Forum Thread
Hoenn Adventure!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Hoenn Adventure!She refers to her map again as she sees the giant forest in front of the group, smiling as she saw Shroomish as a listed Pokémon that lived there.
“I...I would also love to catch a Shroomish in the forest if nobody minds waiting for me as I do that.” Cherry says. “I never caught a Pokémon before, so a more experienced trainer by my side would be ideal, if nobody minds.” she explains.
"Oh my goodness! Whismur, let's catch this Slakoth!" Luna said, throwing her pokeball in the air to reveal her Whismur. They started to battle the wild Slakoth.
“Good luck, Luna!” Cherry says quietly as she passes by, hoping not to scare Luna’s Pokémon. Cherry goes on her own search for Shroomish, but goes through a trainer instead. She sighs and starts the battle, sending out Slushie. Lucky, Spheal already knew Powder Snow, and easily beat the trainer, who had 3 Wurmples.
Soon enough, a little Shroomish walked out into Cherry’s sight confidently, obviously thinking it could beat her Spheal. Cherry smiled at the cute and feisty Shroomish, deciding to fight it. “ do I throw a PokeBall, again?” she asked aloud, holding a PokeBall upside-down.
After using up all of her pokeballs, Luna caught the Slakoth!
"Woohoo!" She yelled, holding her newly caught Pokemon in the air. She went over to Cherry to help her next, positioning the pokeball correctly in her hand for her. Luna felt cocky, considering she was the first in the group to catch a pokemon.

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Pech leapt off her shoulder to greet Spark as they caught up to Luna.
Cherry whispered as the ball shook. “One....two...threeeee....” the ball clicked. Cherry ran over and claimed her new Shroomish. “I’m going to name you Brie!” Cherry smiled proudly to her PokeBall, and then her group. Slushie jumped around and around, excited to meet his new friend.
Cherry barely figured out how to open the PokeBall, but when she did her Shroomish can flying out and onto the ground, clearly not happy. “Hello, Brie! How about I use a Potion on you...” Cherry said as she sprayed a trusty Potion on her new Pokémon. Even Brie couldn’t help but relectantly thank Cherry for healing her. She walked back to her group after putting Brie in her new PokeBall.
(I was thinking...Lilly, could I possibly have Slushie be shiny? Simply because I want my Cherry and her partner pokemon’s colors to match color-wise lol)
"If the universe is truly billions of years old and I will be lucky to live to 100 does anything truly matter? Will I truly make a difference in this universe? What's the point for me to go on if I know that I'm just going to end this route one day? What is the point of continuing if I know that this "game" is going to be over? What's the point of making friends if they're all going to leave you someday one way or another? What's the point of love, hate, or any emotion for that matter if it's all going to be irrelevant years later?"
Jonas thoughts were interrupted by Sparks accidentally shocking him while trying to give him a nuzzle to make him feel better.
"Ouch! Yah know that hurts! ;-; but thanks for that, i needed it. Ready to take on another adventure Jonah walked out of town with leftover milk and cookies in hand and began again down route 103.