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Posted: Wed, 04/09/2024 07:38 (5 Days ago)
As Liza stabbed the floor you could see the old man quickly begin to fumble around, this wagon really isn't made to sustain any more injuries than it already had.
"AY! Easy on wagon lass! Don't want her fallin' apart on me!
Sit down and stop threatenin' the rest of em or you are getting the boot!"
You can see the old man quickly change his tune into a significantly more stern one as he gave a light tap to his horse before turning back towards the fish lady. Despite his frail looking appearance he still stood rather tool and seemed to have a little bit of bulk but not enough to really make him raising his sleeve up too intimidating.
"I personally ain't a big fan of intimidating and threatening other folk, especially if they are my passengers. So do me a favour and save this energy for after you leave my ride."
Even for those less attuned with magic, they could tell that Chester had clearly had a good control over his power set, although not to visible at this moment, a bit of magic seemed to almost leak out of his right fist, little sparks emminating from it.
He then turned towards Blithe along with the rest with his previous warm smile "My sincerest apologies for the disturbance, hope this won't impact your day too negatively:)"

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Posted: Tue, 03/09/2024 22:30 (5 Days ago)
"Yes Lad!"
Chester enthusiastically agreed, by all means Chester despite his enthusiasm wasn't quite alone in the stance and favour he showed the gods, if anything the vast majority of the world held the same opinion as him.

For most mortals, the story as they know it is how early during the existence to this planet, of this very realm, the old gods that once spread their power amongst these lands, shaping it into what it now is had decided to up and leave the moment they lost interest. The remaining three gods of the world, Fiorella, Arlen and Lyric, seemed to see the value in the rapidly evolving species that we know as humans (which eventually split off into various little sub races over the years) and decided to help nurture their potential.

Almost every year then festival happens as a way to help pay our respect to them, a traditional that your average Joe is more than happy to maintain.

"Well once the horn is heard, that's when the real adventure starts! There aren't any rules to it really, people just set off into their respective adventure every year, all to win the favour of the gods.
The reasoning behind this whole thing lies in how at the very heart of the festival, this is both our way to pay respect and show the fruit of our labor, the embodiment of the talent they nurtured by letting our finest go out there and show off the potential these gods saw in our people all those years ago...
However most people have their eyes on the goal, which I personally think is the wrong way to go about but whatever...*he whined*
The festival only ends once the gods are satisfied, this will be declared through the same horn that marked the start of the festival ringing once again, to show the gods made their call.
Each festival, each of the three gods chooses the adventurer who peaked their interest the most, in turn blessing them once more with power beyond what we could ever hope to have as well as a domain of our own. In a way it's like a tiny Ascension into godhood, around these parts they call these folks "minor gods", I think that's a good way to put it! Each god giving you a place that technically acts as a subsection of their own domain so a lot of people try to specifically emphasize the traits that appeal to whoever god you crave the power of. Is everyone still with me?"
The old man asked, knowing he was talking a bit too much in rapid succession and in a slightly slurred speech pattern

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Posted: Tue, 03/09/2024 00:54 (6 Days ago)
Chester looked confused for a second as he turned his gaze towards Liza, being caugjr completely off guard by her lack of knowledge about the festival.

"Oh? You seriously don't know lass? I thought by this point most people know what the gist of this whole festival was but I guess with it's ever expanding influence the very concept might have just recently grazed your respective community..."
He looked down and twirled his moustache a little before looking back up with a warm smile on his face.
"Very well then! Allow me to recap! Where we are headed right now is the heart of the festival! There lays a huge tower with three thrones carefully placed on the top of it so that our three gods can comfortably spectate the festivities comfortably from all the way up there and be able to keep an eye out for everyones journeys! albeit we are fairly sure that they don't really need this vantage point to keep track of any of us but whatever" he very loudly cleared his throat before continuing.

