Forum Thread
War for the Tablets Revamp
Forum-Index → Roleplay → War for the Tablets RevampThe Swords of Justice had a job. To protect the Pokemon and promote peace. But they could not see beyond the few humans corrupted, and ultimately decreed that all humans must be destroyed. They battled against Arceus, too confident in their own abilities. But their combined strength did scatter the plates, leaving Arceus weakened. They knew that with the plates, they could stop Arceus from halting their selfish schemes, and decided to go after them. With their young apprentice, Keldeo, they took on human forms and dove among them in order to find the plates. Arceus could not go after them in this state. He called on the rest of the legendary and mythical pokemon to find these plates before the Swords of Justice. However, not all of them were up to the task. Some promised aid while staying in their own regions, and others joined the Swords of Justice, spreading across the regions to slow them down.
While Arceus's powers were weakened, they were not completely without power. They were able to track the locations of the tablets vaguely and determined that the plates were scattered around the Sinnoh region. Arceus told the legendary and mythical pokemon who were willing to take a stand that the plates would attract to them, pull them based on their types. But they had to rely on their strengths and each other if they were going to defeat these rouge powerful pokemon and take back the plates. The last thing that Arceus told them, before sending them to Sinnoh in human forms, was this-"This my friends, is a war. The War for the Tablets."
You are in the Sinnoh Region, in the forest surrounding Twinleaf Town, reborn as humans. Waking up, you seem to be in a clearing of some kind.
Ocha woke up, her eyes blinking. Just a few moments before, she had been standing before Arceus. Now, she was...what exactly? She looked down at herself, vision still blurry. After a few minutes, she yelped, scrambling to her feet before almost falling back down again. "O-okay, I know we're taking human forms, but that was still surprising," she said quickly. Her vision was clearing after a minute, and Ocha said admiringly, "But dang I look good!" She looked around. Where was her brother? It appeared that there were other legendaries, but she couldn't see her brother. That wasn't good. "Oasis?!"

He heard a voice both familiar and not call his name, or what he understood to be his name in the human language. Slowly reorienting himself so that his legs were on the limb and his back was pressed against the tree instead of the other way around, he gripped the branch just above him with a gloved hand and let gravity drop his new head and torso into sight of the ground. "Ocha?" he called back, scanning what, from an eye used to invisibly observing humans, looked to be just another oddly dressed crew of people. The Latios knew better, however, and quickly spotted a red-and-white clad young woman dressed quite like a Latias. With his free arm, he made a slight waving gesture, realizing the distance to the ground was rather large and not really sure how he was going to get down.

she finally got up to find herself in the forest with humans? She raised her arms to fight, "Who are all of you and what do you want from me?" she looked around at everyone making sure to maintain her posture when she finds one, Kori. He looked somehow familiar to her but she had not remembered his name... "I've heard about you..." she said while pointing at Kori.

She hears a soft rumbling in her stomach, "today is just getting worse and worse" she starts to cry a bit harder but into her sleeve.
Kansha rolled over onto her stomach, feeling the lovely breeze blow through her hair and loose clothing. She was going to have to get used to this forme, but forme changes were nothing new to her! The young Pokemon didn't need to open her eyes to know that she was in a forest, but looking around, she recognized the location of just by Twinleaf Town, merely ten or so minutes flight from her home in the Floaroma Meadow. Smiling as she watched all of the new 'humans' adjust to their surroundings, she wondered who all of them were and where they had come from. Clearly though, they were all willing to put aside their responsibilities to help keep balance, and so Kansha was sure she'd get along just fine with all of them.
Ryoko let out a little gasp as she immediately hopped up onto her feet. Used to being on two feet, she wasn't having trouble at all with her new form. Twirling around, she admired her new clothes, and to her delight, she realized she still had her wings. She supposed it was probably necessary to keep them, considering her time travelling duties. With a giggle, Ryoko clapped her hands together to take in the crowd. Most of them looked confused and disoriented, and while she wasn't exactly sure where she was, the pixie knew she was in a forest, and that was good enough for her. Two voices caught her attention, and she gasped, recognizing the telltale red and blue hues of the two Eon Pokemon, Latios and Latias. She'd never met them in her timeline, but she knew they served as heroes in many different eras of history. Bounding over to the two, she gave them a wave.
When a young green haired girl ran up to them, he turned to her, nodding briefly in greeting. Ocha was usually the one to initiate introductions, conversations, etcetera, though the twins engaged in few, if any, of these, something he was more than happy to allow. It wasn't that he disliked other Pokemon, or people, for that matter, but conversation was tiring, and honestly, usually not worth it. Besides, his sister seemed to enjoy having the limelight.

Eventually though, Phin gathered up the strength to try and get up-and was promptly reminded of how awful human legs were. There was a reason they had no legs in their Incarnate Forme. Having to try and support yourself on two sticks was...pretty awful.
It took a few attempts, but Phin eventually managed to stand. He found a cloak around himself and pulled it in, noting that it wasn't long enough to cover his legs. He took one look at everyone else running around and silently stepped back to stand against a building.
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.
another grumbling sound comes from her stomach
She looked back at Ocha for guidance, for Viean is not the very social type. "Hey, I know you might be scared but everything is going to be okay. You are safe here." says Viean. She puts her hand on Phin's shoulder making a slight, reassuring smile.
"Oh, um...I'm Phin. Any pronouns." They explained, ignoring the grumbling sound.
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.
Riko, on the other hand, was not so mesmerized by her own body. She took but a quick glance at herself, enough to realize something was different, accept it, and look around. She saw other humanoids around. All looking suspiciously...not quite human, so she was on alert. Riko was not the original of the heroes of Galar, so these adventures were new to her, but she was detirmined to prove herself. And at least, she reached to the large sheath onto her back, pulling out the bejeweled weapon, she had her sword. Which would hopefully help in case any pokemon decided to attack...she wasn't sure who to trust among this lot, but she gathered they were all legendaries, at least.
Spiri and Archion were still groggily waking not far off. They had been practically huddling, which wasn't surprising, considering they were basically siblings. (I'll go into more detail with them when I'm not fixing to try and catch a bus, if that's alright)