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The Ultimate Vengence, A Legendary RP 2.0

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Ultimate Vengence, A Legendary RP 2.0
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 01:27 (4 Years ago)
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Plot: After the evil mastermind Giovanni managed to successfully recreate Team Rocket under its new name; Team Rainbow Rocket, the vengeful leader vowed to take vengeance on the 'stupid children' that caused it to disband in the first place, and stopped him from recreating it sooner.

His plan to do so, however, could be described as cruel and horrible. Before even tracking down his main victims, he needed to summon a whole lot of other victims first; the pokemon known as Legendary. To achieve this, he sent grunts all over the regions to gather the summon objects of each beast and force summon them to his base, this caused a side effect of the unfortunate souls to adopt human forms (gjinkas). In addition to the illegal methods of summoning, the pokemon were exposed to harsh treatment and awful experimentation that corrupted the minds of some. Others resisted, and remained in the prison holding onto the one thing they still had, free will.

Giovanni plans to use these corrupted Legendaries to exact his revenge on the child 'menaces', but the Legendaries have a plan, a plan to escape, and may even turn the Rocket Boss's plans against him. You are one of these legendary pokemon, and are in a cell at the Team Rainbow Rocket's main base.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 767
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 02:08 (4 Years ago)

xxxxxx This could honestly not get any worse. Waking up from years of dormancy and hiding was bad enough, but waking up from centuries of slumber only to get experimented on ruthlessly was the cherry on top. Isa grumbled at the sheer injustice of the whole situation, tucking his legs under his lavish cape, looking more like a blue traffic cone than anything. To make matters that much worse, Isa had to put up with Solgaleo of all pokemon, the Sunne Pokemon always got on his nerves. It didn't help that the last time they met they had exchanged vicious blows, both physical and verbal. Now it was just awkward, locked in the same area as someone who he had planned on not seeing for the next millennia or so. Damn, life was seriously taking pot shots at the poor ledgendary.



xxxxxx The hard concrete of his cell pressed uncomfortably against Ritsu's back but the deity of dreams couldn't care, eyes closed and mind far from the compounds he had been trapped in. He considered himself lucky, having been shoved into a cell that shielded him from the wandering gazes of other legendaries. He had not seen or even heard from many of them for centuries, having hidden himself away from the eyes of the world, simply doing his duties and avoiding his counterpart. The last time anyone had properly seen and talked to him, Ritsu had been someone else entirely. Sleeping quietly as he hid himself even from those he could have at one point said were his friends, Ritsu simply waited. After all, that was the only thing he could do at this point.



xxxxxx Soft crinkling of paper occasionally filled the drab and silent room, the only occupant a god who ruled over all. Turning over another page, Eraqus sighed, knowing that no one would hear them. This was ridiculous, time and time again, they had proven their undying loyalty to Giovanni, doing the wretched man's bidding perfectly without any complains yet the paranoid man insisted that they be locked away only to be let out whenever Giovanni decreed. They were nothing but a lap dog, a marionette perhaps, a mindless entity that blindly obeyed the whims of its master. Or at least that's what Eraqus let their current master believe. The omnipotent god knew better, knew that this was a simple stepping stone towards greater horizons. Becoming a mindless doll would soon be nothing but a forgotten memory, lost to time. After all, what was a few months compared to eons of existence?

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 03:45 (4 Years ago)
It was fairly quiet in her cell. No one to speak to, no one to listen. Yet amongst all the silence, the young Jirachi found no peace.

Alya sat curled in the farthest corner, head propped on her knees, bleary eyes gazing downward at the concrete floor. Her mind was no longer clouded by frenzied questions or thoughts of escape like weeks ago. Instead it was fighting the haze of slumber starting once more.

Yet she couldn't let herself sleep. The experiments would start again.

She gasped and jolted awake at the thought.

Snapped out of her exhausted stupor- at least for now- she scoots herself to the other side of the cage. It was colder and damper here, she thought, and would help her stay awake a bit longer.

