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St Venti's Academy [REVAMP]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → St Venti's Academy [REVAMP]
Khione shook her head, disappointed. "I would like to advise students to not go....overboard with their powers, okay? Thank you."
She pursed her lips and read her list again. "Next on my list would be....Lin Reyane." Khione stared at the paper. "But for reasons only she and I know, she will be unable to demonstrate. Sorry, dear."
"Anyways, without further ado- can Mei Akamatsu please step up?"
Hey wait a minute, why couldn't that "Lin" girl demonstrate, huh? Geez, bias much? Well, couldn't she at least go up there and say her name or something? Tell everyone her powers like that Idris guy? Yeah, sure Lin's power might revolve around specific circumstances, but why couldn't she tell anyone? Why was Lin exempt?
Ok yeah, sure, Mei was getting pissed for nothing, but it didn't help that her name was the next one said. She let out a somewhat loud groan as she let her arms fall to her sides, obviously not in the mood. Her name was already said loud and clear to everyone, so what's the point... Moments after her outburst, the lights began to dim and the room quickly got darker and darker. Even the windows letting in natural light started to fade away, all until the room was darker than Mei's pitch-black heart. Within a few moments, Mei had suddenly appeared on stage, not a single footstep or noise was made that entire time.
As much as she wanted to keep the room like this, since the bright lights that lined this room were a little hard on her eyes, she reluctantly let a little light in slowly until the room was pretty much back to normal. Once everyone could actually see, all eyes landed on her, crossing her arms and an obviously unamused and slightly angry expression plastered all over her face.
There was also something strange going on with her shadow at her feet, the black mass beneath her was slowly rising out of the ground, becoming a three-dimensional, dark blob that just swirled with darkness all over the surface. The mass seemed to resemble an arm, and it was coming right out of the floor that once held her shadow. The hand rose up, then proceeded to throw a middle finger to everyone in the crowd, all while Mei simply stared at them. "Don't see why I gotta say it again-" She turned her head to glare at her Headmistress, "But I'm Mei, I guess..."
She didn't feel the need to say anything about her powers, Mei felt like the demonstration was enough, so she simply walked off stage and back to her seat, scowling the entire way. The hand at her feet waved goodbye (somehow in a rude way?) and sank back into a regular shadow on the ground below her.
"...Yeah, sure..." He said quietly, knowing Kitty wouldn't hear anyways. He sat there for a moment after she left, slowly turning his head to take one last look at the scenery.
He couldn't make a promise this time, even if he knew he'd be back later.
Because that's what he thought when he was younger, and then the sun never saw his face again. Aoi had learned not to make promises, the life he lived didn't allow him to keep them anyways.
Yeah, I'll... See you later...
His eyelashes had grown heavier and slightly damp, which made him rub his eye a little bit. Pulling away his hand, he noticed that his glove now had a dark spot. Was he... crying?
Get it together, this isn't the time.
Unless you're as weak as they say you are.
Aoi sighed and slowly got up from the bench, heading back inside behind Kitty. He admittedly felt a little bad, the girl had that "don't talk to me anymore" vibe, which made the man kind of regret saying anything, or even coming out here. Did he do something wrong again? Was his mind just playing tricks on him?
". . .can Mei Akamatsu please step up?"
Following those words were a loud groan and a complete black-out, and they came on as quickly as they went off. Weird... Even the windows were blocked out... Aoi made sure not to pay too much attention to the purple-haired girl on stage, immediately marking her as a "jerk" before sitting back down in his seat. Looks like he didn't miss much...
There's still some people left... While he checked to see if anyone heard the loud noise that had come from his pocket watch, he also looked at the people who hadn't introduced themselves. Not a lot though. Atleast this'll be over soon! He put his pocket watch back in his pocket, shushing it again. Another tick sounded, but muffled.

