Forum Thread
Cult of the Legends
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Pokémon Fan Clubs → Cult of the LegendsThat one Eevee cult RP has around 200 pages after just over a week, so you know what? I'm starting a counter-cult.

- You don't have to change your pfp,
but it would be nice if you did
- 2 normals and 2 shinies per legend. If there are 4 of a legend already, then choose a different legend
- And yes, DLC legends (Kubfu/Urshifu, Calyrex, the Galarian birbs, the new Regis, and the horse duo) are allowed
- And yes, the Galarian legendary birbs count seperately from their Kantonian counterparts. So, let's say, if all four Kanto Articuno slots are taken up, you may still choose to be Galarian Articuno, as long as there are less than four people who chose it
- pp me if you want to be an admin
- Password is your favorite main series game
- 2 normals and 2 shinies per legend. If there are 4 of a legend already, then choose a different legend
- And yes, DLC legends (Kubfu/Urshifu, Calyrex, the Galarian birbs, the new Regis, and the horse duo) are allowed
- And yes, the Galarian legendary birbs count seperately from their Kantonian counterparts. So, let's say, if all four Kanto Articuno slots are taken up, you may still choose to be Galarian Articuno, as long as there are less than four people who chose it
- pp me if you want to be an admin
- Password is your favorite main series game
List of cultists:

- UncleBruno (Shiny Reshiram) [ADMIN,
- BlackReshiram (Reshiram)
- -Uhh (Shiny Mewtwo)
- Kawaiigirl (Shiny Mew)
- Hollow-Masks (Shiny Giratina)
- YungRover (Mewtwo)
- Zoroark_master (Tapu Lele)
- CherryDonut (Shiny Latias)
- HeartlessHoundoom (Shiny Cresselia)
- Kiyoomi (G. Zapdos)
- PerryThePlatypus (Shiny G. Moltres)
- moth (Jirachi)
- TruaShamu (Kyogre)
- Chewydabacca (Eternatus)
- BluePhox296 (Latias)
- BlackReshiram (Reshiram)
- -Uhh (Shiny Mewtwo)
- Kawaiigirl (Shiny Mew)
- Hollow-Masks (Shiny Giratina)
- YungRover (Mewtwo)
- Zoroark_master (Tapu Lele)
- CherryDonut (Shiny Latias)
- HeartlessHoundoom (Shiny Cresselia)
- Kiyoomi (G. Zapdos)
- PerryThePlatypus (Shiny G. Moltres)
- moth (Jirachi)
- TruaShamu (Kyogre)
- Chewydabacca (Eternatus)
- BluePhox296 (Latias)
Unavailable Legendaries:

A list of Legendaries that are
unavailable to be chosen from, due to the "2 normal, 2 shiny"
- ... None so far!
- ... None so far!
Legendary Pokémon: Giratina
Shiny?: yes
Password: White Ver. 2
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-
Username: YungRover
Legendary Pokémon: Mewtwo
Shiny?: Nope
Password: Black 2!