She fell back asleep within the hour.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 05:36 (4 Years ago)

The mythical pokemon of nightmares was not happy at all, currently, he was within his cold drab cell, hidden in a dark corner. This whole situation was not one Umbra thought he would find himself in after he was awoken from his dormancy. His whole immortal life Umbra was used to being seen as a horrible creature by others, he was used to being treated as the villain and unliked by many. However, what he was not used to was being locked away like an animal and being tormented and experimented daily.
The only thing that stopped him from attacking his oppressors was the oath he lived by. That didn't mean that he couldn't be just a little bit rebellious, call him childish, but his favorite part about this horrid situation was the fact that he could make some of these pathetic creatures throw little tantrums when he did one little thing wrong. Sure it was all the worse for himself in the long run, but the satisfaction of seeing the humans go beserk over tiny little things was worth it.

He listened to the silence, relishing it before it was disrupted either by the other legendaries and mythical pokemon in the room or the humans themselves when they came to collect them for Arceus knows what. He pointedly ignored any of the other legendaries(especially his counterpart) when they spoke to him. He had nothing to say to them, nor was he concerned with any of their survival, they could take care of themselves, they were capable Pokemon after all.
However, there was one Mythical he was immensely worried about. The Mythical pokemon blue eyes opened and slowly moved to stare in the direction he had last heard that certain Mythical pokemon voice come from. Peering into the darkness he was unable to make out anything, but he hoped that Starbie was doing alright he hadn't heard the Victini speak at all. Staring for a bit longer Umbra looked back ahead and closed his eyes, crossing his arms and getting as comfortable as he could, he needed to rest, who knows when he would be allowed to again after all.



Starbie frowned as he stared at the far wall of his cell, the fire type was on the floor in a fetal position, hugging his knees to his chest. The victini found that if he stayed quiet he wouldn't be punished as bad, the grunts found his chatter annoying. But staying silent was so boring, and.....sad...
Talking really helped distract him from the current situation he was in, without it, he was forced to face reality and this was one reality that he really didn't want to be apart of. He lost count of how many days they were in here, their cells didn't have windows.

Starbie sighed sadly, he missed feeling the wind on his back, he missed the fresh air and freedom that he had before this whole debacle. Sometimes he dreamt that he was still in the forest, flying over the trees and basking in the sun. Only to wake up and be met with the dark damp air of his cell. The fire type yawned and he couldn't help but think of Umbra, the Darkrai was silent as ever, and normally Starbie would have talked his ear off by now. He had to wonder how his friend was doing, was he ok? was he sleeping ok? was he hungry????. That last part was a very scary thought, to go hungry was something that Starbie wouldn't wish on anyone. Starbie shivered and he smacked himself on the head to get that "scary" thought out of his head. The Mythical pokemon of victory shook his head and a determined expression set on his face. The Victini slowly stood up, careful not to put to much weight on his sore leg and he hobbled over to the right wall of his cell.

"hey......Umbra........are you ok?" he whisper yelled slightly, trying to be loud enough to be heard by the other Mythical pokemon, but hopefully not loud enough to alert any grunts. There was silence for a while, causing the Victini to worry, that was until he heard the sound of a metal claw, tapping metal. The Fire type smiled, happy to know that Umbra was ok, well as ok as one could be in their situation

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 08:32 (4 Years ago)

Kii was muttering under it's breath, despite constantly being told to shut up by the grunts. What it was muttering, nobody could be sure of, only that it was becoming increasingly annoying. A fresh burst of pain shot through it's arm, causing it to grit it's teeth and cradle it. It wasn't sure how much longer it would be able to keep this up. A grunt smacked the bars of his cell, and snarled, "Stop talking," at Kii, who payed no attention. It's muttering were the only things keeping it sane. Thank God it hadn't seen Mew yet - then it really would've lost it's mind. Ironical, it thought, seeing as Arceus, who was supposedly a God pokemon, was here. It brought it's knees up to it's chest, holding them with one arm. Rocking itself back and forth, slowly, it continued to mutter, waiting for something to happen.


