A game that I found on Tumblr->
It goes like this:
Person A describes a puzzle or trap that you might find in a video
or tabletop game, designed solely to mess with players without any
care for how it could possibly make sense in a place people
actually used.
Person B describes how this could be actually useful to people
living there. The explanation cannot be that it is a trap for
adventurers or the like. It can be something that has broken,
malfunctioned or been tampered with so it no longer fulfills the
original purpose-but the original purpose must be practical.
Person B then describes their own puzzle or trap to keep the game
The only rule is that you have to propose an actual pragmatic
explanation for the trap/puzzle.
I'll start: Why does this room slowly kill you unless you're
wearing a certain ring?
A pest extermination company was trying to develop a new way to get
rid of pests, and they tested it in that room, but realized that
they couldn't undo the extermination and created an
anti-extermination ring to wear when studying the method.
Why does this small diamond launch itself at anyone it hears
promise to do all in my power to see us through this safely
Serenoa Wolffort
⚖️ ToyHouse | Tumblr
⚖️ Gif is
from Triangle Strategy. Avatar was drawn by