"This festival is all about celebrating their blessings towards us, in a way thanking them for their help each and every year. Well after you partake in all the fun festivities of the capital, you know some nice little events, carnival food and the like, a big horn willl eventually echo, marking the official start of the main event, THE ADVENTURE! This is the important part! Any questions before we get to that?"
He says as he looks around to make sure everyone is listening and not lost,

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Posted: Tue, 03/09/2024 00:02 (6 Days ago)
"You already know it little guy but just so that everyone else knows, me name is Chester! If y'all ever need any help out there, don't be afraid to call me name hahah!"
Chester laughed, his cheeks being rather red already as he put down his bottle of grape juice.
"Anyways folks, any of y'all planning on winning the festival? Trying to earn yourselves the favour of the gods or are you here just for the vibe of it all?
I used to always say that I was going here to win it all and how big old god Arlen up there would acknowledge me and grant me a domain of me own, I'm afraid it's a bit late for an old man like myself to keep on going after this dream but Im sure atleast one of ye will have the skills and charms for the job!"
The way he spoke towards this group of strangers he just met a couple hours ago at most and has only just traded some words with seemed disproportionately warm and confident, his voice held a gentle care that would have you believe he has known you people since forever ago.
He turned around to face you all and let out a warm, wide smile as he shouted "Cheers to y'all, praying for everyone's success" as grabbed and downed whatever remained in his bottle.

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Posted: Sun, 01/09/2024 22:34 (7 Days ago)
Chester chuckles at Beige's statement "Of course not lad! You know I didn't mean to include you as well, I would never forget lil' green man here, Haha!"
He gives a little thumbs up to Beige before returning his attention to Alice "To answer your question Blondie ,I have a really good memory and I don't quite think ive seen most of ye before! Either way most people who end up being sent my way tend to be newer to the whole thing, probably because whoever is organising the whole transport part of these festivals knows my wagon is the exact luxury to get you pumped for the action! Paired with some good tips, you will never find a learning experience quite like ride from me!"
The ginger man laughed, grabbing a bottle he had placed near him and chugging a good portion of it down, taking a nice and refreshed sigh afterwards.
"Anyways like the other kid said, this is THE adventure of a lifetime and even if its not, I'm sure the next one will be. My biggest tip is to make sure that even if you don't attain the favour of the gods, you can atleast go home feeling satisfied and ready to trt again next time. Make the journey worth the time lad, even if you don't get what you are looking for!"

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Posted: Sun, 01/09/2024 22:00 (7 Days ago)
You can hear the old man chuckle to himself as he takes a good look ar road ahead before turning to face the little band of misfits that are tightly packed into his little wagon, a surprisingly loud voice being heard as he opened mouth
"Oi lads, some of y'all are fresh meat ain't ye? First festival and all? Hahaha, the first one sticks with ye forever, I tell you that much! You would be surprised with the amount of growing that takes place when fighting monsters with friends."
He turns back towards the road ahead and begins chuckling to himself again, clearly having the time of escorting young folks to what could very well be the adventure of a life.
"We got some time to spare, any of ye wanna take this chance to start networking or whatever yall refer to assembling a group as nowdays? Wouldn't want to be caught alone out there and all!"

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Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 04:47 (17 Days ago)
Co-Host Form :O
Show hidden content
Name: Chester Borke
Age: Somewhere in his 50's
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Behemoth
Magic/Weaponry: Chester is the most straightforward, basic kind of magic users, encapsulating the very basics of being a Behemoth. Chester embues his entire body with magic in order to enlarge and strengthen each muscle, transforming his more frail looking, old man physique into something adjacent to "peak human performance".
His fists are additionally enchanted to hold kinetic energy in order to make them move quicker and hit harder.
However due to the passage of time, despite his attunement to magic, he struggles to really output the same power as he once did.
Personality: A gentle old man who is a bit past his prime, he likes to tell old stories about his time as a young adventurer and all the festivals he had the chance to partake in. He faces everything with a sense of whimsy and optimism as it almost feels like he is incapable of ever truly acknowledging the idea of failure, always trying to find small wins in everything. He seems to take great pride in presenting himself a mentor like figure and thus he tends to flaunt his experience as a sort of display or skill.
Appearance: An old man with graying hair that seems to practically stick up at all times and a well kept moustache. Equipped with a desaturated red handkerchief around his neck, a cream colored button up, a well worn brown coat and some long adventurer boots, he aims to try sell the appearance of s retired adventuring veteran while also giving a sort of "fancy wagon driver" energy to those less acquainted with him.