Kitty's face paled at Mei's power. She hated the dark, and in vain tried to create a flame to provide a small light. When the light can back, she shivered, looking around at other student reactions. She was sure none of them reacted as strongly as she did, and her ears flattened to her head in embarrassment. She could only hope no one noticed- trying to explain why she hated the dark would be... It would take a lot of trust. And that's not something she gave easily.
She looked around. Not many people left... She was getting more and more antsy to get outside for a longer period of time, a break away from the crowded surroundings.

He had to admit, Mei's power was pretty cool, even if he didn't like the girl who ran into him very much. Her power kinda reminded him of his own. He was glad he wasn't forced to show his.
Idris scowled when Lin got let off. How did she get special treatment?
While Miss Khione was doing attendance, she frowned a little. Why couldn't Miss Lin present her powers? Oh well...she smiled a little when she called on Mei.
She recalled the girl looking at her in amazement while she demonstrated her powers...
Seeing Mei's expression, clearly annoyed that she had to go. Jackie sighed with a small smile. She then blinked in surprise as the room began to get dark. Hell, even the sunlight through the windows began to dim until nothing could be seen at all.
Once everything was back to normal, she saw Mei on the stage, and saw the arm above sticking the middle finger. Jackie let out a little giggle, but closed her mouth after.
Jackie heard Eris's name, and wondered what her power was as she glanced at the girl with curiosity.

"By Arceus..." thought the called on girl. She was beyond terrified, not just of going up and demonstrating her powers, but of the students as well. Some of them were scary in general, but the powers of some of them were scary as well. With a deep breath and a quick prayer, she stood and made her presence known. "Uhm, hi? I'm Eris... I have two main powers..."
Eris moved her hands, creating snow and ice particles to form. With a push upwards, they shot into the air and burst, creating momentary snow to fall onto the students. "Cryokinesis. And..."
With another deep breath, she raised her arms and her eyes glowed piercing yellow. Purple shadowy figures started to swarm around, accompanied by a purple black fog. Lowering her arms didn't cause the figures to vanish quite yet. Some of the figures twisted into orbs of purple light energy which orbited Eris. The rest of the figures vanished, an echo of a scream followed them after. Eris flicked her hands which sent the orbs up and they, too, burst into sparkles.
Eris smiled shyly. "And Spiritual Force Manipulation." She gave a small bow and returned to her seat.

Emika had to admit, some of these powers seemed... fascinating... Hearing her name called by the Headmistress, she stood, brushing her red pigtails behind her shoulders. She spoke, "I am Emika. I can only demonstrate one of my powers." She brought out a handful of chess pieces and placed them down. She called out, "Serve your Queen!" which caused the chess pieces to glow and change. Each piece grew into humanoid shapes before the light vanished, revealing knights in armor and butlers and maids, but the maids oddly had misshapen heads... The servants bowed to Emika. "My other power is in regards to the Seven Deadly Sins and Heavenly Virtues of Christian belief. I cannot demonstrate them now, but rest assured, be aware." She recalled her servants into their chess forms and put them back into her pocket.
Cryokinesis, "Spiritual Energy Manipulation", something to do with chess pieces and the "Seven Deadly Sins" or whatever, blah blah blah...
Mei was in a bad mood by now due to being forced up there (not to mention she had to use her powers, which was annoying), so even the cool stuff didn't amuse her. The girl simply sat hunched over, her arm resting on her leg as it propped up her head. Now she was getting funny looks from the people beside her, just like everyone else who had an "overdramatic" presentation... Yeah maybe she shouldn't have done that, now she had more attention than she wanted.
Thank god it was almost over, she couldn't stand being here anymore, it was all very annoying.
Wait... Did she hear that right? "House layouts"? Were they... Getting dorms?
Of course we were you idiot...
If that's the case, were they getting dormmates? Oh god she hoped not, roommates, dormmates, and even housemates were the worst. She couldn't do whatever she wanted! Every time she did, the police were called, guess no one liked a little fun...
