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Trainerlevel: 58

Trainerpoints: 3,992/10,149


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
(Mega Gardevoir)
1,267685,680 / 6,024,586
Ponyta (Galarian)210 / 19
Ponyta (Galarian)212 / 19
Ponyta (Galarian)212 / 19
Ponyta (Galarian)212 / 19
Ponyta (Galarian)212 / 19

~Under Construction About Me~

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Hello! My name is Moon, a mod here on PokeHeroes, thanks for checking out my page :3

I became a mod here in November of 2021!
I'm always happy to help, so please don't hesitate to reach out for anything at all, my PalPad and PMs are always open ^-^

I'm 22 years old, a lover of all things Pokemon and have an affinity for space~ Purely aesthetically
I spend pretty much all my free time either playing video games, reading or drawing. And you'll often find me daydreaming about fantasy worlds :]

I would really appreciate it if you sent me any of the plushies that are listed in my Favorites ^^

Also, if you give me a Snom plushie, I will love you eternally <3

Number of people who have my eternal love: 69 (Thank youuuu)
Pastel Galaxy divider by thecandycoating

~Talented Artists Note~

All of the artwork that was on my profile by other users is still visible in my diary post!

Shiny Hunt

MoonLaLune is currently hunting Ponyta (Galarian).
Hunt started: 12/05/2023

Chain: 1,550
44 12 0

~My Precious Gifts’~

Thank you very much WolfLeLoup for this precious little doggo <3

Thank you very much to Mamaheather for gifting me this precious little squish <3

Thank you very much to zappled for gifting me this beautiful butterfly <3

Thank you very much to apache_885 for gifting me this precious little ✨shiny✨ squish <3

Thank you very much to todorokii for gifting me these lovely little pokes <3

Thank you very much to Mochi for giving me a lot of the Pokémon that I need to complete my Kanto dex <3


Space sticker gifs by localtanuki

Game Records

Trainer ID: #747151098
Registration: 11/05/2018 (6 Years ago)
Premium member until 12/Jun/2025
Time Played: 1082:42 Hours
Total interactions: 1,789,582
Money: 5,132,617
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta (Galarian) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #1383)!
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta (Galarian) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #1382)!
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta (Galarian) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #1381)!

I’ve had shiny twins before, but never had triplets! •0•
1 Month ago

Work on being more mindful of those around me and working on cultivating my fruits of the spirit ^-^
3 Months ago
Happy Halloween all! I hope that those of you who are going trick or treating get looooots of candy!😌👻🎃 And those of you who are staying home… I hope there’s lots of candy left over for you as well😋🍬
4 Months ago
The new cooking pot update is wonderful🥹
6 Months ago
Congratulations, MoonLaLune! Your Hoenn-Dex is now complete!

Aha! I'm so happy :D I hadn't realized that Latias was the only one I had left, I would've tried to get it much sooner if I had remembered lol

Thank you very much to everyone who helped me get the Pokemon I needed! And to WolfLeLoup for helping me get my Latios ^^
1 Year ago
By Anniversary - 1 Hour and 33 Minutes ago.
You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 5 Years now!

→ Claim your gift

Huh, already? Can't believe it's been so long ;^; Looking forward to spending many more with everyone! :D
1 Year ago
Congratulations! A shiny Gligar hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #87)!

A lovely Valentine's day gift for sure :3

Happy Valentine's day to everyone! Hope you all get to enjoy some sweets today ^-^
2 Years ago
Ah gee, I have so many that I consider #MyCoolestPokemon, but one of them is definitely my lovely shiny Growlithe who was the first shiny that a very dear friend of mine hunted and decided to give to me, he’s the best of doggos<3
2 Years ago
I hope everyone enjoys the new games! I love when a Pokemon game releases on my birthday, but I'll enjoy it even more this year because my brother bought himself Scarlet (with me having Violet) specifically so that we could play together since I won't be able to spend my birthday like I normally do this year🥰

I've kept myself relatively blind to what's in store for these ones, but I do know that the little ducky will be my starter ^-^

2 Years ago
I'm very happy to officially be a mod here! I look forward to being a part of the team and helping out as much as I can :D Pokeheroes means a lot to me, so I hope to work to the best of my abilities!

Thank you to the rest of the staff for trusting me with this position and thank you to Jacharias and Uzui for being my tutors, I appreciate the time you took to teach me the ins and outs of being a mod :) And a final thank you to everyone in the PH community for your support, all of your messages always make me smile ^^
2 Years ago
While trying to catch an Abra for my dex in Brilliant Diamond, I came across a shiny Bidoof :’) I wasn’t even hunting lol
3 Years ago
I'm feeling very proud of myself right now :) I just finished making my very first game as an assignment for college, and though it's extremely simple, it took a really long time and I'm happy with how it turned out ^^
3 Years ago
By PokéRadar - 12 Hours and 18 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Deerling (Easter) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #57)!

I forgot that I normally don't need to hunt for a year to get what I want XD
3 Years ago
By PokéRadar - 8 Hours and 29 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny MEGA Ralts hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #2345)!

YESSS! Over a year later of hunting, and I finally got her! ^^
3 Years ago
My dad started a vegetable garden about a month or so ago and his corn has started to pollinate now and he’s so excited about it, he was showing them to me and explaining what was happening so enthusiastically🥺
3 Years ago
Congratulations, MoonLaLune! Your Johto-Dex is now complete!

Yes! Thank you to everyone who helped me get some of the Pokemon I needed for this dex! And also to WolfLeLoup for lending me his Raikou, Entei, Suicune and Ho-Oh ^^
4 Years ago
By PokéRadar - 5 Minutes and 2 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ralts hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #398)!

By PokéRadar - 1 Minute and 19 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Ralts hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #399)!

YESSS! FINALLY XD And I got twins! :3
4 Years ago
My Ralts Hunt is taking forever :( I’ve hatched over 300 eggs and still no shiny and I’ve also only hatched one mega-able, at this rate it would have been cheaper if I bought one ;-; But then that ruins the accomplishment of hatching my own XD
4 Years ago
My Nintendo Switch came 4 days early and I’m so happy about it XD
4 Years ago
Hehe, I have made exactly 1 million interactions >:3
4 Years ago



View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
MoonLaLune 19 Hours ago
MoonLaLune 1 Day ago
Gojirath 3 Days ago
emiyu 4 Days ago

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Set #1
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Last Visitors

an_unimportant_manYesterday, 05:35
GosthTue, 25/Mar/2025, 20:11
angeldevilTue, 25/Mar/2025, 15:25
Beachy72Mon, 24/Mar/2025, 16:51


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Reading the news (3 Hours ago)