What it says in the title. Since people rarely have many Private
Trades at a time, it would be helpful to have a notification.
Sometimes, when trading with someone, you might forget about a
trade while waiting for them to set it up.
I'm surprised this isn't already a thing. You get notifications for
offers on trades and gifts already so a notification 'someone is
offering you a trade' would be helpful.
Not sure if its been implemented(bc i havent received any private
trades), but I wholeheartedly support this!! As a breeder of
Pokemon, I know it'd be super helpful for my buyers to be notified
further of their Pokemon being ready- other than my usual way of
posting to my thread and palpadding them(if I even can).
Plus, as stated above- regular trading uses notifications to tell
you if you have an offer, ect.. so why shouldn't private trades:)
VERY support. It would be rather helpful, as of current you need to
check the private trade to know if you have any. I won a sHiny
Scizor once and I didn't notice that the user I had won it from had
set up the Private Trade until I checked. It had been 18 hours
since it was set up.