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「➳」Genshin Impact

Forum-Index Fan Clubs 「➳」Genshin Impact
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 15:05 (3 Years ago)
good luck to anyone pulling for raiden or sara!
i lost my 50/50 to keqing which wasn't surprising, but she came home within the first 10 pull so it was fine
did 20 more...and got raiden, i nearly screamed which isnt good especially since i was in class at that time

sara was a bit stubborn and came home 20 pulls later, but hey atleast shes at c1 from that

i also came to my friend's world with my raiden since she didnt have much luck with her, i made my raiden jump off dragonspine peak and then she did her last 10 pull, and then got raiden and another diluc
guess archon sacrifice works
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 16:52 (3 Years ago)
After playing with raiden in the trial run for like 100th time I'm debating going all in for her.

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 17:18 (3 Years ago)

I don't have much to update on c':

Ningguang is now C6 ! So, she's pretty much completed -

I bought her con from the store bc I'm pretty confident that I can get 10 more starglitter by the end of next month for Amber

I've also fully levelled the Inazuma 4-star bow - I forgot what it's called - so Amber is trialling that for me cx

I haven't noticed much of a difference tbh, compared to the Sacrificial bow, but she's hitting 30k melt so ig it's okay-ish

I haven't played the new archon quest yet, but I've definitely heard some things about it hnnnn

Uhhh- I'm not sure how I feel about the new islands? I think its the puzzles that irk me

The fishing is great though c': Probably my favourite thing atm

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 17:34 (3 Years ago)
I got my first good pull earlier, I got Sucrose! I'm really happy with her, she's really good ^^
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 17:58 (3 Years ago)
i have a few questions.

1) Should I buy wishes from shop and try to get baal?
Only Con is that she still might not come. I most probably will miss out on Ganyu.

But tbh I might not regret getting Baal instead of Ganyu.

2) Should I get Ningguang/Xingqui contellation instead?
Whichever i choose will be C1

3) Should I get a blackcliff weapon?
If so which one?

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 18:37 (3 Years ago)

Is your next 5-star guaranteed to be the banner character?

If so, I'd say keep saving for Ganyu, if she's a character you want

Baal will most likely get a re-run in the next couple of updates

Shop cons, I'm not familiar with Xingqiu, I have him at C4 but have never used him

But Ningguang's C1 is nice bc your normal attacks give AoE damage

Also not familiar with the black cliff weapons, I believe their sub-stats are Crit Dmg?

I, personally, haven't bothered to buy them as I'd usually spend my starglitter on wishes, if not character cons

I suppose it depends on who you're building, but here's the wiki page for the Blackcliff Series if you want to compare them

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 102
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 18:47 (3 Years ago)

1) I can't really help you with the pulls. I bought from the shop and gave a 10-pull attempt, just for the sake of attempting and curiosity. I didn't get Baal, and instead got a 4-star weapon. I'm in the pity range for 5 stars, but I really am hoping for a Xiao rerun eventually. If you really want Ganyu, wait until she's got a rerun and go ham them. Until then, save to see if you can't get her a higher constellation?

2) Ningguang has a really powerful Jade Screen buff, but that's only if you build her right and have the right constellation. I also don't really use her much except for locating those pesky hard-to-see ores... so I can't speak for her. Personally, I got C3 Xingqiu by accident and have been having fun with his rain cutter and element reactions.

3) Blackcliff weapons... I can't speak for them, as I sadly don't use them. Those are the dust/glitter shop ones, right? I recall a friend who used them mentioning they really weren't worth it if you have better stuff to buy, but they could be decent if you need weapons with Crit Damage bonus and have the right set up for it. Saves on needing Crit Damage *and* Crit Rate artifacts substats, at the very least.
Trainerlevel: 98

Forum Posts: 516
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 19:59 (3 Years ago)
Gah! Was going to stream Genshin about an hour ago... but forgot to update it on my PC. The update downloads... and then we get to verifying the files... AND BOOM! It fails. Every time. I rebooted the launcher so hopefully this helps.

I'm currently sitting on 24 Intertwined Fates, been controlling my impulses and waiting 'til I stream so I can pull for Baal. I'm guaranteed Baal (lost 50/50 on my third best boy, Kazuha T^T), so I'm not too worried about saving a lot of Fates for her. However, when Kokomi comes around... sheeeeeeesh! I also really want Thoma. Rumors are saying he's gonna get switched to a 5 star, but I REALLY hope not. I want him to be easy to obtain ;w; I love him SO much.

