Forum Thread
Forum Subscriptions
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Forum SubscriptionsSorry if this has been suggested already, I'm on mobile.
Also another thing that some people may not have known:
I noticed this back in 2015 but I don't know if this is still the case... If a thread you're subscribed to is deleted [for whatever reason] you won't be able to unsubscribe from it and it'll take up one of your slots. :'D
I don't know how many times I've been in this situation. Let's just say... many times.
Full support!
So yeah if that's still the case now then i'm going to have to go with a no support to unlimited subscriptions, because even though it's annoying having to constantly delete subs I'd still rather have a faster site. I would however support maybe an increase of subscriptions. I would say set the limit between 40-50 at the least?