Aoi watched everyone go on stage and demonstrate, slightly freezing upon being told that he would be going soon. While he was watching though, his mind began to wander, hardly paying attention to the honestly pretty tame demonstrations that were shown, at least compared to the previous ones... Aoi wasn't really sure on what he was thinking about, his mind just... Zoned out.
This Emika girl, the one with the chess piece servants, was finally done with her introduction, which meant he was up next. Aoi really didn't want to go, all eyes would be on him, and... How was he supposed to hide it now? Was there even a point to try and keep it under wraps for this long?
Of course there was, he wouldn't be this insistent on something so small if it was for "no good reason".
He slowly got up from his seat and kept his head low, stuffing his hands in his pockets once again. As quietly as he could, he walked down the aisles and finally made it to the front of the room. He only barely listed his head up when he went to speak, making it extremely difficult to see his face. "I'm... Aoi and I-"
He stopped. What was he supposed to say? How could he tip-toe around the truth without actually saying it? And... How was he going to say it without sounding mind-bogglingly stupid? Oh well, here it goes. Maybe if he was quiet enough, no one would hear... (I'm not sure that's how microphones worked, buddy)
And maybe, just maybe, if he drew no attention to himself throughout the year, no one would remember the fool he made out of himself.
"I have... Inhuman strength, and other stuff..." Hopefully that was enough, but he had a feeling Miss Venti wouldn't be too happy.
Wow Aoi, great going there, you totally did great, not foolish in the slightest
And as for the Emika girl with the chess pieces, Jackie found it fascinating but also boring. Jackie hid a smirk under her hand to prevent her from laughing a little. And what was with the misshapen heads on some of the chess pieces? And the gibberish with the seven deadly sins and the heavenly virtues or something...It almost made Jackie giggle.
Jackie raised her eyebrow after hearing that they would be assigned dorm mates and their assigned houses? Just fricking great. She at leased hoped she wouldn't get someone rude or really annoying, or anyone that made her pissed. So far, nobody was really that bad. Apart from that emo dude...what was his name, Idris? He was...something else.
Jackie then watched as Aoi introduced himself. She had a confused look on her face.
"I'm Aoi and I-.....I have...Inhuman strength and other stuff..."
The boy barley said anything about himself, and he didn't show his powers or anything. What was so secretive about him? Whatever, it wasn't her problem. Jackie sat in her seat bordley, blinking slowly due to her tiredness.
Oh well, it's not my place to poke and prod for information. He kept fiddling with his stopwatch, waiting a for the announcement about the dorms. He was a little excited, but also a little nervous. What if I get paired up with one of those rude that purple haired girl? He glanced at Mei, then turned away almost instantly. Honestly, Mei scared the poor boy. Now he was kinda worrying about the dorms.

And now, for an important announcement, Dorms and Houses!
This year, the houses themes are: Mushrooms." Khione smiled.
"Without further ado- ahem.
In Amanita Negra... Idris Kallikrates and Mei Akamatsu.
In Shiitake....Keiki Meyumi and Emika Tenshi-Smith!
Kitty and Eris Everlast will go together in....Portobello.
Lin Reyane and Theo Hodge in Morel!
In Cremini, Adrik Volkov and Jackie Ness.
Webcaps will house Isla Greer and Aoi.
And last but not least, Kaden Sorrows and Marina Von Kaimana-Reaper in Death Cap!
For the next couple hours, you are free to do whatever you want! Explore the castle, come outside.....but one rule.
Never. And I repeat, never are you allowed to go into the deep parts of the forest. When you see birch trees, turn around and walk away. This is our sacred rule and disobedience will result in immediate expulsion. You have been warned."
She smiled.
"Now, go and find your dorm mate and explore the castle. I advise that you should explore your rooms, they've been specifically tailored for you."

She didn't even stop to think, to figure out who Eris was. Didn't stop to remember anything about them, didn't ask when she needed to be back by. She bolted out the door, saying nothing, seeing nothing- No, she saw Aoi. A glance, almost enough to slow her down to ask if he wanted to come with. She kept running for the door, to nervous to ask. If he did, she'd see him out there soon.