My best boys are as follows; (bolded means I LOVE THEM SO MUCH... ;w; )

1. Zhongli
2. Razor
3. Kazuha
4. Thoma or Xingqiu
5. Childe or Diluc

My best girls... MMMMM.

1. Xiangling
2. Eula
3. Lisa
4. Yoimiya
5. Ningguang or Raiden Shogun/Baal

What about you guys? c:

Anyways... I'm really hoping my game updates quickly -w- Postponed my stream for an hour and it's been about 15 minutes longer than the hour I had postponed it for </3

Hopefully I can get Baal's weapon too! ^w^
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 349
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 21:01 (3 Years ago)
Please enjoy this cursed sketch/doodle of Diluc. It's spoilered because I genuinely dont want to look at it. It needed to be drawn so it has been. You can tell that I had to stop looking at it, otherwise it'd be more detailed.

23 - Capricorn - Masc Enby - Coffee Addict

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 748
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 21:02 (3 Years ago)
I haven't been able to pull yet ( i only have 10 anyways) because after I updated the game this morning, any time I try to load it or any video game for that matter, it crashes my computer and shuts it down.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 21:26 (3 Years ago)
@pizzaparloursystem FINALLY some actual art sharing in this gosh danged thread

So anyway, here's a Cryo Abyss Mage, but as a möth

(Despite looking at a reference image I forgot that their upper bodies are 85% floof, 10% arms, and 5% plague doctor mask, so that's why the lämp brøther has less floof than what you would expect)
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 21:50 (3 Years ago)

@PizzaParlourSystem, your sketch is beautiful-

@Mimi, personal best boys/girls (for currently playable characters):


1. I have to put Razor here; he's like the only male character I use, and he's so wholesome-
2. Putting Childe here, mainly bc of his story with Teucer, t'was super cute !
3. Kaeya here, I think, he's so smug, I love it
4. Bennett gets this place! Again, adorable, he deserves love, but I don't use him-
5. Uhhh, Albedo? He's a character I want, and can kinda relate to a lot??


1. Amber and/or Ningguang, sorry, I can't split them, I love them both equally
2. Beidou! She's a pirate, need I say more?
3. Eula!! So so pretty, bless her heart, she's doing her best, love her pls ;w;
4. How about another claymore user? Noelle, sweetheart, one day, you'll be the best knight ♡
5. Jean, I love your design and character, but pls, for the love of Barsibato, take a break-

Honourable mentions, bc I literally love the girls so much-
- Lisa, bc I'm really enjoying using her on my NA account
- Xiangling, like Noelle, I underestimated her and didn't use her until super late game, gosh what a mistake that was-
- Sara and Baal, I don't have either, would love both, I really like their designs-

I hope Gorou is a 4-star character, and it's not bc I want him
but rn, it just feels like Noelle has been the only intended 4-star Geo character? And she's basically a free character-
I know we have Ningguang, but both she and Barbara, were meant to be 5-stars?
Don't get me wrong, super grateful that Ningguang isn't a 5-star
Tbh, I just want some more 4-star characters in general, and like, more male characters, pls mihoyo?

As I try to post @Hornet, your cyro abyss moth is super cute, wahh- pyro and hydro, when?

Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 22:24 (3 Years ago)
@Mimi, personally these are the best boys/girls (for currently playable characters):


Rosaria: Goth (Vampire?) Nun who was raised by bandits and is an assassin. Plus she uses my fav weapon.
Jean: First 5 star I fell for.
Baal and Ganyu: (sorry i just cant choose 1 thus my current predicament) Amazing designs. Love them. Lore is great. love the animations and playstyle.
Lisa: lazy beautiful librarian who's a genius
Ningguang: gorgeous rich lady who throws rocks.
Yoimiya: Fun af. Nice design
Sara: shes new to the list. might get taken off later.


Zhongli: Love the guy. Plus the character demo god that was amazing
Childe: Love at first sight. plus i joined on his banner so yay. and the bow to melee stance change is chef kiss
xiao: the design.... need i say more?

god why are all these guys so hot

i hope thoma and goro stay as 4 stars. especially thoma. i NEED him. his attack animations GOD.

I couldn't control it so I went all in. bought the 9 wishes from shop.
Did a 10 pull.

and FINALLY Sucrose and Baal came home.
Now to find a weapon for her.

BTW anyone know if the catch is permanent or not?

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 768
Posted: Thu, 02/09/2021 01:25 (3 Years ago)
@Mimi oh yay I get to gush about my favorite characters let's go!


