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「➳」Genshin Impact
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → 「➳」Genshin ImpactI... I have regrets opening the forum. What an odd start to my day. Not sure to if to raise my fist to the sky and dramatically say 'Curse You' or just sigh and go 'Well, there was a warning I ignored' and go about my day.
Well done on the photoshop. Took a full class on it not too long ago. I just remember I used it to doodle and soften edges more than I did anything else.
Welcome to all the newcomers! I hope you enjoy your stay ^^
My Genshin Journey currently is at a standstill. I'm doing events regularly, spending all resin etc but I just can't decide on what to do. Do I 100% exploration? Do I build the weapons and talents first and then move on to artifacts? Do I do the world bosses and bring up character levels? Do I cut short on Genshin and focus on other media and Uni? I don't know.
When I was around AR 45-50, I hadn't even farmed artifacts and had 80+ Fragile Resin left, I was just having fun in the game trying to hit Endgame ASAP and now it's been a month I'm at 56 and I really don't know what to do. All the Fragile is spent now and I really would like to take a break from grinding and have some more fun like the old days. One thing that's keeping me in the game is the beautiful list of characters and the story. God, I love the story so much.
Anyway, this aside, so much has happened and I would like to share my experience with them.

Ever since I saw her for the first time on a Mihoyo Instagram post, I wanted her. I really wanted her. I lost hope when Ayaka came at Pity 20, stealing my 50-50 since I've never won a 50-50 except for one before. So I was extremely delighted to see her come to Pity 75. To me, the icing on the cake was the near god-tier (as claimed by my friends) artifacts I got for her. For reference, here is the Plume I've given to her.

I have good ER and Crit substat - artifacts on the other pieces as well, with a 4 Piece Emblem. As for weapon, I'm still debating on whether to give The Catch or The Skyward Spine, but I think I will mostly give the Skyward to Baal and Catch to Xiangling.
Her Talents are at level 6 for elemental skill and 8 for Burst. This is mainly because I have her at 80/80, I do plan to bring it up to 90 but maybe later. I also plan to Crown one of the above-mentioned two.
I have to say, I love playing her as much as I love looking at her. Her Ult is so fun! And it gives me such amazing amounts of damage. It's so fun that I'm starting to reconsider all the support artifact sets I've given to the characters just to make them suit Baal if I play her as a DPS.

Wow. Just wow. Mihoyo not only know how to market their characters, they also know how to make the story hit you. That Sequance, after the Signora fight gave me literal goosebumps. I played the story as soon as it came out, and was the first among our friend group to play the story, which made me immune to incoming spoilers. The Battle Music themes really struck a chord with me. I often listen to those on YouTube now. I do feel Kokomi's involvement was minor, and could've been better, but maybe the story quest will give me some insights.
So much more to say, but I don't want to leave y'all a brick of text XD. While I figure out my Genshin Midlife crisis, I wish all the best to all Kokomi Wanters!!!
@SINnabon - Xingqiu is quite fun to mess around with when you get him kit out even half-way decently. He was the third characters I fully ascended, following Kazuha and Qiqi. His basic E skill (for me) usually takes out a quarter-health of most elite enemies shields (darn Geo and Hydro shields) and sometimes 2H-KO's most regular non-shield enemies if I set up a combo like freeze or electro-charged.
As for Kokomi... I did the basic ten-pull as a Bday gift to myself and mostly out of curiosity. Got her. Her healing is based on her max HP, so I guess I know which set of artifacts I need to roll for. Now to decide if I finally max out Little Miss Pryo (Klee) or do I focus on Kokomi and get more healers for Domains since I still haven't figured out how to use Barbara as a proper healer...
I like her clothing and overall design but the forehead just .. is a no no for me :(
never again will you be able to return... ♪

@Xiao, we do have too many Hydro Catalysts, it’s actually annoying 😅 I don’t even use Barbara but out of all of them I would prefer Mona because I like her design a lot, and the way she controls and fights!

I hope it's not Childe/Hu-Tao/Zhongli/Kazuha
I really want them.
Childe/Kazuha a little less but still do.
I want a hydro polearm character but hopefully no where soon.
that said what is your favourite element?
mines cryo

Free Palestine
Not me casually ignoring all the characters I said I was going to build-
However, I finally have a - sort of - build for Benny now !
He's C4, Ascension 5 but level 80; 21k HP, 2.5k ATK (almost 2.7k with pyro resonance); 5-7-8 talents
Currently using Lion's Roar (R3, Lv 90); With 2-piece Gladiator's Finale and 2-piece Shimenawa's Reminiscence
He needs a little bit of work (talents), but otherwise, I'm happy enough with how he's playing
I think I want to focus on rebuilding some of my older characters
I'm thinking of making Razor Physical, he needs some work on his talents too
I want to get a Geo cup for Noelle, and work on her Crit ratio bc she's currently sitting at 13:107 c': Also talents for her-
Haven't had much luck on Kokomi's banner, I'm hoping to lose my 50:50 on it
I like her design, she's cute; but I don't like her voice (I play in English) and I didn't really enjoy her trial tbh
But if I do get her, that's also fine, one less re-run I'd have to pull on and I'd have all the Inazuma characters, besides Kazu, so far
Her banner, however, has given me a C6 Rosaria and C4 Beidou - I'd love to build her whenever I can commit to building one character at a time ;w;
Favourite element: probably be between pyro and geo since I use them the most
I'd love more geo characters, 4-stars, and hopefully, Sumeru will provide? ;-;
Sumeru Academia, maybe? - Can we get more Lisa (and Amber + Kaeya) content pls?
Also super excited to see how Dendro is going to play out
Like I want to know more about Baizhu-
I think he's super sus atm, there's just something about him that doesn't sit right with me