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Meltan and Melmetal

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Meltan and Melmetal
Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 389
Posted: Fri, 29/11/2019 19:39 (5 Years ago)
Hi all so i'm pretty upset and annoyed that Meltan and Melmetal are required to complete the Alolan Pokedex. This annoyance is because Meltan and Melmetal are not Alolan Pokemon. They are Gen 7 Pokemon sure but they are not Alolan. They were not released in Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Ultra Sun or Pokemon Ultra Moon.

They were however released in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee. These games are based in Kanto not Alola. However they also do not belong to the Kanto dex.

This suggestion is to get Meltan and Melmetal moved to the correct Pokedex, or to have them removed from being needed to complete the Alola dex.

I believe they should be listed under is Emera. (I list Emera because as it was pointed out to me they dont belong to Kanto, they are genless which makes them a nice fix for the Emera dex)
I look forward to everyone's opinions on this and I look forward to feedback on how I can better this suggestion.

Thank you.
Avi made by the amazing Nymphrasis
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 808
Posted: Fri, 29/11/2019 19:40 (5 Years ago)
i think it’s fine how it is, honestly. why does it matter? no support.

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon
Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 389
Posted: Fri, 29/11/2019 19:42 (5 Years ago)
it matters because they are in the wrong pokedex and they are required to complete the Alola Pokedex to receive Type:Null, this makes no sense they shouldnt be counted towards a pokedex completion when they dont actually belong to that pokedex in the 1st place.
Avi made by the amazing Nymphrasis
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Sat, 30/11/2019 14:46 (5 Years ago)
Actually, Meltan isn't from Kanto either. It can be transferred into Let's Go! Pikachu/Eevee from Pokémon GO, the mobile app which transcends regions. They weren't released on the Let's Go! games themselves.

Let's Go! P/E simply was the first game to come out after Meltan was released on Pokémon GO and Meltan does belong to the Gen 7 dex, which is indicated with the regional name on PH.

While I understand your grievance, putting them in the Kanto-Dex wouldn't be correcting a mistake, it would be making one, in my opinion ^^'
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Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 01:05 (5 Years ago)
Why would Meltan and Melmetal be included in the Kanto pokedex? They were released in Generation 7 with official dex numbers of 808 and 809, with the Galar pokedex starting at 810. They very clearly belong in the Alola pokedex and thus it makes perfect sense for them to be in that dex and necessary for Type: Null. And it makes even less sense to put official Pokemon in the Emera dex.

I'm not sure why some people have made such a big deal about Meltan and Melmetal being in the correct pokedex and I don't understand the desire to move it to a wrong pokedex. They were introduced in Generation 7, all the Generation 7 Pokemon are in the Alola dex, therefore Meltan and Melmetal go in the pokedex section for Generation 7 Pokemon, which is the Alola dex.
Trainerlevel: 101

Forum Posts: 1,145
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 01:48 (5 Years ago)
I mean... I don't care where they go as long as they are taken out of being a requirement for the Alola dex completion when that simply doesn't make any sense.

Being Generation 7 =/= Being Alola btw

Play SM/USUM and then come back when you learn neither of them are associated with the Alola dex, it's a fact.

Edit: Source for the Official Alola Dex (USUM Version)

Keep these images in mind before reading the next portion of my post.

<- (From Pokédex)

If what we had was a "Generation 7 Dex" instead of an "Alola Dex" here, then including Meltan/Melmetal in that for its completion would make sense and would be perfectly fine, as well as older Pokémon from past generations crossing over into it for its completion as well (like you see on that page). But, every past Dex here is strictly consisting of Pokémon that were newly introduced in said regions of said Dexes, and it's not hard to see that. There's never been any other special exception like this as far as I recall, and even such an exception like this just doesn't make any sense honestly.


Source; Meltan's Official Wiki Page

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Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 04:02 (5 Years ago)
I'm just looking at what makes the most sense. It'd be pretty weird for official Pokemon to not count towards completion of one of the dexes. Ultimately, it is a matter of opinion though. But my stance remains that since Meltan and Melmetal are 808 and 809 respectively, the numbers fit into the Alolan dex. Also, as I said before, they do fit best into the dex with all the other Generation 7 Pokemon since they're all from the same generation.

Given the information you've brought to light, I now see it's not a perfect fit like I thought before. But in my opinion it makes the most sense - much more sense than excluding official Pokemon from the count needed for completing individual dexes.

But ultimately, the whole situation is somewhat petty - what does it matter that you need two extra Pokemon for dex completion? Meltan candy is already pretty cheap, and prices will decrease. I think it just comes from people being upset that most of them couldn't get Type: Null instantly, and that this doesn't actually relate to people disagreeing with the specific requirement of Meltan and Melmetal for Type: Null. Once people calm down about not being able to get Type: Null instantly, no one will really care about Meltan and Melmetal being required.
Trainerlevel: 101

Forum Posts: 1,145
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 05:36 (5 Years ago)
It's not being petty, it's about making things right and informing others with correct information about them to hopefully resolve this mistake. I mean I genuinely don't care if my Alola Dex isn't completed at this point, and it can stay incomplete for all I care personally. If this were Pokemon like Magearna and Necrozma getting added here, and you had needed them for your Alola Dex completion, then I'm sure nobody would have really said a single thing about it. Simply because those Pokémon were brought up due to the introduction of the Alola region, and they actually fit in with the Dex. They make sense and there is no complications to be had with them, especially to those who have played the games enough that feature the Alola region.

Anyway, I think of Meltan/Melmetal as Pokémon that really don't fit in to any region, just because they occupy the 2 Dex numbers coming after Zeraora and coming right before Grookey, doesn't automatically make them Alolan neither Galarian at that. I don't believe they should be required for any sort of Dex completion here, not even the Kanto Dex like this suggestion is suggesting. Also, not every Pokémon introduced to any Pokémon game under any circumstance would need to serve such a purpose here. I know that it's great finally seeing Meltan and Melmetal here, and I'm sure many would love to have and collect them even if they get changed to not being needed for a Dex completion that they even shouldn't be required for anyway. Keep in mind there's still Galar ahead of us with many more Pokémon to collect here that would actually be apart of said Galar Dex, and have also been introduced due to the Galarian region as well. Nothing is really being lost by removing 2 Pokémon that don't belong towards a Dex completion and by making things actually be correct.

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Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 389
Posted: Sun, 08/12/2019 18:01 (5 Years ago)
Made some changes, Ive removed adding them into the Kanto dex and instead suggested them being put in Emera, like Missing no.

Also my suggestion wasnt meant to imply that i wanted them to count towards the Kanto pokedex so i do apologize that it came off that way. As mentioned I have improved the wording off my suggestion.
Avi made by the amazing Nymphrasis
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Sat, 27/06/2020 11:33 (4 Years ago)
This suggestion has received less than 60% support and was moved to rejected.

Total votes: 21
Support ratio: 52%
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

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