She opened the doors with a slam and paused, ears perked with joy. She sucked in a breath of the outside air, scanned the sunny skies. That one girl... She shuddered at the girl's dark power. Gracefully she ran down the steps, eager to explore.
Jackie did raise an eyebrow when she heard she was in a house with some random named Adrik Volkov??
During everyone's first day here, she hadn't seen or really knew the person. She shrugged it off. Hopefully they would be a burden.
Jackie beamed a little at the fact that they would get to explore. Finally, some fresh air and away from everyone else.
Well, except for Marina, of course, but other than that, she didn't really care about the other students...some were interesting to say the least.
She tilted her head a little at the fact that they weren't allowed to go too deep in the forest. What was so serious about it that they had to be at a limited distance??
"When you see birch trees, turn around and walk away."
The hell??
Jackie, being a curiosity freak, was really, really filled with curiosity. As much as she wanted to explore past the birch trees, it wasn't worth getting expelled on the first day.
She wasn't going to find her dorm mate either, she was too lazy and didn't really want to see anyone else.
Grabbing her belongings, Jackie left and went outside for fresh air, and a small walk.
Pfft, enjoyed? Like hell anyone did, who was she kidding? Was their headmistress really that desperate to be optimistic? It was already getting dull, and annoying too.
Mushrooms... Odd, but she didn't question it. Mei always found it weird that schools liked to have themes, it seemed pointless. Why not just go by number or something? It was easier, not as stupid...
"In Amanita Negra... Idris Kallikrates and Mei Akamatsu."
Her eyes widened in shock and bewilderment, and after a few moments, she almost burst out laughing. Seriously? What were the odds? Was she really paired up with that guy? Oh great... This was gonna be... fun, wasn't it? Her lavender eyes scanned the room, landing on the guy that would be in the same house as her. Oh fun...
"Never. And I repeat, never are you allowed to go into the deep parts of the forest. When you see birch trees, turn around and walk away. This is our sacred rule and disobedience will result in immediate expulsion. You have been warned."
Oh how funny. Miss Venti said not to go in the forest, but she made it sound so tempting! Immediate expulsion? That it? If it was so bad, why was the punishment so... minimal?
What if Mei wanted to be expelled? This place sucked anyways, why not have an easy way out, and also learn a pretty cool secret or two!
Due to plot reasons, the girl thought it best to just hold that thought instead, not take any action about it for now. Who knows, this place might actually be more interesting than she thought.
Mei got up from her seat and headed towards the exit, her curiosity about her "room" getting the best of her. Why, and how, would it be specifically tailored to her? A bit excessive, but she was curious. Mei never really had a "taste", so she wondered how they made her room... Hopefully it wasn't brightly colored, loud and cluttered as hell...
Her feet began to walk her out, heading to wherever the heck "Amanita Negra" was.
Aoi sighed quietly and walked off the stage, heading straight for the door after Miss Venti stopped talking. God, that was really stupid, he sounded so dumb... Maybe isolating himself in his room could keep his mind off of it.
"Webcaps will house Isla Greer and Aoi."
He certainly didn't know who Isla Greer was, and he didn't want to stick around to find out. His hands were in his pockets still but Aoi made sure to lower his head so no one could see his face, all while walking into the hall and towards the Webcaps house, wherever that was.
Familiar purple hair could be seen through the curtain Aoi had put over his face, and his breathing suddenly became deeper and slower. almost like he was trying to be as quiet as possible. His blood turned cold and his footsteps quickened, trying his best to walk right by her as quickly and as quietly as possible. He hated that girl, and just being around her made him sick...
He perked up upon hearing his name, and looked around. Wait...wasn't Lin the one that couldn't demonstrate? He remembered briefly that someone couldn't demonstrate, but he couldn't remember if it was specifically Lin or if he's getting his names mixed up again.
