Forum Thread
[A] Create a Magical Monster ♥
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [A] Create a Magical Monster ♥
Username: Asagata
1) ⬇️
2) ⬇️
Password: Uhh Idk? Maybe manipulating water? ;w; 💦
Other: Amazing contest as usual ^w^
Shinies I Want: Cherubi, Cherrim and Hoopa :3

Password: Healing powers^^
Shinies I Want: Mudkip, Houndoom and Gabite^^

Username: ChikoritaMining
Other: Very interesting contest :0
Shinies I Want: Parasect, Persian (Alolan). Psyduck (Selfie)

(Melon mini icon made by Absbor)


(next evolution for this guy)

uploaded on discord <--- Input link, in case images start to break.
(next evolution for this guy)

uploaded on discord <--- Input link, in case images start to break.

uploaded on discord <--- Input link, in case images start to break.
(next evolution for this guy)

uploaded on discord <--- Input link, in case images start to break.
Password: Creation
Other: Entering for fun c:
Shinies I Want: Absol, Milotic, Regigigas

Password: My favorite magical girl power would have to be an animal-themed one. Such as claws for a cat. Or mythical animal like firebreathing like a dragon.
Other: This is my first time entering an art contest on this website! Wish me luck :D
Shinies I Want:Lucario, Buneary, and Gardevoir please ^^

My mistake on the descriptions had others confused about the theme of the contest, but I did ended up allowing it, as this was my own fault and still wanted to accept the pieces qwq.
So without further ado, the winners are...
First place is... Asagata

Second place is... FloralFire

Third place is... Soup5

Fourth place is... ~Yvelette~
And there isn't any fifth place due to me ending it early qwq
I would love to buy the other two Eilimitura, so I will contact the artist's shortly! Prizes will be sent out now nwn