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「➳」Genshin Impact

Forum-Index Fan Clubs 「➳」Genshin Impact
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 102
Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 03:15 (3 Years ago)
@Guri - I'm so sorry. I'm on NA, and swapping servers doesn't transfer data. I wish I could help you. (T^T) Were it not for the lag spikes I get from playing online games at home, I would totally think about server hopping every now and then just to re-play everything. Might forsake all that though once the whole story is out, so I can do it all in one go.

That said, if anyone on the NA servers want the fishing achievement (or any of the co-op only achievements) or needs to farm mats (or anything, really. I'm mostly just bored and enjoy helping others!), just let me know. Please just make sure to leave some stuff behind for others who may arrive after, though.

Heh, you just want a buddy to travel around with you while you aim for map completion? I'm game. Exploring is fun! so is messing with mob AI.

Warning, I am World Level 7. Joining me may not be possible for some.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 10:45 (3 Years ago)

@Guri, if you still need to get the achievement, give me a nudge whenever and I can hop on and let you in my world c’:

That being said, if anyone else playing on EU needs any help with anything, I can get on pretty much whenever to do so, just send me a quick PM here ^^”

I’m currently working on an NA account bc I have a friend but they only play on the NA server -3-

Figured I’d be able to speed-run it to catch up, but somehow save my resin things

Atm I’m AR 27 ish c’:

On my EU (main) account, I’ve kind of gotten side tracked from building characters

Bc each time I try to farm books for Childe, the urge to finish Amber’s talents was too strong

So she’s at 9 - 9 - 9 now, and I’m currently debating just crowning her Normal attack until she gets more cons-

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 768
Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 18:59 (3 Years ago)
@~Fahrenheit~ Oh yes Thank you!!!!

I also tried to speedrun a NA account but that one was abandoned after the Klee re-run banner. Only got to like AR 24 aha. I should visit it again sometime.
Trainerlevel: 132

Forum Posts: 1,117
Posted: Sun, 05/09/2021 12:48 (3 Years ago)
I don't spend a lot of time on talents, I usually get them to Level 8 and call that "Good enough" for the time being until I get back around to it but I FINALLY fully crowned my fave!! I'm so happy 😭

All the advice from a while ago helped a lot by the way to increase his Planet Befall damage, he's got 160% crit dam, 55% crit rate, 2 piece nosblesse and 2 piece of the HP set, I forget it's name (the one you can get with the pale flame set) and a Geo damage boosting goblet. Thank you so much for tips! 🤗
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Sun, 05/09/2021 13:16 (3 Years ago)
I hate doing artifacts and talents.
Especially the cryo domains.

Sadly my favourite character (Rosaria) needs talent books from that domain so yeah.

She's at 7, 9 (6+3), 3.
I want to at least get her to 10, 12, 12.

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Mon, 06/09/2021 00:44 (3 Years ago)
I just found out who Raiden Shogun's English VA is.... N I C E
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Mon, 06/09/2021 03:09 (3 Years ago)
aa finally got around to doing ayaka's story quest after putting it off for so long, i love ayaka so much <33 i'll be doing yoimiya's tomorrow or maybe tonight as its getting a bit late.

also have been finishing up some stuff around dragonspine- got the tree to level 8, getting crimson agate was so annoying omg. also got snow-tombed starsilver after ages of just not getting the stone tablets or the box things. dragonspine is at 87% exploration so i obviously have some more things to do, but im getting close to 100%, probably just some time trials and chests left now.

leveled up yoimiya a bit and gave her a couple basic artifacts, just stuff so she doesnt turn into dust the second i bring her out into my world 💀 i only had enough ascension materials to get her to lvl 50 because i only fought the pyro cube 1 time. she's really fun to play with, ofc since all my enemies are like level 70 she cant really do much against them, but still very fun !! i'll be collecting some more naku weed and stuff from the pyro cube to level her up some more, also fix up her artifacts because theyre very basic rn.

also got to ar 50 !!! i wont be doing the world ascension quest for a while though.
blehh :p
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 768
Posted: Mon, 06/09/2021 04:29 (3 Years ago)
@Makabe Congrats on a tripple crowned Zhongli! I have yet to crown a single character I am too lazy aha. My crowns are just sitting and collecting dust in the bag ;-;

@Clown our Dragonspine's are at the same completion rate xD
I do not enjoy exploring Dragonspine at all, sheer cold is so annoying >.< After I got the weapons I stopped exploring there, one day, I'll finish it though sigh

The Mikage furnace quest is so annoying why are there so many steps. Feels like this quest will never end. Gave Xavier the 3 Onikabuto's today.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Mon, 06/09/2021 17:20 (3 Years ago)

