Forum Thread
War for the Tablets Revamp
Forum-Index → Roleplay → War for the Tablets Revamp
Phin found himself edging a little towards Kori. At least they didn't seem in risk of starting to talk to Phin anytime soon, so hanging around him seemed better than everyone else at the moment. Well, that was a better choice at least. Phin tugged the hood on the cloak down low, letting the shadow mostly cover her face, hopefully indicating they didn't want to speak. That Viean person seemed more than capable of introducing her to others anyways.
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.
Kensha gasped as Viean stumbled back with berries, and rushed over to help steady her. "Are you alright?" She wondered what had spooked the poor thing, she was shaking and looked uneasy. "You are...Viean, right? I'm Shaymin, although as a human I will go by Kensha. It's lovely to meet you," she said, placing a gloved hand on Viean's shoulder. "Thank you for bringing us all of these berries, even without knowing the area. It was very kind of you." The Sinnoh region, Kensha was proud to say, was an incredibly fertile region, having wild berries of all kinds growing across the land. Looking through the berries, she recognized those of the Oran and Pecha variants, which made sense considering their location.
Ryoko grinned as Ocha introduced herself, and watched with wide eyes as the Latios used Psychic, although apparently not without lots of effort. Was it more difficult to use their abilities now? "I'm Celebi, but as a human I will be Ryoko," she said, bowing slightly to the twins and then turning to face Versil. "Hello! It's nice to meet you, Versil. You are..." She paused, thinking hard. She was not exceptionally familiar with those outside of her region or outside of time travel, unless they were involved in an event spanning many timelines. Finally, it jumped out at her. "You are the Victory Pokemon, am I right? I'm sorry if that's wrong. It's all I know about you, anyways. I am the Time Travel Pokemon." Ryoko stuck out a hand to Versil with a smile.
Kalani gave a friendly wave to the man. "Hello!" she stopped waving and tried to make eye contact with him. She was shorter than him, though she was shorter than normal in this form anyways. "I'm Kalani. And Lunala." she stopped a moment to think. "I'm from the Alola region. I don't know much about the world outside of it, so I hope to learn more about it with this adventure. Nice to meet you!"
Though the twins rarely left the Hoenn region, Oasis did have a rather wide knowledge of Pokemon from outside, this probably a result of his frequenting the human libraries. While he didn't know how to read in the slightest, he could typically pick up a surprising amount of information simply from hovering nearby, though there was the occasional mishap where he would bump into something whilst invisible, sending a human or two into panic thinking the place was haunted. It was usually quite amusing, honestly, but he tried not to make a habit of it. Normally the two of them didn't dare come anywhere close to humans, even when invisible, though they were able to take more risks when they were. He knew enough from these ventures to be well aware that a Mimikyu wouldn't be present in the Sinnoh region.
Kensha giggled. "No prob," she said, beckoning everyone over as well. "But I doubt it was a...what did you say, Mimikyu? They don't live in the Sinnoh region," she explained. It was strange that something was chasing her, but more likely than not, it was some other mischievous Ghost-type Pokemon. The woods near Eterna City housed a dilapidated old hotel, where Ghost-Pokemon thrived, so it would make sense for them to maybe have found some sort of base in this forest as well. Either way, Kensha and the others were more than capable of dealing with any trouble, especially if they still had their moves available to them.
With one hand, they fiddled with the clasp pin thing on his cloak. She secretly wondered how much of his powers they still retained. Flicking her hand, a surge of energy entered the ground. Suddenly, the ground beneath Phin gave a small quiver, sending the surprised Landorus yelping and flying onto her face.
Well, apparently they could still use their moves. Wincing, Phin climbed to his feet, using the wall as support. The shockwave had only affected the area immediately around him, but she guessed the yell was enough for everyone to notice her. They quickly pulled their hood down again, cringing.
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.

Glancing at the other person, Phin's left hand began nervously tracing circles onto their left thigh, a nervous habit. "Sorry about that..." She murmured quietly, just loud enough for Kori to hear. Their body faced Kori, though their head was low.
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.