Juro had been pacing his cell since... Well, pretty much since he had been put there. His sword had been taken from him, which he found incredibly rude, seeing as it was his only belonging. And what would he do with it, anyway? Break out? Probably. He flicked a lock of hair from his face, focusing on the grunt outside his cell. He had been trying to come up with a way to sneak out for a while, but hadn't come up with anything realistic, other than waiting for the grunt to lean on the bars, then choke them and steal their keys. He hadn't had an opening for that yet, though. The cells had been talkative for the first little while, until the punishment started. He still heard quite talkings now and then, only to be followed by the angry babbling of the grunts. He huffed, finally deciding. Being in prison sucked.


Deet was sat on the floor of her room, clutching her Volcanion plush. Rainbow Rocket had started experimenting on her almost straight after she had been caught, seeing her as the weakest of the legends. She had been given a room instead of her cell when she had agreed, which she liked. Most of the grunts were nice to her - if they weren't, she killed them, much to the disliking of Giovanni. She hadn't been sent on any missions yet, either, though she wasn't sure why. She had also been around the defiant Legends' cells once or twice - she didn't see why they weren't doing what Giovanni wanted them to. It was so much easier than what they were doing now. Humming slightly to herself, she moved over to her desk, where dozens of machine parts sat. She fiddled with them, creating something without knowing what it was.


Kio thought she was holding up well, all things considered. Her mind was still sane, her injuries weren't too bad, and her hair was still perfect, which honestly annoyed her a bit. How could her hair still be perfect when she was being ruthlessly experimented on and tortured? There were a few bad things about this, though, one of them being Lunala. Why did that bat of a thing have to be here? It was ruining everything - whenever she heard or saw him, she barely resisted the temptation to bust through the walls of the cell and wrap her hands around his throat. She still remembered the scars of their last battle. What's worse, she was stuck in a human body, which she found repulsive. Who would want to be something this... Weak? She leaned on the wall, wishing she had something to do - her pipe had been taken from her. She had asked for it several times, though most of those times she was harmed after.

You told me to buy a pony

But all I wanted was you.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 13:11 (4 Years ago)
Spiri was resting her head on her wings, laying on her stomach, trying to get some sleep in. Her human legs were curled closer to her and her long, wispy tail covered them, making her appear as a pile of white fluff. Even in the cold, dark cell, Spiri was unbothered by the temperature, being the great fire type she was, the cold couldn't get to her, that considering she had a fire burning in her chest, heating her entire body. However, the rough, stony floor of the cell digging into her underside surely wasn't helping. It was pretty easy to block out the other prisoners, having been used to sitting quietly in a slumber while trapped in a stone before being freed. Freed....how...free she felt, trapped again, but this time being pulled for torment every other second, it felt like. She needed to escape this nightmare.

Archion, on the other hand, was doing just great. He wasn't in a cell, but rather...a personal room. Even in his 'corrupted' state, he still frustrated the grunts from time to time with his limited understanding of how human things worked. This frustrated him, because how was that his fault? He was laying on his back on what the humans called a 'bed', which was becoming his favorite human thing. However, lying down, with the prisoners, including his 'sister' Spiri, safely locked up, he felt...so bored. It was a reoccurring thing, here with Team Rocket, but he had yet to hear Giovanni's plan and was just...waiting for action. For now, though, the black dragon could only stare with cold eyes at the ceiling of the room.

Fyssi, despite not being a full 'prisoner' wasn't exactly corrupted like the others not in the cells. She would be, if it weren't for the precious little creature in her arms. Fyssi was sitting on a empty desk in her own room, cradling her child, named Farore, the only creature who hadn't been turned...humanoid, and who was both the thing that drove her crazy and the miracle that was keeping her sane. The shadow energy was what was corrupting the Lugia, and it was constantly fighting to take over her consciousness, but her mental connection with her offspring pushed that away. Farore's happiness was her happiness. But if Farore were ever to get too excited by some negative emotion....so would his mother.