I believe the Mikage furnace quest takes like 7 days to complete or something like that ^^"

I thought it was okay, until the last quest which I actually kind of struggled with-

But if the sheer cold is something you don't like, I don't think you'll be fond of the new weekly boss c':

Like, Childe is nothing compared to Signora-

I took me and some others 3 tries to defeat her

But now I lowkey want to build a Barbara after carrying with her

Mine is currently level 70, I gave her my Ningguang's weapon and Childe's artifacts, and she was doing like 7-10k damage per charged shot c':

I'll probably end up building everyone, or so I'd hope

It's just a struggle for me to focus on building them one at a time aha

Also, Baal and Sara came home ! and Xiangling joins the rest of my C6 characters ~

So, depending on who's on Kokomi's banner, I think I might just skip her ?

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Mon, 06/09/2021 18:24 (3 Years ago)
I think I'll leave the club, I don't really talk about the actual gameplay much and I feel like I've been ignored literally every time I post in this gosh danged thread. Goodbye.

@MY_IRENE If you still exist, please remove me from the list
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 768
Posted: Wed, 15/09/2021 22:01 (3 Years ago)
Oh , does the new weekly boss include the electro status condition thing? rip...

My Barbara is a 100% healer build but it'd be fun to try a DPS build on her, I have other characters I need to build before that but when/if I build Childe I could try his artifacts on Barbara sometime. Right now my barbara does 2k if she gets a crit xD Amazing healing though which is ofc, what I built her for.

Congrats on Baal and Sara as well c:

Speaking of Barbara, I hit friendship level 10 with her today 💙

I have really been enjoying fishing in this game, just a chill time, I dont know why but iv'e always loved fishing in any game so I was super glad to see it added to genshin. The fish pond is the reason I decided to start working on my teapot, I want to make a nice spot for my ornamental fish ^^

Sad to see you leave, sorry if I made you feel ignored that has never been my intention.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 15/09/2021 22:19 (3 Years ago)
Username: ThatZoroSimp (Genshin name is Ally)
Pronouns: She/Her
UID + Server (optional): Idk about sharing my UID but American server
Character(s) you main: Mostly Kaeya and Sucrose

"Men who can't wipe away the tears from a women's eyes, aren't real men." -Vinsmoke Sanji
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Fri, 17/09/2021 22:20 (3 Years ago)

@Guri, not electro - the domain for the new weekly boss has sheer cold c':

And in the second phase, it's like, the opposite? Idk if it has a name, but your characters gradually overheat-

I kinda hope it's implemented for Natlan

I feel like it would kinda make sense for the Pyro Archon, and maybe bringing back sheer cold for Snezhnaya-

I've been working on my NA account for the last couple days

Like, I started it, got to like AR 10 before ditching it ^^"

But some of my American friends wanted to play so I've had to speed run to catch up to them and now I'm on AR 41 ;w;

I've stuck with the team I'd planned to use from the beginning - the starters - my main team being:

Amber (ofc ♡) Kaeya (he's carrying us all-) Lisa (bless her, she's doing her best) and Barbara (since I've max'd Noelle on my main, I figured I'd give Barbara a chance)

Team build ramble in the spoiler, bc I don't want to make this super long, but I hope you've all been well ♡

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Amber !

- Gosh, I miss having your constellations ;w;
- However, I am spending my Primos on the Standard banner, as I'm mainly using the starters so hopefully a constellation would like to drop for you sometime soon? c':
- Currently using the Stringless - I have no experience with this weapon so idk if it's okay for her but I don't really like it-
- But I now have several other options: Sacrificial (what I'd usually use), Favonius Warbow, Rust, Prototype Cresent (debating on trying but might just wait for the Inazuma bow?)
- 3-2-2 talents
- will probably keep to the 4-piece wanderers

Kaeya !

- Unsure if I want to make you physical or cryo
- Currently doing work with the Prototype Rancour + a physical cup
- I got the Skyward Blade (gives energy recharge) from the standard banner, but Kaeya's Ascension stat is also Energy Recharge so idk if he actually would need it?
- I could probably save it for an eventual Bennett build (I do have him-)
- I also have the Sacrificial (but it's on Xingqiu) and Favonius Sword
- 3-2-2 talents
- Again, idk what artifacts, probably either like 4-piece blizzard strayer or 2-piece pale flame + 2-piece bloodstained

Lisa !

