Forum Thread
PH Times
Forum-Index → Discussion → PH Times
Here every Sunday I am going to post a newspaper. As you'll know that for a good newspaper, I need a good crew. So I am looking for people who are talented reporters and can write well. My palpad is always open for trainers who want to work in the newspaper.
We are Always finding sponsors. We will advertise people's raffles or shops if they want by taking a small amount of pd from them. To make this realistic, the Crew Members would receive small amount as salary every month too.
Our Crew:

1. Suvichan (Owner / Chief Editor / Forum Admin)
2. ThCPro (Co-Owner / Forum Super Mod)
3. LordSamton (Co-Owner / Forum Super Mod / Editor)
4. Steel5299 (Writer / Forum Mod)
5. Lunara_Archeron (Forum Mod / Writer)
6. pokemonblack (Forum Mod / Writer)
7. Lillypie (Writer / Forum Mod)
8. JosieThePanda (Writer / Forum Mod)
9. Soul-Heart (Writer / Forum Mod)
10. ZiptheGlaceon (Writer / Forum Mod)
11. Absol-Girl (Artist)
12. Hipsterpotamus (Writer)
Our Issues:
Feedback Form!
Discord Channel!
Please Share the Words:
Hey there! We, the PH Times members, have a dream, and to fulfill it we need your full co-operation, for make the paper great and increase our readers.
Thus we request you to think about joining it. The link is attested [url=]here[/url]. Please do visit! [/i]
Hey there! We, the PH Times members, have a dream, and to fulfill it we need your full co-operation, for make the paper great and increase our readers.
Thus we request you to think about joining it. The link is attested [url=]here[/url]. Please do visit! [/i]
A note to everyone, don't forget to subscribe us.
Our Newspaper would cotain:
Pokemon of the week
Quotes from famous people
News from pokemon anime
New event pokemon news
Who's that pokemon
And we are finding sponscerers. We will advertise people's raffles or shops if they want by taking a small amount of pd from them.
A note for all staff members of PH Times,
I will hold a meeting later with all staff members sometime tomorrow. Everyone should be online together.

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Please click that Subscribe button above to get the latest information. Our next meeting will be held at the Herochat within 13:00:00 - 14:00:00. We will have to wait for Suvichan to confirm this.

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
i can write german text for german users :) not anyone from their can really god englisch i think it is helpful. i hope i can help you by this new art of Community here.
nice greetings from Shinova <3
Please Train her *___*
Thank you !

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Our first article would be posted on April Fools Day

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.