“This ones neat! A moon tailed Phoenix....maybe, I can try to make
She snaps her finger, and there lays a moon tailed Phoenix,
inspired meal, in front of her, leading off a pleasant aroma.
Rose sighed. "I don't know, but either way, if there was any sort
of fighting, the king should know. Especially if there is a
possibility that someone attacked his kids."
Hadrian nodded, He drank some tea and looked into the cup. “Could I
have a few minutes alone. I need to process a few things.” He asked
Gaz with a half awake smile.
(I'll just say Camelot is following along, sleep really does make
it difficult to catch up)
Camelot listened to the two, then pitched in with his own theory,
"I don't think there have been any fights recently until now
actually, but she has a fair point. Besides, the guards wouldve
probably kept track of who and limit those who entered and leave."
Soros focused on the tail and finally managed to get it out the way
he wanted it to be. He picked up a thicker pencil for shading and
started to use the pencil and his hand to make it more realistic.
"Could I get a few minutes alone?"
There was a ripple of shadow beside Haydrien and Lunara
materialized sat down beside him eyes sympathetic, "Do you wanna
talk about it?" clearly using her mind abilities, Lunara had
already detected her boyfriend's distress.
Aureliance came down to the library upon hearing Liliana's voice
and she smiled tenderly at the small child, "Hey there."
Yurei had woken up in his bed,
strangely enough. It seemed as though Yoni may have struggled back
to Yurei's bed when Yurei got knocked out, and then passed out
himself when he got there. He snuggled down back into the covers
and closed his eyes...
Hikari sighs and starts writing out everything she knows before
organizing her notes accordingly.
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"