Meka was asleep, which wasn't really normal for her, but in her constant pranks against both the guards and the other prisoners, she had managed to tucker herself out. Unlike the majority of the other prisoners, Meka was not really despaired by the current predicament, rather naive to the danger of it all. Whenever the grunts would take her, she'd be as annoying as possible, avoiding the guards, bopping them on the head, tripping them with her tail, and so on. Sure, it kind of hurt when they pinned her down and tried to, you know, take over her mind, but luckily for the little psychic type pokemon, her mental abilities were larger than her physical size, (That being the height of an average 15 year old human child, in this state) it was, of course, the reason her clone, Mewtwo, was so powerful. You'd think Team Rocket would consider this, but whatever. Her silly dreams filled the dungeons with a strange sound, laughter.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2020 23:48 (4 Years ago)
Shay wakes up slowly, feeling unnaturally cold. Strange, last she recalled she was in a sunny field in the warmer areas of sinnoh. Stretching her arms above her head she looks around slowly. "Wait." She thought, still walking up. "Since when...." And thats when it hits her. Instead of her stubby little paws she now is a human. Panic sets in until she feels the flowers still resting on the sides of her head. "Ok good.... Not fully one...." She says quietly before looking around

Necro wakes up and takes note of his surroundings. How interesting of a place, and as a human no less. He doesn't think about them taking his powers. He is the great powerful Necrozma after all! A world eater, killer of light! If anything a tiny cage like this would be nothing for him! Or so he thought.
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 767
Posted: Sat, 01/08/2020 00:29 (4 Years ago)

xxxxxx The relative silence of the compound was broken as Isa hummed under his breath, standing up to stretch out his wary limbs. Ignoring the grunts that demanded that he stop, Isa's song continued. It was nostalgic to a certain trio but outside of them, it was a simple jumble of notes. Lifting his leg over his head to stretch out, the lunar god raised an eyebrow as the grunts outside his cell grit their teeth. It wasn't like they could do anything to him, sure any experiments carried out on him might be more painful, but in the long run it didn't matter very much. Isa was simply tired of the silent stiffing atmosphere that had blanketed the compound ever since all of them had been summoned. The little bit of humming was what it took to put Isa at ease, so he didn't really see it as something worth getting punished over. He also knew that it infuriated Kio to no end so that was another win in his book

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 00:00 (4 Years ago)

The Darkrai just got comfortable and was just drifting off to sleep when Isas humming reached his ears. Umbra opened his eyes and he frowned. Isas humming wasn't the thing that was bothering the dark type, what was irking him were the grunts that demanded the Lunala to stop. The Mythical pokemon brought his hand up and mindful of the claws on them and pinched the bridge of his nose.

He could already feel a headache coming on, at least Isa's song was nice to listen to. Umbra sighed and sat up, unable to find sleep anymore.



The Fire-type was just about to sit down again when he heard humming, the Victini turned human perked up and a smile grew on his face. Music was one of Starbies favorite things in the whole world. It was nice to listen, especially when out in the sun, enjoying the breeze. Starbi hobbled over to where the bars were located and tried to peer into the darkness, trying to locate were Isa's cell was. He gave up unable to see anything past the dark, so instead, he sat down in front of the bars and started to hum, trying to copy Isa's tune. However he was clumsy and stumbled over the notes, but heck he was trying.

Starbie was only encouraged when a few minutes after he head Umbra tapping a clawed finger to the beat of the humming. the metal sound wasn't very loud, but loud enough to be detected within the humming.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 00:22 (4 Years ago)
Brighton was sat in one corner....hat dipped low. Captured again. Well he didn’t want to get used to it but...
He should just stop complaining. He still had his life. And with his life, he still had hope of escaping. He then removed the hat of his and threw it at the wall in frustration. If only he had his lockpick...if only he has his dagger. True, they were human tools...and some legendaries prided themselved not to use them. But he was willing to use whatever tool was at his disposal.
He heard a song...that voice...it was Isa’s voice. Now he was both comforted and even more angered if that was possible...his friend and brother figure had been captured again too...?
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 00:37 (4 Years ago)
The grunts suddenly let out a sigh that sounded somewhat of relief. One of them muttered 'lights out.' on his way out of the dungeon area. Suddenly, the dungeons went pitch black, sight was nigh impossible. The temperature dropped within seconds, feeling somewhat like standing in a refrigerator.

