Forum Thread
Sylveon Twins Sprite Shop (open)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Sylveon Twins Sprite Shop (open)pokemon: Shiny Eevee
border color: shiny eevee colours
background color: light pink (like pastel,, rlly light)
misc: Potassium intensifies
Blair animate my pokemon!
Pokemon(s): Shiny Eevee and eevee
theme: can it be exactly same as the example (the umbreon and espeon) just that replaced with shiny eevee and eevee? (Sorry for the confusion ><)
misc: Potassium intensifies
Blair make me a sticker!
pokemon: Shiny Eevee
misc: Potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Orbeetle
type: Fairy
misc: Potassium intensifies (if ya'll cant do gen 8 sprites then its ok ><)
pokemon: Scorbunny
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: Sobble
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: Grookey
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: Primarina
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: Litten
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb make me a doll!
pokemon: Popplio
misc: potassium intensifies
pokemon: Shiny Litwick
misc: Potassium intensifies
Seb, my pokemons a pop-up!
pokemon: Shiny Drifloon
border color: Shiny Drifloon blue colour
background color: Light purple
misc: Potassium intensifies

Credit goes to Grossdrop for these lovely sprites ^^ Thank you very much!
misc:Potassium intensifies
Title: Favourite Pokemons <3 Thanks In Advance
pokemon: Primarina
type: Electric
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Sandshrew
type: Fire
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Ribombee
type: Dragon
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Misdreavus
type: Ice
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Lilligant
type: Water
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Luxray
type: Ghost
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Entei
type: Ground
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Gothitelle
type: Poison
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Mawile
type: Fighting
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Nidoqueen
type: Psychic
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Absol
type: Grass
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Mega Audino
type: Rock
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Mienshao
type: Steel
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Frosmoth
type: Normal
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Lycanroc(Midnight)
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Yveltal
type: Ground
misc: potassium intensifies
Seb my pokemons type changed!
pokemon: Dialga
type: Fairy
misc: potassium intensifies
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Dialga
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Yveltal
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Entei
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Primarina
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Lilligant
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Luxray
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Gothitelle
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Frosmoth
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Absol
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Gardevoir
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Mega Audino
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Mienshao
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Nidoqueen
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Sandshrew
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Lycanroc(Midnight)
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Ribombee
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Misdreavus
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no
Blair make me a pokeball!
Theme/Pokemon: Mawile
Misc: potassium intensifies
Animation?: no

pokemon: glaceon with that devil horn i ever telled you
border color: white
background color: pastel pink
misc : potassium intensifies
Mazina ordered like dozens lol hope you dont get tired.. if you are tired just close this shop for a while and take a good nap ;)