Forum Thread
Design a Character For the User Above You! (V3)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Design a Character For the User Above You! (V3)Edit: Mega Cinderace
Pokémon with a mask either creepy or kitsune style
Mega Ninetales with either fire typing or fire/psychic typing
Edit: Mega Ninetales
Dragapult design (can be fusion or retype)
Clock/Steampunk theme Pokémon

Looking for: Any retyped Eeveelution
Any retype for Reshiram/Dratini/Zorua
Reshiram(Base) Fusion
Anything(Base)/Carbink fusion (Preferably Eevee but anything works)
Edit: I did Eevee/Carbink. I hope you like it uwu
Something horror
Cockatiel based off any theme
Non ghost type pokemon retyped to have ghost type
Mienshao/Mienfoo x eevee/eeveelutions fusion
Linoone(base) x zacian x cosmog
Rock/Crystals/Gemstone themed snivy
Sobble fusions
Espurr fusions
Yamask or Duskull fusions
Shaymin fusion
magical girl pokemon (not legendaries/mythical)
demon themed pokemon

The town inside me
Currently shiny hunting:

@makythemasky Finished! :D
(its a bit large jwhwj)
Latios(base)/Galvantula fusion
Zoruark retyped as smth other than Dark
Zoruark(base)/Lucario fusion
Scolipede (base) fusion w/ any other bug type
Pirate themed Zoruark (could just be a normal/shiny one with pirate clothes on sdfja)
Scenecore/Scene themed Absol (again it could just be a normal/shiny Absol with scene stuff jkfhasj)
(try and give the design some kind of accessories to help w/ personality :D, have fun with it!)
Shiny Sylveon is a dreamie
edit- i hate this but oh well
anything from the pokemon designs section of my wishlist (but pls read the main page too as it has important stuff)
Cockatiel based off any theme
Something with a mask
Edit: Done! I went for a coastal themed cockatiel. I had a fun time designing it! My toyhouse can be found on my profile page if you wish to credit that.

The head represents the sky and the
checks represent the sun. The body is the color of the ocean and
the wings represent clouds.

A Gogoat design (spring meadow themed)
Pirate themed Staraptor
or anything on my wishlist
Bumping with a claim~
A war-horse mudsdale?
If equine isn't really your thing-
A friend for my child c':
Preferably not a fusion, type changes are fine, sticking to smaller/basic evo Pokemon.
I've had Inkay/Phione in mind but other jellies/octo/alien-ish pokemon are fine too!
Light/pastel colours, cutesy themed - basically the opposite to what Vega is tbh
Besides that, I'll leave you with free rein over the design~
Looking for: Any retyped Eeveelution
Any retype for Reshiram/Dratini/Zorua
Reshiram(Base) Fusion
Any base pokemon with cosmog
Edit: Eevee Fusion
- A rabbit with cozy/comfort aesthetic
- Cockatiel
edit- this didnt rly go how i wanted it to but oh well
anything from here whislist, maybe an espurr / meowstic but if not anything works!
When claiming, please claim Stufful instead of CheeseWolf.
This is due to a new rule that has been created:

I am simply sick of seeing multiple people do this, so I'm choosing to create this rule to cut this sort of thing from happening any further in the future
Edit: Alcremie (Ruby Swirl)+ Zoroark please credit my toyhouse "Fifteen" :3

Next :3
Pokemon and fusions
Lugia + latios + latias
Shiny Vaporeon(Base) + Gyarados
Grumpig (Base) + Altaria
Zoroark(Base) + Aggron
Zoroark (Base) + Frosmoth
Stars :3
Reviving with a claim~
I've attempted the shiny vaporeon + gyarados fusion; However, I based it on mega gyarados - hope that's okay ;w;
@ Next
- A wildfire themed sawsbuck
- Any canine/feline Pokemon; Superhero themed (but not cosplay) that I could possibly pair with her
I'm not really looking for anything specific so if neither of these takes your fancy; then perhaps-
- A generic Pikachu or Eevee character
- Or surprise me with a random fusion c':