child." Chiara smiles a
little, holding up the kindling again to the floating sphere of
fire. It was clear to be a little gift of appreciation, though she
was unsure if that even worked like that. She turns to Erik,
smiling and still thinking she had a veil on. Then, she looks down
at Odyssey. "As long as you have a goal in mind... a dream to
grasp... you can get along with anyone who shares that dream."
You know the first rule in combat?
Shoot them before they shoot you.
Erik smiled back to Chiara. ."I cant wait to see the capital. I
wonder when we will arrive there?" . Erik looks and laughs at the
fire sphere circling him.
Odyssey is silent for a couple of seconds,suddenly he feels
guilty...and helpless. His ears and tail dropped as he avoids eye
contact with them.
"A goal..yes." He sighs. "Look there is something I want to talk
with you...Chiara. because I dont trust the dragon guy at all".
Eris Everlast starred in shock at what was happening in the
skies of the mountain range. A strange storm that expanded over the
horizon was raging. This was definitely what was causing her home
to melt. But it didn't seem natural. Was something causing this odd
weather pattern fluctuation? Pulling her hood back over her head,
Eris began to slowly trek down the mountain. Maybe she'd find the
epicenter of the storm...
Emika Tenshi-Smith had wide eyes as the odd creature, which
had been trapped in the active furnace, fled the scene, escaping
into the ventilation. "Never a dull moment when in war." she
thought sarcastically to herself.
ꡖꡇo... Who am I?
Yasuo follows them being silent ,listening what are they talking
about. Ifrit hovers around Yasuo chirping and tries to show him the
Little kindling.
"Oh Ifrit ,I didn't know you like those stuff really".
Ifrit jumps into Yasuo 's pocket making quiet.
"About half a day by carriage... by foot, about two days." Chiara
puts the kindling into her pocket and looks down at Odyssey,
nodding. "Sure. Excuse us, my children." She slowly leads him a bit
further away, still in sight but not in hearing range. "What is
your trouble, my child?"
You know the first rule in combat?
Shoot them before they shoot you.
"Whatttt?" Erik screams lowering his ears and tail. "But that is a
lot to walk really..."
He nods and gulps. "Look,Im sure that Erik told you about her
"*sister*" right?". Odyssey looks at Erik who is yelling around for
the distance they need to walk. "Well...something bad happened to
his family. Its someone named Pain. Pain is a strong ancient
creature who..acted like a hero. But his plan was to kill whole
kingdoms and villages. Pain used Erik's sister to find an ancient
obejct to make him more powerful.". Odyssey sighs amd looks into
Chiara's eyes. "Me,Pain and Erik's sister Tis were a good team,I
told Tis that Pain is a little..fishy. But she said he is fine.
Pain took away Tis life and other thousands of souls."
Odyssey raises his tail moving it around.." I escaped,but I wans't
like this...but what I wanted to say its just,Erik has no family
now. He is all alone. I promised to Tis and myself to take care of
Erik...but im not a young cat anymore"
"A tragedy what happened." Chiara sighs, giving the cat a little
scratch behind it's ear. It was not meant to be cute, she was just
concerned. "My child, I can do a prayer to hope that the spirits of
his sister and the others can pass into the afterlife. Or what do
you desire of me, my child?"
You know the first rule in combat?
Shoot them before they shoot you.
"A tragedy...that's right" He looks down hopeless letting Chiara to
scratch behind his ear. Odyssey raised his paw and pointed it to
her "You know..If it wasn't you,I would claw out your eyes for
this. Lucky you".
"I was thinking maybe If you could look after him,sometimes ,not
always....As I said im not young ,and also im a part machine,not
sure how I will take this"
Chiara chuckles. "Lucky me indeed. I got to meet you all. And of
course, the children of the Saint are my burden as much as hers.
I'll watch over him." She still smiles, taking her hand back,
thinking that it was uncomfortable for Odyssey.
You know the first rule in combat?
Shoot them before they shoot you.
"First of all, thank god we're safe and sscond of all, if someone
we're watching us then i would probably have detected them a long
time ago by now" Rei responded to the other guy.
"The stars in my memories that
I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream" "It won'tend yet,""I don't wantit to end" "But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime
"Pssh. Fair, I guess." The Guy flipped his hair with his hand,
twirling it around his finger. "What's your name then, Mr Crow? Oh,
to make it fair, I'll tell you my name too!" He grinned, putting
his hands on his hips. "I'm Angel, from Deus-Eiwos! Quite fitting,
y'know. Due to my wings." He fluffed them up.
Erik looks at Chiara at Odyssey waving his hand. "Hey, something
happend? I cant wait to see the capital." He wags his tail looking
back at Yasuo.
"C'mon Yas, lets go". He runs to Chiara and Odyssey smiling
"Alright then". He sighs. "Stop jumping and running around like
that kid ,you will break your bones one day". Ofyssey rolls his
eyes annoyed by Erik
Chiara looks down at Odyssey, but before going back, she wanted to
lift her veil to show Odyssey her smile... it was then when she
realized that the veil was off the entire time. Embarrassed, she
covers her face with her outfit a bit and whispers. "C-Could you...
uhh, look for my... head piece?"
You know the first rule in combat?
Shoot them before they shoot you.
"Oh, I mean...sure, yes".
Odyssey rolls his eyes and look to Erik. "You KNow Chiara...kids
are not my thing,yet I need to take care of one". Odyssey started
to growl seeing Yasuo coming. "And that man...THAT man, is not
trustable. I can feel this.
Chiara makes a shy giggle, hiding her face with both hands.
"Hehe... he... well, my child, you did a great job so far at taking
care of Erik... you deserve a bit of a break... and Yasuo, I feel
the turmoil inside him a little but he has no ill-intent. Neither
does Ifrit... I am sure we all will share our dreams and beliefs by
the end of the week." She was speaking a lot less coherently and
more embarrassed without her veil, she didn't even see the road
ahead. The fact that she walked ten steps without falling or
crashing is nothing short of a miracle.
You know the first rule in combat?
Shoot them before they shoot you.
Eris was lost. Severely lost. The storm was stronger than she
thought and she was having a hard time finding her way... It didn't
help that she hadn't eaten yet... Her cloak whipped against the
wind behind her. She wasn't cold, of course, but she was
Watching from the lab, Emika watched the strange creature from the
furnace escape to the outside. She was sure she should report this,
but curiosity was strong...
ꡖꡇo... Who am I?
As Erik is running around he picks up beautiful looking little
rocks. He will keep them ,so Erik will always remember this
beautiful time of his life and of course, Chiara ,Odyssey and
He found a white round rock with blue colors in it that was shining
on the ground ,he picks it up and cleans it with his clothe. He
looks at it very careful and runs to Chiara and Odyssey. "Look at
this beautiful little rock I found."
"Well thank you! I hope my patience will be strong with this kid".
He makes a few of steps looking at Chiara narrowing his eye. "Are
you alright there?"
"Its Rei, Rei Sakuma." He bluntly responded, having a disinterested
face as Angel twirled their finger around their hair
(I just realised now they share the exact same name with Rei Sakuma
from Ensemble stars but whatever)
"The stars in my memories that
I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream" "It won'tend yet,""I don't wantit to end" "But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime
"Pssh, you could at least try to be excited after getting a new
friend." Angel huffed, folding his arms. He clicked his tongue. "So
you're hopefully not a Legion member, right? Or else I would be
jailed up and hauled away right now." He laughed, though it
deescalated into nervous chuckles. "Right?"