Meka woke up at the sudden cold, her large, inhuman eyes, blinking open to the world of darkness. She knew this feeling well. It was time to break free after months of imprisonment. Meka, while she didn't mind or understand the weight of the situation on her, she was starting to get annoyed and rather bored of listening to the other prisoners, act all depressed and scared. She wanted to leave, not having much interest in humans anyway. Now that those grunts were gone, she muttered. "Who wants to blow this joint?" In what sounded like a soft, yet high, childlike voice, just as the guards left.

Fyssi had gone to sleep, it being dark out at this point, Farore, however, was staring out a window, his face pressed against it, kawing at the strange coolness of it now that dark had fallen. The moon was full tonight, and the stars were twinkling. He had been scared of this place at first, being first brought to against his will, but now, as long as that stupid thunder cat stayed away from him... it was starting to feel...normal
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 02:18 (4 Years ago)
Alya was in a deep sleep, having since been lulled by gentle humming and the coolness in the air. At least until she was jolted awake by a familiar voice: "Who wants to blow this joint?"

The Jirachi responded without hesitation. "I, I do!" She stuttered. With sudden, newfound energy at the prospect of escape, she stood up and slowly felt her way to the front of her cell. She peeked through the bars to look for the voice- the first voice she's heard in weeks- but was unable to see within the pitch blackness. At least she knew there was someone there, she thought.

Suddenly, metallic clanking could be heard as Alya pulled and rammed on the bars. Yet of course they wouldn't budge. They didn't when she first got here, so why would they now?

"Any ideas on how to break outta this place?" She shook the metal door, somewhat desperate. Still nothing. "No weak spots over here."
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 767
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 02:44 (4 Years ago)

xxxxxx Hearing the percussive tapping joining his song, Isa smiled yet his voice faded when the question was asked, laying heavy in the air. The night was his domain after all so his power was by far the strongest at this time. Stretching out his neck as a few vertebrae popped into place, Isa stepped back a few paces, to point a finger at the bars of his cell. Calming his mind, Isa took a breath as a focused blast of energy burst from his fingertip, smashing against the bars and kicking up some dust. There was a slight dent in the bars but the material held fast. He didn't say anything but calmed his turbulent mind once again. There was no need to feel defeated over a small set back, he rationalized.


xxxxxx Amused by the sounds of the other attempting to escape, Ritsu didn't feel the need to involve himself in such matters such as this. Perhaps it was because RainbowRocket had already begun to break his spirit, but he didn't feel the need to escape feeling comfortable in the lazy lifestyle that had been forced upon them. He was still able to do his work and the conditions here could have been a lot worse. But, he did have a reputation to uphold so it wouldn't hurt to play along would it? Unhooking his cape, he draped the cloth over his face and finally stepped out of the shadows, hands pressed flush against the bars. "If one set of bars is broken, I can get everyone out." He offered, speaking for the first time since he was stuck summoned. His voice was pitched up high and delicate, reminiscent to how they sounded all those years ago, and uncomfortable shiver running down his spine at the gross reminder of who he had been previously

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 02:56 (4 Years ago)
Spiri cracked an eye open, slightly irritated by the noise of the other inmates. It was night, and the grunts were gone, she realized, but was that a reason to make noise? "What the hell?" she muttered, lifting her head from her soft wing. "Why the ruckus?" She tried glaring out, still grumpy and triggered by the sudden awakening, this time not leading to instant freedom, however, not like anyone could see it, nor could they feel her fiery gaze as she wasn't staring at anyone in particular. She growled.

