Forum Thread
Sparkling Swirls Sign-up (closed)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Sparkling Swirls Sign-up (closed)Trainers

(ref image to come soon)
Owner: Sparkleshine
Partner: Excalibur
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Personality: She is very friendly and has a strong desire to do the right thing, though due to the fact she uses powerful Pokémon, she has a tendency to get ahead of herself.
Class(es) taught: All
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Priya is short in stature- but makes up for it in her quiet, poised presence. Her skin is the colour of hot chocolate, warm undertones glowing her slight smile straight into what may well be a beam- Silky, long hair brushes off her shoulders, a medium length. Despite the blues she adorns and themes herself with, her sharp green eyes match her warm undertones- casting a strange, yet peaceful contrast. Almost ethereal, she seems- perhaps because of her waves motif in her earrings and low-hanging, blue swishing dresses, plumed out like some undersea queen's.
Picrew: [ x ]
Personality: Priya is a quiet, shy soul who's always the back presence in the room, making small comments and hinting towards future events. She seems very calm and intelligent, but this is all just a mask. Deep down, she's a very sweet, idealistic person who tends to romanticize and imagine all sorts of things happening and becoming a story. She actually tends to hate herself for this, and would rather be taken seriously, which is why she stifles it and pretends to be a serious soul, rather than her own, sweet, silly self. If only she could see that no one would hate her for who she was, then she might open up... and reveal all the crazy thoughts she fears judgement for.
Personality Type: ISTJ (Si-Te-Fi-Ne)
Expertise: Priya might not be the most skilled in battle aspects, but she knows how to train Pokémon. Despite her seemingly gentle demeanor, she can be rough when necessary- and often slips into a bold, brash persona when she's teaching, especially Pokémon she doesn't know very well. Observance- understanding of a Pokemon's strengths and weaknesses are where she specializes.
Owner: ShatteredDiamond
Partner: Kitty the Torracat
Role: Student
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Reference image
Personality: Is socially awkward yet well-meaning, has a 'royal' attitude but is loyal to those close to her
Class attended: Skills & Strategy

Owner: CutePikaEevee
Role: Student
Age: Somewhere in her middle year of being at the school
Gender: Female
Appearance: Ruby is a red-head with freckles. She has green eyes.
Personality: She is very shy around people she doesn't know but gets more outgoing the more you get to know her.
Class attended: Skills & Strategy
Owner: IgnisCarmelita
Role: Student
Age: between 17 and 18 but acts like he's 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: Ref image
Personality: he likes to joke around with people but he will bite tooth and nail for the people he loves the most.
Class attended: Identification
Owner: CelestialBlight
Role: Student
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blaze has eerily light skin (due to exceedingly frequent solar eclipses in his world), dark indigo eyes and dark purple, almost black hair. He is also frail and weak physically, due to his slim body and over-use of magic.
Personality: Irritable and slightly arrogant, but also kind and understanding. As he originates from a corrupt and decadent world where nightmarish monsters roam, he also wields powerful dark magic, making him rather ruthless and merciless. (They are very significantly weakened if he leaves his home dimension)
Class attended: Pokémon Basics
Owner: DrGrimm
Role: Teacher
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Appearance: Ref image
Personality: Kind, caring, loving, sort of motherly
Class(es) taught: Skills & Strategy

Role: Peacekeeper
Owner: Sparkleshine
Partner: Sparkles
Species: Zacian
Gender: Female(?)
Shiny?: No
Nature: Mild
Level: 100
Owner: ~Torracat~
Partner: Emika Tenshi-Smith
Species: Torracat
Gender: Female
Shiny?: No
Nature: Timid/Gentle
Level: 30

Owner: ShatteredDiamond
Species: Froslass
Gender: Female
Shiny?: Yes
Nature: Bold
Level: 54
Owner: MegGriffinOfficial
Species: Bagon
Gender: Male
Shiny?: No
Nature: Bold
Level: 9
Owner: LunaEXE
Species: Umbreon
Gender: Female
Shiny?: Yes
Nature: Friendly, Kind, Gullible
Level: 69
Owner: CutePikaEevee
Species: Lycanroc (Midnight)
Gender: Female
Shiny?: No
Nature: Gentle
Level: 74
Owner: AceSunMan
Species: Emolga
Gender: nonbinary
Shiny?: No
Nature: Calm
Level: 15
Owner: MegaNidoranF
Species: Horsea
Gender: Female
Shiny?: No
Nature: Brave
Level: 3
Species: Abra
Gender: Male
Shiny?: No
Nature: Quiet
Level: 6
Owner: RemovedCat
Species: Umbreon, but on the smaller side; below average height for her species.
Gender: female
Shiny?: no
Nature: bold
Level: 30
Owner: IgnisCarmelita
Species: Kabutops
Gender: Female
Shiny?: No
Nature: Naive
Level: (max 100) 43
Owner: -Willowdew~Therianz-
Species: Eevee -> Umbreon
Gender: Female
Shiny?: Indeed!
Nature: Brave
Level: 49
Sign Up

Form for trainers:
[b]Age:[/b] (please keep it reasonable; ie no 1000-year old shapeshifting monsters)
[b]Gender:[/b] ([s]are you a boy or a girl?[/s])
[b]Appearance:[/b] (may include a link to a ref image)
[b]Personality:[/b] (strictly no Mary Sues!)
[b]Expertise:[/b] (on a scale of 1-5, how experienced are they? this determines the "class" they are in)
Form for Pokémon:
[b]Age:[/b] (please keep it reasonable; ie no 1000-year old shapeshifting monsters)
[b]Gender:[/b] ([s]are you a boy or a girl?[/s])
[b]Appearance:[/b] (may include a link to a ref image)
[b]Personality:[/b] (strictly no Mary Sues!)
[b]Expertise:[/b] (on a scale of 1-5, how experienced are they? this determines the "class" they are in)
[b]Species:[/b] (no legendaries or mythicals, unless you are an Overseer)
[b]Level:[/b] (max 100)
We are currently open to new enrollments at the moment! Why
not sign up?[b]Species:[/b] (no legendaries or mythicals, unless you are an Overseer)
[b]Level:[/b] (max 100)
Partner Up