The ground shook as Phin used her move curiously, Viean was slightly startled,
She wondered if she could use her moves too... She tried with all her power, moving her hand in an attack motion,
Diancie used Dazzling Gleam
Although her abilities were weakened, she could still use her moves.
He kicked his sister playfully from where she was on the ground. "C'mon, Reshi!" He teased her playfully. "What are you, a slowpoke? Wake up!" Anyone who may have been intimidated by his appearance would have lost that fear at this point. His voice was still rather deep and low pitched, yet his friendly demeanor was easy to see.
Spiri groaned. "Patience, you herdier!" The Reshiram retorted quickly. "You may feel differently, but I, for one am not the biggest fan of waking up in the forest without warning!" As her brother opened his mouth, she rose to silence him with a single finger placed gently over his mouth. "I know we agreed to help Arceus, but that doesn't mean I have to get used to the change immediately!" She shook out her wing feathers. At least her arms had been fused with her wings, so at least that bit was familiar...she looked around, taking note of the other legendaries. "And you're embarrassing us both." She muttered.
Kansha blinked, surprised that Nejire had accurately covered the Sinnoh region so wholly. The only thing she noticed was that he avoided mentioning any towns or human places, which made sense, since he didn't spend much time around humans. "Those are all great ideas," she said, nodding vigorously. "I would add these spots," Kansha said, flicking a finger out as she listed each one. "Fuego Ironworks for the Iron Plate and Flame Plate, Snowpoint City for the Icicle Plate and Stone Plate, Solaceon Tower for the Spooky Plate, Sunnyshore City for the Zap Plate, Veilstone Gym for the Fist Plate - actually, all of the gyms for their respective plates - Jubilife City and," she shuddered thinking of the next places, "those nasty old Galactic buildings for the Toxic Plate, Valley Windworks for the Sky Plate, Amity Square for the Pixie Plate, and the Battle Frontier for the Fist Plate, too." She couldn't think of anything else off of the top of her head, but surely that was plenty to get started on.
Fascinated by the different abilities of all of the Pokemon present, Ryoko was surprised that Dialga hadn't showed up. Usually he loved to keep an eye on her with these sorts of things - maybe he was finally going to stop riding her tail all of the time, but she sort of doubted that, which made her curious. Taking in the names of all of the places the two Sinnoh Pokemon said, some jumped out at her; Spear Pillar, which was Dialga's main connection point with humans, and the Battle Frontier, which was also found in Hoenn, she thought. Snowpoint City also seemed vaguely familiar, as though it should be important, but it didn't quite click. She'd have to think about that later. "Oh! If it would help everyone to know," Ryoko said, waving a hand up excitedly to draw attention. "I can travel through time. That might be useful," she added.
The psychic seemed to finally remember the reason she'd been brought here as her new body had stopped stealing her attention. She took note of the other legendaries discussing. Uh oh... She thought I zoned out big time. Scratching the back of her head in embarrassment, she crept closer to listen in on the plans the others were making, her feet floating a few inches off the ground. "So, what were we talking about, again?" Her loud voice may have startled some, but she hardly seemed to notice.
Spiri turned from her brother as the loud voice of Meka turned her attention back to the other legendary volunteers. She still barely knew any other legendaries aside from her brother and maybe Kyurem, so getting used to working with the others might be of some difficulty for her. Brushing her brother lightly with the wispy tip of her tail, she ambled away from Archion, not wanting to deal with his annoying sibling smirk. They seemed to be discussing their course of action. Good. Perhaps she could be of aid, if the conversation allowed it, of course.
Due to her expirence--or rather, lack of--with the Sinnoh region, Kalani wasn't able to agree or disagree with their potential locations. It did seem like a lot of work though, and they weren't sure of the locations too. It did make sense that they would go to their type's respective plate, but there were so many psychic and dragon types, and this makeshift team didn't cover all the types, from what she was trying remember.
"I do agree we should split up by our cooresponding types, but what about...the Insect Plate, for example? I don't think we have any bug types here, I could be wrong though, but what do we do then?" She started fidgeting with her skirt, letting the thin fabric pool up in her hand. It was cool, but her hand was almost just as cold. Kalani also had no idea where any of those locations were, but she figured that they would get some kind of map or something. She'd ask about it later.