He shrugged to himself, following various students out the doors. He had a need for exploration, but also a need for peace and quiet away from the various other students. Preferrably somewhere he could talk to his stopwatch without an eavesdropper.
He looked around, eyeing the forest. Perfect!

He groaned audibly. Him, paired with the weird purple-haired girl? This day couldn't get any worse.
Stupid school.
He stuck his hands in his pockets, muttering angrily to himself. Why couldn't he be in his own dorm?
Idris was quite curious to what it would look like. Hopefully it wasn't full of sunshine and rainbows.
He trudged up mahogany stairs and reached a corridor which branched off into smaller rooms. One of which, was labelled, Amanita Negra. Bingo.
He popped his head in. The room was large, housing two large seats, bookshelves towards the back and a small fireplace. Plush, velvet cushions sat neatly on leather stools.
The room was quite cosy, he admitted. It seemed nice enough to stay in.
But his curiosity got the better of him, and he opened a gold doorknob to a door labelled Idris Kallikrates.
Idris' eyebrows widened. It wasn't a particularly large room, but it seemed perfect. The room was dark in colour, grey walls adorned with small pictures of gothic themes. A large bed sat in the corner, rosewood with grey sheets. There was a small desk in the corner where a small stack of paper and equipment lay. Next to it was- his digital drawing tablet?
"How-" Idris began. It was really tailored to him, huh. His eyes softened. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad.
The bookshelves contained decent enough books. Even though he had read all of the books there at least three times over. Still, it wouldn't hurt to read Mary Shelley's: Frankenstein again.
Mei had walked in a little bit after Idris did, only being able to hear his door open and saw the main room left vacant. It was... Nice, she had to admit, but the books weren't exactly cutting it for her. Seriously? This was supposed to be a dorm, not a library. Mei couldn't deny that she liked the dark atmosphere, the simple patterns, and especially how simple it all was. Huh, not bad.
She walked over to the bookshelves to take a closer look at the assortment that they contained, not really finding anything interesting enough to catch her eye. Unsurprisingly, she wasn't much of a reader, but the faintest memory only said otherwise. She loved to read as a child, she read hundreds and hundreds of books until one day... She just stopped. Now she kind of despised it, it was just soooo boring to sit down and stare at ink on paper all day.
The girl got up with a sigh and looked over at the open door to her side, noticing the name plate on it. So, if that was Idris's room, that meant...
Mei turned her head to the other side of the room, spotting another door with a plate on it. This time, it was completely closed and had Mei Akamatsu engraved on it. Well... Here it goes...
She turned the knob and entered inside, surprised to see...
Almost nothing. Yup, that's right, the room was almost completely empty. So they really did tailor it to her, neat.
The walls were dark gray with slightly varying tones in a small pattern with a black ombre rising from the floor, almost like someone spray-painted the bottom half of the walls... It looked nice though, plain and simple, just how she liked it. The bed was made neatly in the corner, no headboard, no footboard, no nothing, it was just a box spring and a mattress on a frame. The sheets were a very dark purple, with the pillowcases being a slightly lighter gray than the walls. Right beside the bed was an almost black nightstand, with a small drawer and an opening at the bottom to act as a shelf for books and such. On top of the nightstand was a simple vase of black dahlias for some reason, which even made Mei confused. Why the hell were there flowers here, Mei couldn't even keep a cactus alive. Odd, but it fit the room so it got a pass.
Mei almost gasped when she looked over at the curtains, they were the black-out ones! Her favorite, and these seemed to actually work. They were a simple gray on the lighter side, not much lighter than the walls though, but she liked them. Other than that, there was pretty much nothing else to note about in her room, other than the simple black rug against the darkest wood floor she had ever seen, and the desk on the other side of the room. As much as she liked this room, she kinda wished it was more... interesting, give her something to complain about, but no biggie, right? She decided not to look much deeper into her room and headed back into the larger room, sitting on the chair closest to her room. Mei had no clue as to what she was actually doing, but she was comfy now and she really didn't want to get up.