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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 53

Trainerpoints: 6,803/8,479


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
1,1233,576,925 / 3,786,757
1,1333,592,984 / 3,854,467
1,0141,674,391 / 3,674,823
Summer Flaaffy19777 / 885

About Me

Now Playing: Self Proclaimed Angel - KAT

🃁 ⤟ ╼ 〨 ╾ ⤠ 🃁

🃁 Welcome to my profile 🃁

🃁 You may call me Lyney 🃁

🃁 They/Them 🃁

🃁 You’ll usually find me in the RP forums 🃁

🃁 ⤟ ╼ 〨 ╾ ⤠ 🃁

🃁 SM Braviary 🃁
SM Banette 🃁
1OS Eldelium 🃁
First to complete Keshi’s quest 🃁
Shiny Autumn and Spring Mareep 🃁
Lab ditto 🃁
Many PH Oscar awards :3 🃁
America's Choice fan-favorite award in Island of the Nuggets🃁

“Magic is an art of performance...”
“But before the performance can begin, a little 'preparation' is needed.”

“Haha. Well, it is indeed a gamble to place your trust in others.”
“But don't worry. Magicians might be full of hot air, but we will never betray the expectations of our audience.”

Shiny Hunt

Lyney is currently hunting Summer Mareep.
Hunt started: 07/05/2024

Chain: 45
0 0 0

Game Records

Trainer ID: #607416054
Registration: 28/06/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 3275:36 Hours
Total interactions: 532,919
Money: 156,115
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


Harpy Hare where have you buried all your children?
13 Days ago
My friend introduced me to Yaelokre like 3 days ago and I am FIGHTING the urge to redo my entire profile to be Kingsley themed before I quit,,,
13 Days ago
40 eggs and not even a mega able
14 Days ago
By PokeRadar - 47 Minutes and 16 Seconds ago.
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Summer Mareep in a row! You now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck!
14 Days ago
I have to brag on here too

So I finally cleared swarm disaster 5 on lunch break at work, and with those jades

19 Days ago
Highly recommend zenless zone zero honestly its so fun
21 Days ago
I’m playing zenless zone zero and tell me why shepherd looks so much like a stereotypical intelligent guy with like the hat and glasses wtf there are so many cooler models
22 Days ago
Hey guys artfight is starting tomorrrowwwww im team Stardust attack me at WindwardBard lol
26 Days ago
By Anniversary - 16 Hours and 32 Minutes ago.
You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 8 Years now!

→ Claim your gift

30 Days ago
I love being high level genshin i can annihilate everyone with lyney
1 Month ago
As of last night— I have officially graduated high school!!!!!!
1 Month ago

1 Month ago

This years Oscars will be a fun one! I guarantee it~
1 Month ago
Ill come out and say this right now

When I finish my Summer Mareep hunt, I will no longer be any sort of active on Pokeheroes.

I’m already barely active as is, but I want to make it an official statement.

No giveaways or anything, just letting anyone who might care know.

I’ve been on this site for years now, and unfortunately the site has just deteriorated in what I want from a game like this.

I was 10 years old when I joined Pokeheroes. I am now 18. Time flies. I will be graduating highschool and going to college. Isn’t that exciting?

In these years, I have experienced major ups and downs. I’m going to be honest here, this site contributed to a healthy chunk of those downs, whether directly or indirectly.

I am of course speaking about irl relationships and online relationships alike. Of course, the person who started this all is no longer on Pokeheroes, and to that I say good riddance.

I will miss you, my friends. But its for the best.
2 Months ago
My hunt starts
2 Months ago
Im actually going to cry misha has so many death flags right now
2 Months ago
Wahoo I have the breeding pair
2 Months ago
Yall ill pay like 50 nuggets for a summer mareep breeding pair
2 Months ago
Again— looking for summer ampharos
3 Months ago
Looking for a breeding pair of Summer Ampharos
3 Months ago

“Magic isn't just a performance art, it's also a way of thinking. Many things in this world seem simple at first glance but play host to all sorts of secrets if you look deeper.”

“Judgment uses truth to deliver justice. Magic uses facade to reach people's hearts.”


Last Visitors

ChoiYesterday, 22:09
AkuseruWed, 24/Jul/2024, 14:59
haisyhdaisyhFri, 19/Jul/2024, 19:29
socksFri, 19/Jul/2024, 19:27
CsoxiFri, 19/Jul/2024, 19:25