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Contest-rules vent

Forum-Index Bug Reports Resolved Contest-rules vent
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 186
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 14:36 (7 Years ago)
So yeah... I have a few things with those new rules.

I'm mainly looking for a place to vent and to discuss the changes. Where to go? Right here? Under the post here? :>
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 14:38 (7 Years ago)
It's what the Bug/Complaint forum is for, so go ahead.
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Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 186
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 14:44 (7 Years ago)
Was wondering, since this is a recent vent.

But let me get things straight then:

Example: I had a birthday-rush-hunt for Sansica last year (she wanted a Cubone and I wanted to deliver). It was spontaneous and I used a hashtag. According to the change-thread linked above, I would have broken the rule (since mini-contests that don't require to be approved should not contain a hashtag). Also, my prize for that time was a shiny-hunt of the winners choice. Again, breaking the rules?

Another example: I want to hunt a shiny-mega. I will most likely take more than 3 months (due to it being random). I would like to raffle off the shinies/mega-ables I get, but that would be breaking the rules? Twice (more than 3 months, promising stuff I don't have yet)? Come on, you can't be serious xD

Will add more when more pops up.
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 2,894
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 14:53 (7 Years ago)
Not being able to offer art as a prize anymore makes me want to cry. ; ____ ;
That was a simple way to get people interested, because they wanted my art and now.. I can't do that, because I can't have the art ready before the contest starts, obviously, because I would have no idea of what I would need to draw for who! ;n; Uagh.
Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,335
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 14:55 (7 Years ago)
No more shiny hunt slots and no more free commissions :V
and those were a few things I liked to offer
I am sad tbh by the new rule
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 636
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 14:59 (7 Years ago)

Frisk Cat does not like that you can no longer give out free shiny hunts because Frisk Cat has nothing worth giving and Shiny hunts were the one thing Frisk Cat could give out. ~ =^-_-^=

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Trainerlevel: 99

Forum Posts: 1,159
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 15:06 (7 Years ago)
Shiny-mega hunts are too random pft. It just means you have to gather the gems/summon items before the hunt starts.

* Can't promise non-shiny legends as prizes. Gotta toss 'em onto AH or have 'em take space in your boxes.
* Gotta finish the shiny-dex before starting bigger hunts to use those shinies as prizes.
* 5% give back seems a bit small for a return; more profit oriented...but mergh
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Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 15:13 (7 Years ago)
Let me just address those points -

1. The mini-hashtag raffle: Would it have been that difficult to leave out the hashtag? Was it an actual contest or a give away? When was the deadline?

2. Shiny-mega hunts; If you're already planning on hunting the shiny-mega, why not wait a few megas/shinies before setting up the contest? You never know you might get an early shiny mega and everyone who entered might not get their prizes. We simply don't want anyone to start a contest, without any proof that they'll be giving away what they might not even get.

3. Art: Do forgive us for this insight. Nobody thought about possible art as a prize and we completely forgot about making sure that prize wouldn't be excluded as a possibility. A slight change to the rules has been made in this regard.

4. Free commissions and free shiny hunts: Pretty sure these fall under the 'Giveaway' category and aren't bound by the newly formed rules?

@Argentis - Not quite sure I understand what you mean? You don't need to have finished any and all hunts before you're allowed to offer the pokémon you don't need/want from them. We just want users to have a small reserve of the pokémon they're offering.
If you start a shiny-mega hunt and start the contest once you have two shinies and/or megas you want to raffle of, nobody will be stopping you in doing so.

If these answers don't correctly answer the concerns raised, please don't be afraid to continue posting here. I'll try to answer them as best I can.
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Trainerlevel: 99

Forum Posts: 1,159
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 15:21 (7 Years ago)
Was making over-arching general statements, though you've addressed them well in your reply CatLady.
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Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,335
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 15:23 (7 Years ago)
Let's say I want to do a Lottery (I actually did and worked well) where I offer as prizes shiny hunts and art commissions of winners choice. This is what I meant by them. Lotteries are usually having tickets obtaining by giving a small fees such as gems or PD etc. Therefore they are not giveaways/raffles. So...I guess those are no longer allowed ? :0c this is what was unclear to me
Sorry if the question is too dumb and probably already explained but I want to be 100% sure before I do a lottery
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 186
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 15:27 (7 Years ago)
The mini-hashtag-raffle took less than a day (again, a birthday-rush). Would it have been difficult to leave out the hashtag? Possibly not. But a hashtag is easier shared than a wall of text. Also, I usually boil down my hashtags to what it is. People usually know what I want from reading a hashtag.