Backstory: Chester is a man who has seen multiple festivals come and go throughout the years, that much is certain as he doesn't try to ever really hide his time as an adventurer during his prime however he never really gets into the details of who he has travelled with during all those festivals or if he has has any life or family waiting for him after the festivals. He is a secretive man who enjoys having a sort of air of mystery around him, all that is certain is that he eventually decided to take a step back from focusing on becoming the next "winner" and instead become a wagon driver that would use his navigating experience to help newer participants to perform better in their own attempts to attain godhood.
Other: He has a horse named Power and he has a very prominent transatlantic accent that makes him sound straight out of an old commercial

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Posted: Wed, 14/08/2024 06:29 (26 Days ago)

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2024 10:45 (27 Days ago)
Sent :3

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Posted: Mon, 12/08/2024 08:51 (28 Days ago)

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2024 23:04 (28 Days ago)
Pokeheroes is an old site and with the new server being set up, I can only assume its gonna keep getting older.
As a veteran returning to this site after a long break, I've been met with lots of profiles on my notification wall that I barely remember if I can even recognize them in the first place.
People change layouts and usernames all the time, to point where you maybe have missed several "phases" by the time you return, making the "formerly:(old username)" potentially redundant.
My suggestion is something like discords note feature, a small way to jog your memory of who someone is or how you know them. Just the ability to leave like a 250 character note only visible to you for the sake of remembering who each person you interact with was.
If we wanted to develop the social aspect of it and make it cuter, maybe this note can be shared to the person whose profile you are leaving it on but that's more a side note really.
I just think it would be neat!

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2024 22:30 (28 Days ago)
I will just follow up on shinyrayquaza's title
Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2024 19:41 (28 Days ago)

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2024 18:49 (28 Days ago)
Missing or Scraggy/Scrafty please!!!

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Posted: Sun, 11/08/2024 14:15 (28 Days ago)
Any missing please! Or Scraggy/Scraftys!!

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Posted: Sat, 10/08/2024 12:30 (29 Days ago)
Missing please!!!

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2024 14:54 (1 Month ago)
This was highkey goated.

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Posted: Tue, 22/02/2022 20:34 (2 Years ago)
Can I be sans

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Posted: Fri, 06/08/2021 19:56 (3 Years ago)
elloooo! I'd like to have some kanto pokemon bred for me! :3
Pokemon: Ekans, Clefairy, , Mankey, Abra, Machops, Bellsprout, Slowpoke, Shelder.
Quantity:2 Machops, 3 Bellsprout, 2 Shelder, 1 of the rest
Payment: Genuinely no idea what how much this costs but i am pretty confident i can pay it and give an additional 50k tip
Have you set up the trade: (yes/no) No, will when ready
Other: I really like Nidoking

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Posted: Thu, 10/06/2021 04:58 (3 Years ago)
The boar-ish like man seems to share the enthusiasm of the small gender not conforming that is currently on their back "You tell em, epic Androgynous knight" he says as a reply to Ava telling him to go forward. His words were soon followed with him dashing around with them on, yet it doesn't take long to realize, he has no idea where he is going, He has been blindly running qroudt for a few minut before the bell rang "Ah, that wasn't very fruitful." He stops on one spot, the funny lad still on his back as he stares blankly into space before asking "I don't know where the next class is"

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