- She's C1 and she does so well!! probably bc she has 2-piece scholar and 2-piece exile (+40% energy recharge total)
- Kinda- She's stuck with the Mappa Mare atm, it was either that or Eye of Perception (and Yanfei has that)
- I do have some Catalyst billets though! So maybe the Inazuma catalyst for her?
- 3-2-2 talets
- 4-piece thundering fury would probably be best?

Barbara !

- She's C2!
- I've left her with Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers and I usually pair her with Kaeya for the constant freeze
- I'm not sure if there is a better weapon (4-star) for her so she'll probably keep that for a while-
- 3-2-2 talents
- I-i think I actually want to go 4-piece heart of depth for her c': Sub-DPS Barbara?

Noelle !

- Honourable mention-
- I usually swap her in to mine, or if there's something I'd potentially need an emergency shield for
- Currently has the Whiteblind
- 2-2-2 talents
- I haven't forgotten about you ♡
- We'll catch you up as soon as I'm at a comfortable spot with the others bc I can't do Azhdaha without you :c

Other Characters Obtained:

Traveller; Xiangling; Xingqiu; Chongyun; Yanfei; Xinyan; Bennett

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Sun, 19/09/2021 13:17 (3 Years ago)
So I was saving and building pity for xiao
mustve missed how high it actually was
now I´m sitting here with a Shogun in my pocket

She´s great, but lets hope that xiao takes his sweet time :'3
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 102
Posted: Sun, 19/09/2021 19:17 (3 Years ago)

Sadly, I think that with Inazuma out, we're going to have to wait a decent time for a Xiao re-run since Mihoyo can add new characters for Inazuma. Congrats on pocketing a Shogun- it's quite an impressive feat to have an entire person in your pocket.

Good luck on building/saving up for Xiao. I'm saving for him too, but Kokomi is supposed to come out next banner, right? I can't decide if I want to try a single ten-pull for her as a birthday gift to myself since she literally comes out the 21st.

I can always use more healers for spiral abyss.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Mon, 20/09/2021 01:49 (3 Years ago)
@Guri Is aight, and it isn't really your fault, it just felt like every time I posted here, no one would pay attantion to it
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Mon, 20/09/2021 18:01 (3 Years ago)
If on the anniversary you get to choose

1) Any 5* character
2) Any standard 5* character
3) Any 5* weapon
4) Any standard 5* weapon
5) Any 4* character
6) Any 4* weapon

Which are you guys choosing?

I'll probably be going for something like this

1) Zhongli/Hu-Tao/Childe
2) Qiqi
3) Engulfing Lighting
4) Aquilla Favonia
5) Sayu
6) unless a certain new weapon is out by then I'm probably gonna be choosing dragon's bane.

Also. I want all polearm characters out there man.
So I'm gonna start saving my wishes and try to get Hu-Tao on her rerun. Plus there are new polearm characters coming out soon which I want so more saving.

Currently the characters I'm gonna have to save for are:

Characters who aren't out yet
Yae miko
The two twins
Any future polearm characters

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Mon, 20/09/2021 19:36 (3 Years ago)
I really want Zhongli and Childe 😭 I loved playing them on their hangout events. Venti would be nice too.

Also, I can’t wait for Thoma 😩

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 768
Posted: Mon, 20/09/2021 20:56 (3 Years ago)
As annoying as I find all these status effects I do think it is nice that they exist, so I agree that it'd be cool to see them in Natlan and Snezhnaya.

Imagine Mihoyo being this kind. Here is what I'd want:

1. Zhongli/Ganyu or Kazuha for that amazing C1 but I'd rather get a new char
2. Keqing
3. I dont know much about the limited 5* weapons tbh but maybe Freedom-sworn
4. Skyward harp
5. Kaeya or Yanfei, desperate for more const! (currently Kaeya C2 Yanfei C0)
6. The stringless. (Been playing since launch and I still dont have this weapon ;-;)
Mitternachts Waltz is also a very good contender as a DPS Fischl main.

I am 100% going to be wishing for Thoma no matter what banner he is put in, he has slowly creeped himself into my heart and I need him. He and Xiangling will be fighting for that dragon's bane, though I might give Xiangling the catch as I have her built for her burst.

Speaking of Xiangling, I currently have her on a 4-piece nobless oblige but would 2 piece nobless and 2 piece crimson witch be better? I usually use her just to get her burst up then swap to another character.
Iv'e also heard 4-piece emblem of severed fate works great for her with a burst build.
Would be so happy to hear opinions on this!
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Mon, 20/09/2021 21:03 (3 Years ago)
it depends on who you use xiangling with
if youre gonna be using her like with little to no recharge then its better for 2 price noblese and 2 crimson
other wise emblem is best

Free Palestine