Forum Thread
Escape The Night -Sign Up- (Closed)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Escape The Night -Sign Up- (Closed)You have been humbly invited to the Witching Hour. You will be accompanied by your peers to overcome a murderer that will test your knowledge and wit. Have fun, and be on your best behavior.
The box had no return address, but you have heard off the Witching Hour, a famous recluse has been setting them up for years, it is a little costume party. It's time to get ready.
Escape the Soul Cairn

- Don't mini mod
- PokeHeroes rules apply
- Settle arguments outside the roleplay
- Three strikes and you're out
My Form:

Name: Noelle Yuletide
Age (18+): 18
Costume: Silver fox ears, tail, and a white hoodie
Personality: Noelle tends to over think things. He's sweet and nice, but is bad under pressure.
Avatar by Me
Age (18+): 23
Costume: A dragon with a mask to hide parts of her face
Personality: Cold and Analytical

"you were too correct"
Age (18+): 24
Costume: a black cat with a cat mask
Personality: nice and kind but with she gets upset she gets very angry and feisty
Other: when will this RP start?

~Moon|FR|CS|DESS|Sprite by ~Captain_B~|star~
Age (18+): 24
Costume: A dark fox-like mask to hide her face. Also wears an all black gown with two black wings she can move at will and claws on her hands (fake or real? nobody knows). As for clothing, she wears a elegant black dress that falls to the floor, and black shoes which allow her to walk silently on the floor.
Personality: Mysterious, reclusive, cold, charismatic, grudge-holding, vicious, cunning, thoughtful, quiet
Other: You can never tell what she's planning >:)
works with Madame Noir
Noelle's cousin on his aunt's side
Name: Sophia Londreesa
Age (18+): 20
Costume: Captain Phasma (cuz I'm edgy). No blaster on hand — and helmet is usually off
Personality: Sweet, quiet, party-loving, cunning, street-smart
All accepted
Avatar by Me
Age (18+):23
Personality:Mysterious, Smart
Other:Is like matpat in season three (#matpatforlife) (#ima nerd)
Please level up my Tobies!