Aureliance kneeled and draped her left
wing over Liliana, like a hug, "Well, I'll uhh get some blankets
down here, so we can stay up a bit. Some hot chocolate sound good?"
She gives Liliana a caring smile
"All right then, does anybody know which room the king is staying
in tonight?" Sonya asked twirling a bit before reaching into her
candy bag once again.
*Drake takes Fernando to the castle but he activates a switch and a
hidden door opens, this door is only known to Drake something that
he found has a child. He closed the door behind him so no one knew
of his hideout*
Aureliance got up and went to the coffee
machine. She put in the roast for hot chocolate, and waited as the
two cups filled up with the brown liquid. Carefully putting the cup
down on a platter, she put the platter down near their spot in the
library, she dashed gracefully upstairs and got the pillows and
blankets from her room. She set them up and built a fort out of
sheets and books.
The sheets drooped down on all four sides, and the inside,
Aureliance raised her hand up and it glowed white as she drew
energy from the moon. In all seriousness, the moonlight looked like
cotton candy. Tasted like it too. She ate some before she whispered
a spell and the moonlight fused into a bright light which she put
She also put in some books that she thought Liliana would
like. Lunara nodded, ¨Any particular ones
giving you trouble? I could have a talk with them.¨
Yurei rolled over, looking at the
time. Seeing he had slept for roughly ten minutes, he grumbled and
stumbled down into the kitchen. Seeing Aureliance, Yurei gave her a
brief wave and grabbed a cup, adding in a tea bag and two sugars.
Slapping the slab to begin boiling the kettle, he waited on the
Yurei slides his eyes over to the
other person, who he had never seen before. “Who’s that?” He asked
his sister, feeling slightly sour that no-one had told him an
unknown was staying in the palace.
Aureliance patted Liliana on the
back¨This is liliana. She´s a girl I found outside the palace
gates. She´s sleeping inside the library for tonight. Liliana this
is Yurei--he´s one of my brothers."
¨Well for one thing, my prince, I think
you should get some sleep." Lunara chided in a gentle tone.
¨Come on. I´ll shield the room to keep the noise out."
Glancing at the girl and letting up
his hand in greeting, he lent into his sister and whispered,
”Well.. why here? Where has she been staying before? And the royal
palace of all places..? I respect your kindness, Aureliance, but
I’m not sure it’s wise to let her stay for the night,” Yurei
advised his sister, pouring the boiling water into the mug,
reaching out for the milk. Sighing, he added, “Maybe it’s too late
now, but make sure she goes somewhere by tomorrow
(I’ll add to this quickly. Anything my characters do don’t show my
opinions on the person. Yurei is just a bit too serious sometimes
and Yoni is way too cocky)
¨I highly doubt she has anywhere else to
go." Aureliance murmurers sympathetically with the same volume
level has her brother, ¨If you´re asking who decided to keep her
here--I think it was one of the maids. Go talk to father or Soros
if you really have a problem with it. I wouldn´t trust Hadrien
around this kind of information though--I think hes a tad too
”Then... where did she even come
from?” Yurei frowned, grabbing some plain vanilla biscuits from a
cupboard. “Also about Hadrian, you think?” He added saracstically,
remembering when Yoni fought the masked character. That was
him.. right? It had to be... He thought to himself.
¨Like I said, I found her in the
forest."Aureliance repeated, ¨Her origins are unknown. And do keep
this from Hadrien--god knows what his cronies will do. We´ll find
her a place in the morning.¨
Hadrian nodded, “I’ll try” He said as he laid on his back. He then
slowly stood up, “I’m going to go get some food from the kitchen.
All I had for dinner was bread and champagne” he said to
(@Lunara; Isn’t being a were-dog already a power though?)
”Then ask. Also he literally has eyes
everywhere. Why even hide anything? He’ll find it out eventually.
Like I had to let Yoni out.. oh yeah I should probably mention him
and explain what he is...” He trailed off, mentally checking if he
was awake or not. Giving him a prod on the cheek in his mind, he
didnt move at all. He’s okay... right? He asked