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Posted: Tue, 20/02/2018 06:59 (7 Years ago)
How do I get to the mobile site? I vaguely remember something about there being a separate mobile-optimized theme you get to by putting something in the URL?

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2018 09:55 (7 Years ago)
A game that I found on Tumblr-> https://prokopetz.tumblr.com/post/163791862702/why-do-we-even-have-that-lever

It goes like this:

Person A describes a puzzle or trap that you might find in a video or tabletop game, designed solely to mess with players without any care for how it could possibly make sense in a place people actually used.

Person B describes how this could be actually useful to people living there. The explanation cannot be that it is a trap for adventurers or the like. It can be something that has broken, malfunctioned or been tampered with so it no longer fulfills the original purpose-but the original purpose must be practical.

Person B then describes their own puzzle or trap to keep the game going.

The only rule is that you have to propose an actual pragmatic explanation for the trap/puzzle.

I'll start: Why does this room slowly kill you unless you're wearing a certain ring?

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2018 09:33 (7 Years ago)
I've had some rather odd dreams. There's this weird thing that keeps happening in my dreams where it's like, the whole thing is an interesting although often deeply weird and nonsensical story, with large bits that could be taken and used in books or whatever...and randomly there is a cameo of a character or whatever.

So like. A really interesting story involving a world where instead of ocean there was just forest etc going on down following the general terrain of under-the-ocean in our world, a magic-based transhumanism sort of thing (using secondary bodies like in James Cameron's Avatar, except you design the bodies yourself with magic), and sapient species doomed to never actually meet in-person with the bodies they were born with due to air pressure differences in their native habitats...and for some reason the area it started in was an entire village populated entirely by Toriel recolours.

Or an interesting dream involving flying biodomes, a castle, and environmental restoration efforts in the underground goblin country, except randomly Asriel Dreemurr was there and supposedly 'Prince Edward". Also, Moana songs showed up, as did my mother's parrot.

Recently in the middle of a dream involving lion-based aliens in a semi-fantasy sort of story-the lionpeople had a gender ratio of 80% women and the males were relegated to guard duty most of the time, with a matriarchal government and adventuring and guardwork considered a dirty but necessary job like garbage collecting is in our culture, there was randomly, in the crowd in a scene in an inn, Frisk from Undertale in like, a fusion of Sir Aaron's clothes and a dress.

Other chaos has included randomly a dream remake of Pokemon Colosseum, which I have never played, which included things like being able to choose to play as Wes or Rui (which changes their backstories and in fact the plotline of the entire game) and a fully up-to-date pokedex; a dream which had Mum driving her car into someone which was apparently so out-of-character that the dream just gave up and became about time travelling demigoddess Moana instead which then random got a pyramid-horned photorealistic badly corformed unicorn which did not fit in the scene at all and was just completely ignored by the plot of the dream; a dream involving my year 9 science teacher taking the class on a school trip that involved flying on leaves that randomly switched to having Zapdos flying around and Jake from Animorphs cameoing as a whale; and a dream involving someone growing neon green apples trees that were growing absurdly fast (like, 'picking them is a full-time job the entire year' ) and he was so desperate to get rid of the apples that he made a boat out of the seeds.

Another weird dream: running from randomly-unable-to-shapeshift David from Animorphs using magic crocs Dogeressa, who was randomly my aunt, gave me that allowed me to teleport anywhere I could see.

Also, David was really fast for some reason. And there was a train that went to the beach?

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2018 09:13 (7 Years ago)
I should probably put some information about me here...

I'm a student from New Zealand, I like Undertale, Animorphs, watching speedruns and glitch explanations.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2018 05:56 (7 Years ago)
I'm trying out this game! Seeing if it's any good. Seems nice. The others I've played are all...like the base pokemon games but missing random features like Fly and breeding, or randomly Diggersby in the starting area. Stuff like that.

I've only played a little tiny bit of any actual official Pokemon game, and only because my friends would sometimes lend me their consoles for things like battling a few trainers or to see what I got for the Mystery Dungeon personality test.

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