today i'm here to suggest something about the honey/ super honey
We all have experienced that moment when we want to collect your
honey or super honey and they arent fuly stacked, and we end up
loosing potential and time as well.
my sugestion is that when you hover your mouse over the honey pots
they give you a message (1/3 honey) (2/3 honey) (3/3 honey) or (1/3
super honey) (2/3 super honey) (3/3 super honey)
or any visual aind to let us know when we already have the max
amount of honey/ super honey produced
This feature would help especially for super honey collectors since
they have to wait hours or even a day (cause the factor of
production of honey is random ? i guess?) to make sure they got
their max three super honey, and optimize their production.
Thank you for reading until here <3 have a nice day
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a
Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Yes to the option where a little star appears, because I really
think this is a nice little quality of life update, but a big no to
the option with hoovering over it.
Reason: we already have that with our level and the rumble area
levels. Bad thing is, that it is unusable on phone or tablet, and
in 2022 lets be honest, most people dont play internet games on PCs
alone. So while I want to see this feature added, there is no
reason to implement new features in a user unfriendly way🙈
Full support, because everyone knows how it feels when you
collected 3 honey and you thought it was 15? Makes everyone
furious, especially those who sell them.