Username: Rini00 How long you been spriting?: About a year and 2-3
months. How many sprites you have made?: I'd say somewhere over 200,
but some of them aren't too great (most of my re-types) Got yourself a shop in PH?: No, I'm too lazy to set one up,
although I've had one on another site. What post you want to see yourself in?: You're call. Password: Megable Charmander ftw! :)
Well, obviously the owner, DeadMau5Pyro, went Hiatus. For personal
reasons. :3 As Co-Owner I will be accepting any form that isn't
breaking rules. So feel free to join our group now. :> Anyone
can, it's not invite anymore unless Mau comes back and declares it.
I Have Some New Sprites Made But is giving me problems
So I cant upload them. They look really good. all the sprites you
guys made look really good.
@Cynda I love the eeveelution eggs.
Especially the Sylveon one. The Glaceon egg looks a bit derpy to me
x'D CoughItsActuallyKanayaTheGardevoir @Foods *Steals the
Absol one because it's sah cute qq*
I Need Some Where To Upload My Sprites. is giving me
problems so I cant upload them there. the site has to be free and
does not need to be downloaded.
I will try Tinypic because I looked at Photobucket and I did not
think it was the best. I looked at that site foodslover and I don't
know how to use it XD