Forum Thread
[Generation VI Spoilers] Mega Evolutions
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → [Generation VI Spoilers] Mega Evolutions1) Mega Pokémon have altered appearances.
I will be making Mega Evolution sprites for you to use; however, if you would prefer to use sprites made by the spriters instead, you can do so.
Completed Sprites:
2) Mega Pokémon will only be Mega while in battle.
How this could work (preferred method):

Pokémon will turn into their Mega
Evolved Forms when the player is in possession of a Mega Ring
(possibly a Key Item) and they are holding a Mega Stone.
Alternatively, Pokémon will turn into their Mega Evolved Forms when the player is in possession of a Mega Ring, the Pokémon is holding a Mega Stone, and a specific option is selected in battle; the Pokémon would then turn back to normal when the battle ends. If this method is used, Mega Evolutions will not be needed to complete the PokéDex.
Alternatively, Pokémon will turn into their Mega Evolved Forms when the player is in possession of a Mega Ring, the Pokémon is holding a Mega Stone, and a specific option is selected in battle; the Pokémon would then turn back to normal when the battle ends. If this method is used, Mega Evolutions will not be needed to complete the PokéDex.
3) Mega Pokémon need Mega Stones to Mega Evolve.
How this could work (preferred method - individual Mega Stone items):

The alternative would be to have
several Mega Stones, like in X and Y. If you do this, they would
have names like Blazikenite and Lucarionite, as they do in X and Y.
If you do it this way, I would suggest adding a new pocket in the
Item Bag just for them, so people won't have trouble finding them.
Also, this has the benefit of making it possible to have different
Mega Stones available in different ways, and it makes it tricky to
Mega Evolve specific Pokémon while not making the Mega Stone too
valuable (since it only works on one kind of Pokémon, instead of
all of them). They would still be activated when held, like they
are in X and Y.
There may also be a quest that focuses on Mega Evolution, with each step giving a different Mega Stone just like how the Harvest Sprite quest gives seven different Victini.
There may also be a quest that focuses on Mega Evolution, with each step giving a different Mega Stone just like how the Harvest Sprite quest gives seven different Victini.
How This Could Work (less accurate method - Mega Stone item):

The first way you could execute this
is by having an item called the Mega Stone. It works on any Pokémon
with a Mega Evolution and can be found in whatever way you like,
though I recommend making it through Rumbling or as a recurring
4) Mega Pokémon have heightened stats.
How this could work: has the base stat values
for Mega Evolutions, thanks to very specific calculations. If
PokéHeroes is allowed to use these values (meaning that you should
probably ask permission from the owner!), the Pokémon can have
their stats modified accordingly.
Alternatively, we can apply a multiplier from between 1.5x to 3x (Riako can decide) to the stats that are increased upon Mega Evolution.
Alternatively, we can apply a multiplier from between 1.5x to 3x (Riako can decide) to the stats that are increased upon Mega Evolution.
5) Mega Pokémon may change types and Abilities.
How this could work:

Poké already lists the type
changes and abilities of the Mega Evolved Forms of Pokémon that
already exist. The types could change accordingly; also, if
Abilities are used (I don't know if they are planned), the
Abilities could change to those of the Mega Evolved Forms.
6) We need support!
How This Could Work:

Do you like this idea? If so, please
advertise it in your signature! This bit isn't really necessary,
but it could help get more support and even make the difference
between approval and rejection! Here are some special banners that
you can use to advertise this thread, so your friends come here as






This should cover everything! I would like to thank SummerLight for her help with the idea of using Mega Pokémon here. Please post your questions, comments, and additional ideas here!
This is quite interesting. Here are my thoughts:
1. I don't like them, but this is a personal thing. I hated those MegaXMega evolutions in Digimon, like Omegamon/Omnimon. But as it's official Pokemon content, I wouldn't mind it being implemented.
2. It's part of Pokemon X and Y, so we should wait until those are finally released and add those Mega Pokemon along with / after the Generation 6 Pokemon.
3. Rumble battling hasn't been added yet, so this would be another reason to wait a little longer with this idea.
4. I forgot the 4th point XD
TL;DR: Nice idea, but maybe have a bit more patience until X & Y are released.
I agree that we should wait until X and Y are released; I just thought I'd suggest it early so that, if it's approved, Riako can have them all ready and coded for when they do come out. I figured it'd be easier if Riako can prepare them ahead of time.
By the way, I added five more banners! They all have different text colors, so you can decide by species, color or legibility. XD
To redapple777:
1) SummerLight and I have both already given the reasons why I posted this early. I do not feel the need to repeat them.
2) If you aren't going to clarify what you mean, I cannot help you at all. Please explain how I could make it better. (If you mean the quality of the image, I would like to point out that I used the screenshots from X and Y that were on the official Pokémon X and Y website, which are incredibly low quality already.)
To both of you:
It would be very helpful if you said your ideas on the suggestion itself, rather than just when it will be added and vague statements on what the banners look like.
If you still think I should wait, though, I won't be sad or anything if I have to close it; I am simply suggesting it early because I think it will be easier for Riako.
- maybe the best idea would be some kind of event?
- the event would be to obtain either the stone or the Megaevolution(s) ?
Normal Gems for Ditto collected:
1 561 / 10 000
To get:

+Pidgeot,Beedrill,Slowbro,Sceptile,Swampert,Camerupt,Glaile,Gallade & Event Megas
As for the "only in-battle" part, I put that in because it is how it works in the games. However, since most people who mentioned it said that it would be better if it were for everywhere, I will make a note saying that it could probably be more like the Gracidea Forme change.