1. Kazuha/Venti I really can't choose just one of them, they are equal. Somehting they share is the free spirited mind and I guess such a characther really speaks to me. They have both also suffered a similar experiece in the past ;-;
3. Aether Honestly, I think? Aether's design is my favorite one in the whole game so far. It was truly love at first sight and choosing which of the siblings I wanted to play as wasn't hard at all.
4. Kaeya He is such a rat and I love him for it. His english voice is so good >.<
5. Gorou He will probably swap with Keaya in time but for now he sits at a 5 as I dont know much about him. Haven't even met him in the archon quest yet ahaha. All I know is that the same feeling I got when I first saw Kazuha happend again when I saw Gorou 💖


1. Fischl She was one of my first banner characters and has carried me through the whole game. She will always place as number one as I have a special attachment to her. She is the first character I'm tripple crowing and there is 0 doubt in my mind about that.
2. Diona She sat at level 1 for the longest time but once I finally built her I realised what I'd missed out on. Diona is easily my favorite healer unit. She is also very adorable ^^
3. Sayu Sayu is a mood, if I could sleep all the time i so would. Her costume is very cute and her playstyle is super fun!
4. Yanfei Her playstyle is tons of fun! Yanfei's constellation design is probaby my favorite one, I love deer so there was no way I wasn't going to fall in love with it.
5. Xiangling Love how happy she is! Her design is great and the chime from her bell while she walks it's just great! Have to support her for trying new and weird food combinations, I am always trying new things as well. She'd probably rank above Sayu if her elemental skill wasn't so "hard" to use. Gouba easily falls out of range, paired with Kazuha or Aether though they make a nice team as they can draw Gouba closer with their elemental skill :3

I'd like to stress that my favorite form of Aether is his anemo one. I dislike geo and dont have much experience with electro.
Personally I have way stronger affection for the male characters in this game and can say that if I were to rank them mixed, all the females aside from Fischl would rank below Gorou.

Runner ups Zhongli, Thoma, Xiao, Childe, Barbara, Ganyu and Amber
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 02/09/2021 04:39 (3 Years ago)

Title: hi

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Thu, 02/09/2021 21:56 (3 Years ago)
oh gosh, the new event is so fun. its also pretty easy ? idk i just did it on normal mode and all the enemies were lvl 50 so it wasnt any issue to beat them up.

also, recently found out how fun lisa actually is to play. i never rlly played w/ her and her story quest made me confused so i just never used her but she is so fun ?? i think catalyst users are growing on me 🙀 i used to hate catalysts bcuz i didnt understand them but man r they fun

its getting difficult to decide who i want on my main team since so many characters are so fun </3
blehh :p
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 02/09/2021 23:26 (3 Years ago)
Hey people!!! For those who love/collect plushies check my feed!!! ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ⊂(・﹏・⊂)
HeY PeOpLe!!! WaSsUp DoNt FoRgEt To AdD mE tO yOuR fRiEnD lIsT
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Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Fri, 03/09/2021 02:33 (3 Years ago)
I need team comp suggestions.
So here are my available characters.

any idea what I can do?

I'd prefer not to use the following:
Yanfei, Razor, Barbara, Amber.

Not even a single character has telents or artifacts so I need to start on those thus my predicament.

Anyways only Restriction is Rosaria is going to be a Physical Main DPS.

Other then that go wild.

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Fri, 03/09/2021 02:50 (3 Years ago)
depends, is there any character you would like to use as a dps specifically?

anyways i can see a few team comps that might work well
ayaka/yoimiya as dps, raiden sub dps, bennett because hes a literal hidden 6 star, sucrose can be sub-dps but noelle also works well as a tank/shield provider

beidou can be a good main dps too, sara can be a buffer + ult battery, diona because she can shield and heal(also the superconduct will be nice), and noelle.

in all honestly any character can fit into a team comp as long as theres a single main dps, and the character's kit wont interfere with each other (for example, raiden and xiangling wouldnt go well together especially if you have a melee character since the overload explosion will push the enemies further away from you) (but yoimiya and fischl/raiden can go well since the overload will benefit yoimiya's lack of aoe dmg and the distance will help a bow user like yoimiya)
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 768
Posted: Sat, 04/09/2021 02:20 (3 Years ago)
Anyone in the EU server open to letting me go to your world and catch a fish for the achievment? Anyone can of course join mine as well for the same reason! As long as you are WL 8. If multiple WL 7 people want to join I’d be willing to lower my world level for a day ^^