Forum Thread
Kingdom of Aeraya
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Kingdom of AerayaIt is just another day in the magnificent kingdom of Aeraya. The townspeople cheer excitedly as the King and Queen greet them in their daily morning walk. The Knights stand closeby, although not too professional to not send a smile to a farmer's boy waving at them. The Mage Apprentice prepares their things, ready to travel the way to their teacher.
It's a good day.
Valentin puts on his hat, quickly checking himself in the mirror. After twirling around for a few seconds, he nods to himself as he grabs his bag and sets off. He keeps his pace slow, looking around carefully as if someone wanted to scare him…
Why would she, especially today, he comforts himself.
Thea lazily lifts the spoon up to her mouth, only so many spoonfuls before this dreadful porridge is over. It’s not as if she’s picky in any way - cooking’s just not her specialty. Raising herself from the chair to wash her empty bowl, she remembers the good news of the day. She’ll have to go to the inner city to buy a couple of materials her dad needs… She’ll have to go to the city! Sure, she has to help her dad too, but she can surely find at least a little free time to fool around.
Cooper folds laundry in the castle. He sighs. Most boring job in the world.
Noah runs through the castle halls giggling to himself. He's just trapped about ten doors in the castle with a water bucket on the tops of the doors and is waiting to hear results.
Charlie patted her hands against her apron in an attempt to get some of the cherry goop off of them. Although her tarts were divine, they certainly got messy! With a satisfied sigh, she leaned back against the counter in her bakery. She had just opened for the morning, and she was just waiting for any familiar jingles that would alert her to a customer. She glanced over at the pastries and breads lining the shelves. Yes, they all looked lovely and fresh and perfect to eat! Smiling, she decided it wouldn't be all that bad to take a short break before the bustle of the morning.

"Noah..." they whisper to themselves ominously. He Will Pay. He Will See Their Wrath.

Upon reaching The Mage Zone, they embraced themselves for the inevitable unwanted visitor which would drop by their area as they prepared today's lesson.

He looks away even more dramatically as he says: "To imagine you could've almost killed me... how can you even recover from such a crime...?"
"Wait when did you- THE KING????" He kneels down immediately "YOUR HIGHNESS, IT IS MY PLEASURE TO MEET YOUR ACQUITTANCE!"