Forum Thread
Honey Tree
Forum-Index → Discussion → Honey Tree[Putting two honeys]
Female Slowyore (scared ayay)
Male Wurmple *5 pokeballs
[one honey on the tree]
Female Aipom (scared away)
Female Aipom (scared away)
Female Aipom (scared away)
[sleep time = 6 hours]
[still the same honey]
*last 24 hours of my tree

Grumpy Rogue (my fursona) by Navuso
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
You are so lucky...
I found a second Wurmple when I got Honey a few days ago. This time, I put an Everstone on, in case it evolves into a Beautifly; I still have a Beautifly, so a second wouldn't help my PokéDex.
No Celebi yet though...

"Have you ever considered that, perhaps, maybe, I am good? I was always the Queen, it was you who added "Evil" to my name."