Forum Thread
Beach/Honeytree Update: visualise Megas/ShinyMegas
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Beach/Honeytree Update: visualise Megas/ShinyMegasFor the beach, as far as I know, pkmn becomes mega-able when u adopt them and not when u catch them.
This feature would be great whenever u want to SM-hunt something on the beach. Just stack all of ur shiny pkmn (example: Magikarp), and when u already have a mega cuff active or a mega-able boost from the fountain, u can simultaneously adopt them, thus maximizing ur chance on getting an SM.
starfall's idea to implement it as toggle box seems to be the perfect solution to make both happy, those who want to know and those who won't.
I'm still in full support for this suggestion. You explained very well how it helpes those who searches for MAs/Shinys and also those who want to prevent adopting even more of them, cause we already have so much OS.
It is needed for the beach...but I feel like (for the honeytree), it should stay as a surprise-
This should be seen again.
Like others(and me) already said, the toggle box is a fair way for both, what ~raspberry said leads me to another thought, but I'm not sure if that should get an own suggestion.
We can't trade shinies to Leah and if we see the mega-ability before obtaining, we won't be able to trade them, too. Maybe this could be fixed that way:
As we can trade with Leah without any "are you sure" pop up. How about implementing something like that, if only shinies/MAs are left of that species.
e.g. you have 6 normal Magikarp, 1 Shiny, 2 MAs. Now you wanna trade with Leah for baits. 6 times you just click "exchange", but then only the special ones are left. If you click exchange again, you get a pop up, like the cooking pot in garden. Where you can choose the shiny/MA, so no one can complain about accidently trading those.
Or all trades with Leah causes such a pop up, so we could choose wich and how many we want to trade.
Maybe those special ones even give more in exchange, so we can redures the overhunted shinys, too, cause we avoid adopting them.
I hope this can help find a way to get implemented. I would really like that option to see the mega ability before obtaining at the Honey Tree, Beach and Safari.