Forum Thread
BoomBoy's shiny shop of AWESOMITY!! [PAUSED]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → BoomBoy's shiny shop of AWESOMITY!! [PAUSED]
After completing my ULTIMATE GOAL #1, which was to buy a year of premium without using RL money, I promptly got the ball rolling with ULTIMATE GOAL #2, which is to complete my Kalos Shiny Dex! Seeing as I have premium, I decided to open this affordable, fun and trustworthy Shiny Hunting Shop of Awesomity (the noun of being generally awesome)
you may only place an order for the hunt that is listed under 'PokéRadar' in current hunts. thank you.

1. all PH rules apply
2. be polite, patient and don't be obnoxious
3. use your common sense
4. shiny hunting is mostly RNG-based, so don't rush me, its usually not my fault if I take ages (unless it is....)
5. this shop runs primarily on a first-come, first-served basis, unless I am already hunting one pokemon, in which case your request will be appended
6. I will not do SM or event hunts (unless you pay with the nuggets for the event pass as well)
7. be polite and constructive
8. please use the form provided, and it is best if you subscribe to the forum so I can easily contact you through here
9. to prove you have read the rules, use code TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana1578 (this code may change whenever the rules change so even if you are a regular please check the rules every time)
10. :)
11. I am within my every right to do what shiny hunts I want
12. I might have to reject your request (though it is unlikely) because I am unable to fit it in or I do not have the breeding pair
COMMISSIONS (basically my to-do):

1: DragonSumedh
2: Ninja690

1-3: BabyEevee22

1-2: C0FFee

1: BabyEevee22

1-3: DragonSumedh

1-3: BabyEevee22

1-3: BabyEevee22

1-3: DragonSumedh

1-3: BabyEevee22

1-3: BabyEevee22

1-3: BabyEevee22

1-2: BabyEevee22

1-10: BabyEevee22 *10 for 7*

1-2: BabyEevee22

1-2: BabyEevee22

1-2: BabyEevee22

1: BabyEevee22

1-2: BabyEevee22

1: BabyEevee22 *bonus - free*

1: BabyEevee22 *bonus - free*

1-2: BabyEevee22

1-2: BabyEevee22 *bonus - free*
Future Kalosian Hunts (not the scary ones):
Future Kalosian Hunts (the scary ones):
Current hunts:


1: DragonSumedh
2: Ninja690
none for me

From the Game Centre (no commissions!)
1 done :)


COLLECTING GEMS: fairy, psychic, for 1100 each :)

finished hunting but working to pay off our immense debt lol, buying DG :D

1: DragonSumedh
2: Ninja690
none for me

From the Game Centre (no commissions!)
1 done :)


COLLECTING GEMS: fairy, psychic, for 1100 each :)

finished hunting but working to pay off our immense debt lol, buying DG :D
COULD I PLEASE ASK THAT YOU DONT ORDER ANY SHINIES NOT ALREADY LISTED IN THE COMMISSIONS SECTION (sorry this is due to a series of bad hunts and the consequential backlog)

easy, normal: 50k
rare, hard: 75k
starter: 85k
special: case-by-case
possibly mega able but its not (eg a shiny gastly, because you can get mega Gengar, but the gastly aint mega): -20k off
mega able: 20-30k?
event: case-by-case, but its gonna be pricey...
25% off if you request a Kalos Pokémon!
If you choose an Evo line they will be half price, bar the first
e.g. helioptile + heliolisk = 75k * 1.5
goomy + sliggoo + goodra = 50k * 2
I will take pd, nuggets and water/flying/poison/dragon gems
[b][color=forestgreen]I would like to order
a shiny[/color][/b]
Go Read the Rules:
Go Read the Rules:
easy, normal: 50k
rare, hard: 75k
starter: 85k
special: case-by-case
possibly mega able but its not (eg a shiny gastly, because you can get mega Gengar, but the gastly aint mega): -20k off
mega able: 20-30k?
event: case-by-case, but its gonna be pricey...
25% off if you request a Kalos Pokémon!
If you choose an Evo line they will be half price, bar the first
e.g. helioptile + heliolisk = 75k * 1.5
goomy + sliggoo + goodra = 50k * 2
I will take pd, nuggets and water/flying/poison/dragon gems

Thanks for visiting the awesomest shiny shop you will ever encounter! Come again soon!
Title: sry its alot lol
Pokémon: 3 Fennekin
Payment: 127,500 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Bunnelby
Payment: 56,250 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 3 Fletchling
Payment: 75k pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 3 Scatterbug
Payment: 75k pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 1 litleo
Payment: 37,500 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: all 5 flabebe colours X 3
Payment: 562,500 pd (its rare rarity right)
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Skiddo
Payment: 56,250 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Pancham
Payment: 56,250 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 10 Furfrous
Payment: 309,375 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 honedge
Payment: 84,375 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Spritzee
Payment: 84,375 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Swirlix
Payment: 56,250 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Inkay
Payment: 56,250 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Binacle
Payment: 56,250 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 1 skrelp
Payment: 37,500 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 1 Clauncher
Payment: 56,250 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Helioptile
Payment: 56,250 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Tyrunt
Payment: 84,375 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 1 Dedenne
Payment: 37,500 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 3 Goomy
Payment: 112,500 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 1 Klefki
Payment: 56,250 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Phantump
Payment: 84,375 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Pumpkaboo
Payment: 84,375 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
I would like to order a shiny
Pokémon: 2 Bergmite
Payment: 84,375 pd
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
Pokémon: Skiddo
Payment: 50k? dont really know
Go Read the Rules:TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845 (no pressure)