Shiny-Mega-hunts: Yes, I could wait until I hatch a few shinies/mega-ables. But why should I be forced to do that? I could use the support of others (by sending Gems/money/whatever) to accelerate the rate of hatches. In my case, I wouldn't say I'm raffling out 10 shinies and mega-ables. I would phrase it like "Raffling off 50%/up to 20 bla/all of the shinies/mega-ables." I never promised something that I couldn't keep. Maybe the phrasing on the rule was bad/mediocre, since from what I could read, there was no way to make thar possible (either have everything you raffle or no contest for you).
Also, Id like to adress the fact that Shiny-Mega-hunts can take more than 3 months and cannot have a set date on when it hatches. Which would conflict with yet another rule.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 677
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 15:28 (7 Years ago)
Quote from CatLady
2. Shiny-mega hunts; If you're already planning on hunting the shiny-mega, why not wait a few megas/shinies before setting up the contest? You never know you might get an early shiny mega and everyone who entered might not get their prizes. We simply don't want anyone to start a contest, without any proof that they'll be giving away what they might not even get.

I understand your concerns, but I'd like to point out that people use those contests as a source of the hunting material (gems etc.). Without sufficient resources, they cannot start a hunt.
Trainerlevel: 85

Forum Posts: 648
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 15:36 (7 Years ago)
People can get their initial eggs from daycare or tall grass. Also, they can buy gems or the stuff required for the initial phase of the hunts,before starting a lottery. That would be convincing for the participants as well as it would not affect the hunter in any way.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 16:02 (7 Years ago)
@Akiruru - The art would still be allowed as a prize, the shiny hunts not.
We understand that it's a way to broaden the fishing/betting pool, but we've dealt with too many unfulfilled Shiny hunts [either because the user got inactive or forgot about the thread] to let that be as it is.

Mini-contests are defined by their spontaneity, but as it should be contained to one feed, a hashtag would break that particular part of the rule. Hashtags being spread, means the contest is not limited to one feed and becomes a hashtag-raffle instead of a mini-contest.

As for starting shiny-mega contests - You need an end date or an end goal. If it takes longer than the perceived date to reach that end goal, contact a Moderator and let them know.
or turn it into a weekly/monthly contest, where you give the hatched shinies/megas as a possible prize

@PkmnTrainerV - As Shinichi said, they could start using the DayCare and the Tall Grass at the beginning of the hunt and start making a contest for other materials to give the DayCare a boost. Gems aren't the only to do a hunt.
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Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 186
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 16:10 (7 Years ago)
So basically I would have to have one feed and one feed only. No spreading the word around and such (that's the point of using the hashtag in my opinion)? Sounds just as bad. Oh well.
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 16:28 (7 Years ago)
@xangar, generally, when i've held raffles like that, I've never had the need to use hashtags to spread the word (generally, i hate using them since well, yea. it's spammy to me lol, not saying it's a bad thing/frown upon people who do, though!)
but what I did was honestly just keep my one raffle post & then twice a day (or more), i'd just post a "hey! check out my last feed if you'd like to win some cool prizes! All rules/prizes can be found there" kinda thing
it still gets seen a lot, so you're still spreading the word, just not using hashtags

Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 499
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 20:43 (7 Years ago)
Just a curiosity thing - in the past, I've used a shiny hunt of choice as a prize in my mini-raffles. I was wondering if there would be an exception to the rule against using shiny hunts as a prize for this since this is something you cannot possibly obtain beforehand, but still makes a worthwhile prize.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 20:54 (7 Years ago)
Shinies are not impossible to get beforehand; all you're taking away the choice in exchange for proof that you have the pokémon you're offering.

Shiny Hunts aren't likely to be allowed again.
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Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
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Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 186
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 21:01 (7 Years ago)
Which is stupid, if I say so myself.

This will limit prizes so much. And might possibly reduce participants in certain contests (meh, there's a shiny I don't want, so no reason to help).

Don't get me wrong, I understand why you thought this was a good rule. It's to prevent scams and such.

Then, let me ask this:
Could someone possibly make shiny "vouchers" (for example, I have a few Magikarp shiny. I rarely ever trade shinies with my OT, which keeps their value high (in my mind, shhh) and people can exchange those vouchers for a shiny-hunt of their choice AFTER the contest? They would have an immediate thing to have and could get a shiny they want afterwards. Wouldn't technically be against the rules (since they get what they were promised, a shiny Magikarp in this case) and simply "trade" that for a shiny after that.
Trainerlevel: 83

Forum Posts: 1,335
Posted: Sat, 01/04/2017 21:04 (7 Years ago)
If I am right, this rule was implemented to avoid scamming cases. But even with this rule, scamming people with already existing prizes is possible. I do not understand this at all but alright.