Forum Thread
Error's Sprites [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Error's Sprites [CLOSED]Username: FrozenHeroes
Pokemon: Glaceon
Type: 5(1-5)
Other: Anything else?
Error, It's one with the stars!
Username: FrozenHeroes
Type:5 (1-5)
Other: Anything else?
Error, It's one with the stars!
Username: FrozenHeroes
Type: 5(1-5)
Other:teehee Anything else?
Colours: purple
Other: (any specific placement for the colours?)in place of blue
Error, It looks new!
Pokemon: (Gens 1 & 2 only) squirtle
Other: (anything else?)
Error, It wants to be a star!
Pokemon: Kyorgre
Type: (1-5) 4
Other: Anything else? what does the type do? (idk but do it! :D)
Username: Shinymew3217
Pokemon: shaymin (mimikyu will always be the base)
Other: i would like it to be its sky fourm please. can it have the horns and flower thing thats on its neck and the little pice of furr on its head? thank you in advance!
payment: plushie
Error, It's almost shiny!
Username: Shinymew3217
Other: Anything else? i loaf your sprites >:3
Error, It's sweet!
Username: Shinymew3217
Pokemon: keldeo
Style: blue with pink
Other: Anything else?


















Type is just what galaxy colour/design. There are 5 examples for the galaxy silhouettes/partial galaxies. So the first one showcased is type 1, the second is type 2, etc.




Username: FrozenHeroes
Type:foive (1-5)
Other:heheh... guess what error Anything else?
Error, It's one with the stars!
Username: FrozenHeroes
Type:i wanna da fiwf one UwU (1-5)
Other:you gotta guess Anything else?
Error, It's one with the stars!
Type:cinq(5) (1-5)
Other:potato hahaahhaahah Anything else?
Username: T0xic
Pokemon: Arcanine
Type: 1
Other: Nope
Error, It looks like an Animal!
Username: T0xic
Animal: Salamander
Other: E
Username: Hexe
Pokemon: Sylveon
Type: ummm 3?
Other: Thank you in advance!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Error, two have become one!
Base Pokemon:Sylveon
Second PokemonLunala
Palette of which?:Lunala
Error, two have become one!
Base Pokemon:Umbreon
Second PokemonLunala
Palette of which?:Lunala
Other: Tipping ♡
Error, two have become one!
Base Pokemon:Glaceon
Second PokemonLunala
Palette of which?:Lunala
Other: Lunala's wings on all 3 please, if possible, thankies!
Username: MetalHeadKendra
Pokemon: Swampert
Type: 1
Other: Potatoes
Error, It's one with the stars!
Username: MetalHeadKendra
Pokemon: Chandelure
Type: 3
Other: Gonna
Error, It's one with the stars!
Username: MetalHeadKendra
Pokemon: Zoroark
Type: 5
Other: Potate
Pokemon:charizard (Gen 1-4 Only Please)
Direction:right (Up, Down, Left, Right)
Speed:normal (Very Slow, Slow, Normal, Fast, Very Fast)
Other:can it be shiny,Ty
Error, My Mimikyu has a New Disguise!
Pokemon:Togepi (mimikyu will always be the base)
Other:Ty (any specific pokemon parts you want?)
Username: beckysh92
Pokemon: lunala
Colour(s): red and purple (gradient of two or just one?)
Other: thank you (anything else?)
Error, It's a tiny shadow!
Username: beckysh92
Pokemon: kabuto
Colour(s): yellow and green (gradient of two or just one?)
Other: thank you (anything else?)
Error, It's a tiny shadow!
Username: Beckysh92
Pokemon: kabutops
Colour(s): green and white (gradient of two or just one?)
Other: thank you (anything else?)

The Waitlist Length has Changed! 10 -> 7























Now I'm just gonna have to say, there were already 10 orders before you ordered, i just wasn't there to close the shop. I'll have to give you a warning, but you can still order again. Just be a bit more careful next time you order.

Username: SilverDragonLK
Base Pokemon: Shiny Lugia
Second Pokemon Charizard
Palette of which?: Shiny Lugia
Other: nope, Thx!
Error, two have become one!
Username: SilverDragonLK
Base Pokemon: Flygon
Second Pokemon Garchomp
Palette of which?: Flygon
Other: nope, Thx!
Error, two have become one!
Username: SilverDragonLK
Base Pokemon: Druddigon
Second Pokemon Charizard
Palette of which?: Druddigon
Other: nope, Thx!

Userbar made by MetalHeadKendra