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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 33

Trainerpoints: 1,403/3,299


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Rhyhorn412,587 / 6,459
Smeargle582,674 / 8,214
Sneasel53955 / 8,799
Gumshoos53330 / 8,587
Graveler543,247 / 9,159
Vanillish415,513 / 6,459

About Me

[ waffle - writer i guess - psych major ]

haha hey so
my name is
my pronouns are he/him and zey/zem, but you can
she/her me if you must.
i dont know what else to put here
hi i guess i dont know
please look at the other panels
thank s
pfp by chris!

f a v o u r i t e s

☆In Love With a Ghost
☆Snail's House

☆Undertale + Deltarune
☆Stardew Valley
☆Animal Crossing
☆Pokemon (duh)
☆Minecraft (sometimes)
☆Anything that's chill tbh

☆Steven Universe
☆Some Twitch streamers
☆succulents & other plants :]


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
RedFarlon64 25 Days ago
Masserozzo 1 Month ago
Gojirath 2 Months ago
Cervidaez 2 Months ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #638858034
Registration: 02/05/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 2159:39 Hours
Total interactions: 104,724
Money: 1,547,099
Starter Pokémon: Venusaur


14 Days ago
2 Months ago
5 Months ago
1 Year ago
1 Year ago
By Anniversary - 2 Days ago.
You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 8 Years now!

1 Year ago
hi guys
1 Year ago
hey guys whats up how is everyone doing!
1 Year ago
hey guys how is everyone
1 Year ago
talking about people's iqs on a site made for children has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a bit
1 Year ago
boomers are so scary
1 Year ago
how many different pikachu cosplay boxes are there?
1 Year ago
comment if u are lgbtq (i am curious) (i am biromantic ace myself so this is not malicious i promise)
1 Year ago
does anyone have like about 20 kebia berries i could have? :]
1 Year ago
1 Year ago

notice (as of may 2nd 2024)

im not really active on this site anymore, but i do get around to it every few months. if you ever want to reconnect with me, feel free to shoot me a palpad (and maybe i'll provide you with some off-site contact info!)

uh also if you are here bc you hate my guts, please shoot me a palpad so we can try to figure something out :> i REALLY apologize for the person i was before 2019/2020 (i was a very dumb child/teenager who was blinded by a lot of really troubling ideals and was also dealing with a lot of undiagnosed mental illness >.> also these r not excuses i am just simply offering an explanation for any troubling behaviour that may have been observed)

im not even cishet now lol. i believe ive changed a significant amount since then, but i do have a lot of trouble reaching out to people due to AWESOME COOL social anxiety ... so yeah if you would ever want to reconnect with me please shoot a palpad so we can talk! thanks :>


if you hurt them i will be very upset


i really like sewaddle . send me one? : ]


Last Visitors

ShiningRayquazaFri, 12/Jul/2024, 20:09
lucidSat, 29/Jun/2024, 20:26
haisyhdaisyhFri, 21/Jun/2024, 20:17
Soup_ManSat, 08/Jun/2024, 19:55
StergTue, 14/May/2024, 13:25


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Browsing through notifications (2 Days ago)