Yes we are all kin but some of these dragons are from different
places, you could say they dont belong here but they unite to
protect those who cant defend themselves *B explain as best he can
since Aaron answer was not really a answer to say the least* What
is your name human
"Oh, um, I-Im Aaron." He says to the large dragon, still trying to
take everything in. He almost died. He was saved by dragons. There
are more dragons. He's not alone.
Are you afraid of me? Why do your kind fear us so much? *Black ask
with curiosity to the small human as he stretches his wings and
tail and later goes back to look at him*
"No, Im not that scared, actually." Aaron answers. "I'm just...
really, really surprised. And I'm not as scared of you as I am
scared of not knowing whats going on."
Aaron wonders why he's staying to talk. Is it his curiosity?
Usually, Aaron would have just made an excuse to leave...
Smart human you are, the less you know of me the more you are safe.
*of all the humans he has come across this is one was more the
wiser then the rest* Would you risk to know more or leave knowing
less? Either way I do not mind... *B was not holding him captive or
anything he could leave if he wishes now or stay, whatever choice
he made did not affected him at all*
"..." Aaron can't make up his mind. He wants to be safe, he wants
to have peace and quiet, so shouldn't not knowing be the way to go?
Innocence is bliss and all that. But what if another cyclops comes?
He should be able to defend himself... "Ok. I've made up my mind.
I'd like to know more, please."
What would you like to know little human *Black smiled a bit he
like company and to answer all he could until Aaron was satisfied
but never the less he was glad to meet this one of all somehow he
felt he was special*
"So, do all of you live together? Or is it more of an organisation
where you meet together?" Aaron asks. "And I saw the portal thing
you did earlier... how does that work? And how do you become a
human... or a dragon? Which is your original form? How you you
balance life as a dragon?" Aaron looks down. "Sorry, I just have a
lot to ask."
I am not associated with them you could say i am on the neutral
side of things but i help out the humans like you whenever I can, I
do no the numbers of there group but judging from how they leave
enter and coordinate there attacks they must work together. I know
very little portals *he lied obviously trying not to give the human
to much information since he didn't know what kind of portals these
dragons use* But i do know they must require a lot of magic to use.
I don't know how is it that these dragons can revert back into
there human form or the humans transform into dragons since my
transformation is different then the rest here. Do not worry little
one this very common of your species to know more of what they
don't know *Bahamut lies down into the floor letting out a small
sigh of being tired after the fight. B looks at another human, no
this one smell different he turns to the human trying to smell them
but he could not tell, so he just goes back to his original
"ah, thank you" Aaron answered, trying to process the information.
"um... I should be going now, thanks" Aaron glances behind him once
more, and heads back to his house.
*B looks at the human leave as he leaves he looks at the other
human and speaks* Who are you? *he said very curios toward Cloud as
he still dint knew what Cloud was*
Aaron walks into his home, and once again, collapses on his bed.
It's real. It really is. There are dragons, and there's no denying
it. For the first time after the time by accident, Aaron decides to
test his abilities.
*B stretch his wings and carefully fly away from the town making
sure there was no damage here and there. He lands far away from the
dragons and transforms back into a human he starts to rest since it
was a long day* God I'm so tired...
Aaron focuses. Maybe he can try becoming a dragon again... moments
later, he is a small blue dragon. He wonders if he would be able to
defend himself like the dragons he just met did. Enough for
today, he thinks. Its already getting darker. He begins working
on homework once again.
Jade had watched the exchange. "Time to go now." She opened her
mouth and created another rift back to base. "Phantom, burn that
corpse and come on." She spread her wings and leaped into the
Phantom nodded and happily burned the corpse. He then leaped
through the rift after Jade