Username: ChikoritaMining
Shiny (and quantity): 2 Litwick
Breeder: FurryStar
Payment: 4 dragon gems
Everstone?: on 1 of them
Other: Thank you!! :3 I would definitely want to have a Chikorita
in real life...also if it's able to evolve into Meganium and
according to its dex entries, Meganium's breath can bring dead
plants back to life which would probably help the whole world and
climate change :0
Meet the Twins, Cookie and Cream! 🍪🥛 (Shade named them)
Username: newfull
Shiny (and quantity): Shiny Litwick (x3)
Breeder: FurryStar
Payment: 6 dragon gems
Everstone?: yes
Other: I'd say a Cramorant, because I want to slurp Pikachus......
and thank you
Please read the rules and use the forms!!! Also, look at the
section with all the shiny hunts and see the prices before ordering
please! Edit your form when you’re done!
Meet the Twins, Cookie and Cream! 🍪🥛 (Shade named them)
Our lab has a new scientist! ShadeUmbreon will be hunting Shiny
Sizzlipede at 150k-200k pd per shiny! More info will be at the
front of the lab! Also, check out our other scientists' hunts!
Meet the Twins, Cookie and Cream! 🍪🥛 (Shade named them)
Username: BabyEevee22
Shiny (and quantity): 3 Shiny Sizzlipede
Breeder: ShadeUmbreon
Payment: 450k pd or summons if im broke
Everstone?: yep
Other: zeraora wld be cool to have thoo