Forum Thread
Hoenn Adventure!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Hoenn Adventure!“Anybody want to come check it out with me?” she asked the group members that were already in Rustboro City.
"Wish me luck!" She said, before running towards the gym and bursting inside.
You know life can be very tough. I don't understand why everyone's always rushing around. There's so much to do so much to see you in such little time. Maybe that's why I invoked in this journey. Maybe it was to make friends. Who knows.? Who cares? All that matters now is that I get to the next town. With my new Pals wingull, Wurmple, and Spark, I can't lose. Recently we've had groups who have joined us and our adventures. We all have separate hopes and dreams we all choose to pursue. I guess that's what makes us unique. However, it's one person, in particular, that's uniqueness has really fancy my eye. I'm going to keep pushing forward to be the best ace trainer I could be. Oh look! There's the town now! Till next time.
(Thanks, I try, you should try too)
" you...uh.."
Jona quickly runs into the gym
"Valen, where'd everyone go?" Ansia swings down from a tree branch landing with a thud, "And I just caught this Wurmple." She groans, she had been following it and had gotten off the path, "Alright, let's see if we can catch up. And maybe find a Taillow, if we're lucky." They head off, hopefully towards the path.

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
"I lost ;-;...."
Jona then stops marching to make the dreaded "blacked out walk of shame" back to the center. Inside the center, the nurse gasps at his 'negligence to the heath of his pokemon'. Jona...doesnt say anything... He just sits in a chair in the center and puts his head down and stares at the floor. *drip* *drip* *drop*

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!