Meka giggled at the reaction of the other prisoners at her meaningless question. Of course they would escape eventually, she hadn't expected the others to be so enthusiastic. "No need for that, I've already worked out a weakness in my cell. You see, turns out the mechanism that keeps us locked in here is specific to each pokemon kept inside, except from the outside. My DNA seems to have overloaded the system with a trick I found. So if we do it quietly no one should stop us if you want to leave..." Of course, the door to her cell wouldn't just open, she'd have to break it down, but at least the extra security was gone. Mew, containing the DNA of every pokemon alive, it was harder to tailor a prison just for her, as she could try every trick in the book. Admittedly, she'd discovered the transform trick on accident, but hey, might as well take advantage of it before the humans found a miraculous way to fix it. Despite Meka not being aware of just what the humans wanted, that being to turn her over into their slave, she wasn't stupid, and she knew a prison when she saw one, and knew one may only have one chance to escape. She wasn't missing this.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 767
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 03:17 (4 Years ago)

xxxxxx That was it? Huh, then this would be a piece of cake. Making eye contact with Isa who was in a nearby cell, there was a small moment of tense silence before a small pop sounded and the two had switched places. Smiling at the sputtering Lunar Deity, Ritsu was proud of the little ace up his sleeve. Who knew that Ally Switch, a move that he had picked up just because it seemed fun and less tedious, would come handy in a situation like this. "So if I tried to open the cell, it should work?" He asked Meka, dainty voice cracking slightly at the strain put on his vocal chords

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 12:56 (4 Years ago)
"Uhh, I don't know....did you do something? I still can't see you." Meka peered through the pitch black, straining her eyes to see just an outline of the other prisoners. She shook her head, awaiting and answer. None of her moves would provide any light for very long. She'd need a fire type move or something.

Spiri sighed, at this moment fully awake, realizing what was happening. Without using any particular move, she let out a small trail of flame, lighting up the inside of her cell, making appear as somewhat of a giant lantern lighting up the dungeon, and well as filling the room with a smoky smell. She hoped it might provide some assistance to the escape plan, whatever it was.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 14:34 (4 Years ago)
Necro keep barging against the side of his cage loudly. It doesn't take him long to muscle his way out, using some of the energy he had taken earlier. "That was pathetic...." He mutters and looks around. No light is no fun for him. Nor for anyone close enough to see him mostly.

Shay shivers alittle at the slight cold air. "We're breaking our right?" She asks herself quietly, creating small flora to try to keep herself warm.
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 17:45 (4 Years ago)
Alya coughed as the room filled with smoke but said nothing, grateful for the light that was provided. She headed to the side of her cell to see the ones talking- just to gawk as someone already managed to squeeze themselves out. "I think so!" She answered Shay. Maybe they would make it!

"H-hey, um, if overloading it doesn't work, perhaps the cages themselves could still be broken?" She said, wanting to at least try and add to the conversation. "By, y'know, by someone it wasn't made for?" She offered, though sounding unsure about her own suggestion. The wish Pokemon glanced at their own lock, a slight glow forming in her hands as she wished she could Meteor Mash the thing to pieces. But she knew better than that- it wouldn't work and could set off something.

The nervous gijinka glanced at the others, trying to be patient, hoping that whatever plan the Mew and Lunala had concocted would work.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 17:48 (4 Years ago)
"That's exactly my plan. Overload the system, get out, then help out everyone else." Meka explained, promptly using an aura sphere to dent her cage. "Now give me a sec." Another two of the blasts, and the cage fell out of the socket, broken bars clanging loudly as they hit the ground. "Now, time is ticking!" In a pink flash, Meka zipped from cell to cell, unlocking the cages. Unfortunately that escape had been a bit louder than intended...
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 19:39 (4 Years ago)
"Give me some light to eat and everyone can leave." Necro says as he walks towards the light

Shay starts giving it her all to try to break out
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"