To request a pairing between your
character and another person's, fill out this form!
To accept or reject another person's pairing request, fill out one of these forms!
[center]I want to partner one of my
characters with another person's character![/center]
[b]My character:[/b]
[b]Their character:[/b]
[b]Reason for wanting to partner (optional):[/b]
I understand that Pokémon cannot partner with other Pokémon, and trainers cannot partner with other trainers: (Yes/No)
I understand that I cannot partner my two characters together: (another yes or no question, you can remove this if you are an Overseer)
[b]My character:[/b]
[b]Their character:[/b]
[b]Reason for wanting to partner (optional):[/b]
I understand that Pokémon cannot partner with other Pokémon, and trainers cannot partner with other trainers: (Yes/No)
I understand that I cannot partner my two characters together: (another yes or no question, you can remove this if you are an Overseer)
To accept or reject another person's pairing request, fill out one of these forms!
[center]I've accepted (name of person who
wanted to partner with you)'s request to partner up with
[b]Their character:[/b]
[b]My character:[/b]
[b]Reason for accepting (optional):[/b]
We're going to have such fun adventures together!
[b]Their character:[/b]
[b]My character:[/b]
[b]Reason for accepting (optional):[/b]
We're going to have such fun adventures together!
[center]I've rejected (name of person who
wanted to partner with you)'s request to partner up with
[b]Their character:[/b]
[b]My character:[/b]
[b]Reason for rejecting (optional):[/b]
Sorry, pal...
[b]Their character:[/b]
[b]My character:[/b]
[b]Reason for rejecting (optional):[/b]
Sorry, pal...

Name: Priya Osborne
Age: 19 Years Old
Gender: Female
Appearance: Priya is short in stature- but makes up for it in her quiet, poised presence. Her skin is the colour of hot chocolate, warm undertones glowing her slight smile straight into what may well be a beam- Silky, long hair brushes off her shoulders, a medium length. Despite the blues she adorns and themes herself with, her sharp green eyes match her warm undertones- casting a strange, yet peaceful contrast. Almost ethereal, she seems- perhaps because of her waves motif in her earrings and low-hanging, blue swishing dresses, plumed out like some undersea queen's.
Picrew: [ x ]
Personality: Priya is a quiet, shy soul who's always the back presence in the room, making small comments and hinting towards future events. She seems very calm and intelligent, but this is all just a mask. Deep down, she's a very sweet, idealistic person who tends to romanticize and imagine all sorts of things happening and becoming a story. She actually tends to hate herself for this, and would rather be taken seriously, which is why she stifles it and pretends to be a serious soul, rather than her own, sweet, silly self. If only she could see that no one would hate her for who she was, then she might open up... and reveal all the crazy thoughts she fears judgement for.
Personality Type: ISTJ (Si-Te-Fi-Ne)
Expertise: Priya might not be the most skilled in battle aspects, but she knows how to train Pokémon. Despite her seemingly gentle demeanor, she can be rough when necessary- and often slips into a bold, brash persona when she's teaching, especially Pokémon she doesn't know very well. Observance- understanding of a Pokemon's strengths and weaknesses are where she specializes.
Age: Somewhere in her middle year of being at the school? What ages are at the school (for example, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 year old students are typically at a high school)?
Gender: Female
Appearance: Ruby is a red-head with freckles. She has green eyes.
Personality: She is very shy around people she doesn't know but gets more outgoing the more you get to know her
Expertise: She isn't very good at battling or training pokemon but she knows a lot about pokemon and she could easily name any pokemon and its types.

Age: between 17 and 18 but acts like he's 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: Pyre has white hair and dark eyes
tada! like this!
Personality: he likes to joke around with people but he will bite tooth and nail for the people he loves the most.
Expertise: He has good strategy thinking skills so he knows how to calculate attack damage and K.O. attacks. but, he has horrible memory which means he can only remember basic type advantages and disadvantages.

Basic information about Pokémon and battles, such as types, stats, how to throw a Poké Ball, and how to properly care for Pokémon.
The names of various Pokémon, items, moves, abilities, and their types & effects.
At the start of the lesson, the teacher draws a type chart on the board. Students learn about some moves like Freeze-Dry and Flying Press that have unique type-based effects, and abilities like Air Lock, Fluffy, and Lightning Rod that affect a Pokémon’s weaknesses.
Contains more advanced information (like terrain, weather, and stat stages) about battling than Pokémon Basics. Offers students an opportunity to battle each other with their own Pokémon.
Builds upon Battle Basics with information regarding various battle strategies and their pros and cons. Also offers a battle opportunity, but with a catch: students must pick a strategy to use, then borrow a team that fits their strategy and use it against their chosen opponent.
Name: Emika Tenshi-Smith
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Reference image (if necessary I can change up her outfit)
Personality: Is socially awkward yet well-meaning, has a 'royal' attitude but is loyal to those close to her
Expertise: 3, she is very well knowledged about Pokemon and Pokemon battles, but has little hands-on experience with it
Form for Pokémon:
Nickname: Eris
Species: Froslass
Gender: Female
Shiny?: Yes
Nature: Bold (+Defense, -Attack)
Level: 54