The bug hatching contest has this feature, so I think the pokeradar
(and the daycare, as someone else mentioned previously) should have
it too. It would save so much time
But even if you have the direct link you can only see that pokemons
profile. it would be better if we know in which box it is present
just in case when we want to sell that pokemon and when we are
unable to find that one
So ots a give and chose situation. If you find where the pokemon is
(i.e. the person who owns it), but want to research further, then
thats on your own time rather then having to look throigh hundreds
of thousands of boxes to find a needle in a haystack
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
i was just thinking about why is it not clickable or link pkmn
directly, would make so many things easier, SUPPORT!
also dont mind but a better title would be POKEMON LINK in PR
Support. Dont see why this shouldnt be added. Definitely doesnt
take too long to code
Made by Acoustic!
😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass
Drakonia $hinyDONuT Imbored[/spoiler] A good shop for dex filling!