Forum Thread
31 Days. No longer accepting
Forum-Index → Roleplay → 31 Days. No longer accepting
The king nodded, “I see, We’re the attackers identified?” The king asked Rose.
Rose shook her head. "Unfortunately not. I only saw the signs. Not who. I wish I knew more, but I just thought you would like to know what I had seen" she said giving a small bow. Her blue eyes met the king's as she wondered fully what he planned to do.

"you were too correct"
"A what?" Gaz interrupted with a soft sigh.
"Uh...a great guy! Mhm, you are guy Gaz!" Dakota tried to lie convincingly.
Gaz frowned at this running a hand down his face, "You know this is hard on me. You are my favorite only after Hadrian. This is because you thought with logic rather than emotion and instead of causing trouble you would read in the library."
"Well I don't have to tell anyone. Thinking logically it would be more beneficial to act like I knew nothing and live. Right?" Dakota asked hoping to talk his way out of it or at least stall until help arrived.
"I can't let you do that. You will find someway to tell them. I know it." Gaz explained, "I am sorry nerd. Although as a final act of kindness to you I'll let you know this, you are right about Hadrian and I. Heck I'll let you see first hand."
Dakota sighed at the growing shadow. He'd die here and nobody would know until they found him in a few days. He turned his back on everyone and now he was alone in his final moments. If he had just another chance he'd be more sociable. He'd talk more, play games, stretch, you name it and he'd do it. And then he was dead.
Gaz lifted the body up and quickly entered one of Hadrian's secret passages hoping to find him down there.
To her own knowledge, she had been the only one outside the house that wasn't occupied with other matters, quickly Cheshire shut her mouth as she laid on the ground, limp and relaxed, I have nothing against anyone, but it's as though everyone can't stop worrying about things ever since last night and that announcement...
Cheshire began to herself before she herself up with a slight gasp of a revelation, Maybe those fights from last night tensed everyone up! I mean, my sisters seemed pretty worried last night... She grinned, "Maybe I can do something to boost the family morale? Yeah, that seems like a brilliant idea. Great job me!"
Concluding her thought, she jumped up, hitting her head against part of the topiary and falling back down with a thud. Several of the leaves fell, covering most of her face in sticks, leaves, and several bugs. Out of instinct, Cheshire screamed as she brushed the bugs off. "...Maybe it wasn't the best idea to suddenly get up."
Camelot wandered throughout the building, checking on the recent damages caused by Cheshire's presence. "...One damaged floor panel on the upper level," he wrote down in a small notepad. He then walked past her bedroom door, as expected she wasn't there. Quickly, Camelot flicked a light.
"Operational... Then..." He looked at the side of her bed. There was evidence of some glass shards, "Of course, a broken light bulb." This was normal for him to deal with. Cheshire's bad luck is unpredictable, but it really feels like he's been cursed more on a daily basis compared to her. Camelot was never one to ask others to help fix her damages, for as long as he could remember... Camelot has always attempted to fix up damages on his own with some money he's saved up working as a butler. It's tedious, yes, but it really would be a pain to ask everyone else to offer the money for repairs and replacement. That'd basically lead to the possibility of debt or owing the other employees. With a sigh, he wrote into the notebook how much cash he would need.
"That's practically a third of my money, huh?" Camelot yawned, still drained from last night. "I'll just work on it later... I need my sleep before going to town." The butler shut his notepad closed as he went to the servant's quarters to sleep.
(Cheshire's Bad luck total: 4... 5...? I lost track... 5. I'll just say 5.)

"you were too correct"
After awhile, Camelot finished it, minding the burns from the drink.
"Thank you, Drake, sir..." He still appeared tired, but at least he could think a bit rationally now. "Although, once again, you didn't have to prepare tea."
"Well... I just stayed up late is all... I was struggling to get a good... night's rest because of some shouting nearby," Camelot responded, with the occasional yawn, internally regretting that he had to lie. "Plus, I'll have to head to town to... repair some damages around the house as well." He was referring to Cheshire, but due to recent information about what had happen last night, Camelot might have to pitch in a little bit for repairs.