I rarely see THIS sight anymore, even if I make it appear for
just a teensy bit by refreshing the page..
It ALWAYS shows up like THIS afterwards :
And, it's getting kinda BOTHERSOME going to and fro to my Party page,
my Profile page or even my Storage
Box.. just assure myself that I still have my Pokémon in my
Party or even getting a glimpse of the hard work that our PH
spriters did ofc. :/
Yep. This was seen on my mobile.. not sure what else I haven't done
yet :
I have reset, turned OFF/ON and/or cleared my cached images (again
and) again on my phone.. internet connection is not a problem since
EVERYTHING else on this site is working swell for me EXCEPT for
that troll PARTY page. :,(
if you don’t have mobile version turned on, this can happen. i’ve
had this a few times but after a few seconds it has fixed itself.
try removing pokémon from your party?? try turning on the mobile
site version in settings (i believe is experimental), if that
doesn’t work then remove pokemon from your party with only a few
“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by
@cosmyn : If you have clicked on the "bug report" link, you'll
notice that 3 out of my 6 Pokémon won't show up on my Party.. when
I had that advanced mobile support thing enabled. It still
does. :(
I just wanted to see ALL OF THE SIX Pokémon in my Party not just
SOME of it. :c
It's possible that the images rarely don't load properly.
Refreshing the page or restarting the browser should usually fix
it. But if the issue persists for a longer period of time, then
this is definitely a bug.