Forum Thread
Hoenn Adventure!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Hoenn Adventure!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
(calling it a night for now. gn!)

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
"Well, I guess I'll be the first to say it, I guess this town is full of beautiful sights, and it seems you're all the proof I need "
Jona then proceeds to walk back to his bench and all his stuff lying around in big, paper, party bags filled to the brim with tissue paper. Grabbing one of the colorful bags, Jona then sighs a breath of fresh air and walks back to cherry. Seeing her face he presents her with the bag marked Cherry.
"It isn't much, but I thought it could bring a little shimmer to that shiny smile"
Inside the bag is a silver necklace with a shiny silver/blue water droplet at the end along with some moo moo milk and a few lava cookies
"My mother's boyfriend was a big traveler and would always bring me stuff like milk and cookies from his travels. Heh. Well, have fun :D."
Jona then turned around, butterfree in his stomach, and proceeded to sit back down with his other bags, waiting for his other friends to come along. Wind slowly blowing against his face.
Even with the slightly wind, her hair remained pulled back in a ponytail, though a few loose strands in front of her face fluttered in the breeze.
Jona gives Tawny a soft scarf with the design of Pichu lined all around it and the colors of yellow and black. Along with it, is 3 glasses of moo moo milk and 3 lava cookies.
"Friends help friends right? Well, are you planning to stay a while? Our Pichu pals can hang out a while! Well, I'm heading back to the bench. See? That bench right there? The one with the bags and sleeping bag? Yah, that one!"
Jona walks back. You can see him murmur something under his breath, you can't hear it clearly yet it sends chills down your back. Is from sadness? Or fear?
Jona hands Luna 2 lockets in the shapes of a hearts with the smaller having Luna's picture and the larger having Whismur's picture. There's also 3 moo moo milk and 3 lava cookies.
"It's for you and your Pokemon! In case you ever forget why your fighting! Along with some milk and cookies to keep that fight of course."
Jona's smile is radiant and hopes he made everybody smile. Jona goes to the bushes and lays down in an effort to get a small nap but he doesn't intend to sleep. He lays down with his smile dissipated into a small grow as his eyes begin to water as he stares into the sky with the grass and leaves around him sway and blow around him.

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
"Hey, your the one who got here late right?!" Jona shouts in the distance
Runs quickly grabs his bag and hurries to the girl in the distance. Finally getting there, out of breath, he gets back up and hands her a bag. Inside the bag is two beautiful pink bows for her and her ralts. Along with some milk and cookies of course.
"I hope you and your ralts have a great friendship and grow very strong together! Huh? What with that look on your face? You seem...surprised? Huh...interesting...well, I'm almost ready to head out. What about you? Surely a strong trainer such as yourself is already to challenge the next gym right? Well, I hope to see you there!"
Jona leaves with a smile
"Uhhh... guys?" Luna said, looking at the large body of trees before her. "I think we should stay together for this place..." She said, waiting for everybody to catch up.