Here Is Some Thing I Made To Show My Sprites (v.2)
Ever Time We Sprite We Learn More And More. Some Sprite Never Grow
Old. We All Have Sprites That Did Bad And Good. Spriting Is Fun And
That Is Why We Do It.
I hope you liked that little thing i came up with :D
Username: EeveeLove
How long you been spriting? 1 month
How many sprites you have made? 23
Got yourself a shop in PH? yes
What post you want to see yourself in? spriter
I'm sorry guys I'm afraid I'll have to leave the Association for a
few reasons:
1. I'm not really even drawing anymore, just a sketch a month or
2. I'm reaaally inactive on PH due to college, and I'll just 8e a
name on the list soon.
Rage || More
rage || Ultimate
rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
How long you been spriting?:Actually like 2-3 days ago But I`m
How many sprites you have made?:11 so far
Got yourself a shop in PH?:Yes
What post you want to see yourself in?: Very Good Spriter