Forum Thread
The Legendary RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Legendary RP

"you were too correct"
Necro sighs. "That kid knows what's up."

"you were too correct"
Archion slowly backed away, turning a corner, and made a break for the dungeons.
Archion, after catching his breath and seeing no reason to be quiet anymore, looked in all the cages for someone inside.
Archion kept walking, hoping he could just find someone and get them out or something. Something about being alone for the first time in about a month was calming to him.
After a while of walking, Archion sat a daydreamed for a while.
Flick sighed. "If the others don't get back here, we might have to move. Worst case scenario, where do we go?" he turned to his group.
Shay walks out of the base, flowers still wilting

"you were too correct"
Bi nods and takes the whole group and jumps everyone back to the normal time

"you were too correct"
Fyssi blinked. "Shouldn't we wait for the others?"
"What if we run out of time?" Flick asked, thinking through possible hideouts for them to flee to. "Even if they do come, we're going to need to leave immediately, because our enemies clearly know where we are."
"Wait! What about Archion?" Meka called.
Flick sighed. "He's on his own."
"Sounds good then." Zeta leaped down from the skylight, landing on all fours. He left the room.
Archion started walking again